The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 598: 598

Chen Ge went to rescue old master Fang and them.

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In order to force himself to hand over the ancient witchcraft, tie Hongxiang not only tortured himself, but also the old master.

But their situation is obviously not that serious.

However, although the old man's internal diseases have been cured, the old man in his nineties can't bear the continuous fatigue, fright and torture.

When Chen Ge brought them out, the old man was in a coma.

Zuo Zhongtao followed Chen Ge with his tired body:

"elder martial brother, are you going? Where are you going? "

After listening to Chen Ge, Zuo Zhongtao can't help asking.

"I'll go to find the ghost operator master. I'll let the Chen family escort you all the way back to the southwest. Modao, I can't stay here!"

Chen GE's eyes flashed a touch of helpless bitterness.

Yunqing is too strong. If you can't escape, you may be trapped by her all your life. So looking for mu Han and second uncle is almost impossible.

Chen Ge had to find a way.


Zuo Zhongtao wants to say that elder martial brother let me follow you, but on second thought, he has little effect except to drag him down.

At the moment, the desire to speak stops.

Chen Ge patted him on the shoulder:

"I understand what you mean, but sister Fang Yi and grandfather Fang can't do without treatment now. As for Xiaonan, I'll think of another way. You go first. If I can get through this disaster successfully, I'll take time to work with you to cure sister Fang and grandfather Fang!"

Chen gedao.

Zuo Zhongtao nodded heavily.

"Elder martial brother, be careful

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"Well, take care of yourself and say goodbye!"

Chen Ge said, and then turned not into the jungle, blink of an eye, has disappeared.

At the same time, the cloud family.

Fang Yannan put a cup of ginseng tea on the table in the living room and took a look at Yunqing on the bed.

At the beginning, Yunqing really had the idea of killing Fang Huanan.

But after a short time together, especially Fang Yannan said those words to her, so that Yunqing slowly fell in love with this girl.

Although she doesn't say it, Yunqing hopes that Fang can stay with her.

Even if it's the time when you feel pain again, talk to yourself.

Fang's sympathy for her is inexplicable.

She is not a good person, but as a woman, Fang Rongnan can understand the pain of loving someone but not being together.

Are you and Chen Ge?

I'm afraid only these two women can understand the feeling of love.


The cloud clear double eyes that cross knee enters fixed, suddenly open.

The eyes twinkle.

"No, he escaped!"

Yunqing stood up with a flying body.

"Who are you talking about?" Fang asked

"Who else? Chen Ge

There was a flash of color on Yunqing's face.

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He has sealed his meridians without inner strength. How did he get rid of the witchcraft cult?

It seems that I really look down on you.

as like as two peas, you always say you are not him, but your cunning is almost the same as him.

Yunqing's mouth flashed a touch of aftertaste.

As soon as Fang Huanan heard that Chen Ge had escaped, a big stone hanging in her heart finally landed.

"You don't want to be happy too soon. Do you think he will escape my palm? no Never, this time, I will tie him firmly to my side, let him become my man

Yunqing looks at Fang Yannan with a smile.

Then straight out of the door, the shadow of a flash, it has no shadow.

As for Chen Ge, he is proficient in water evasion, plus the gain of avoiding water stone.

After fleeing Modao, he took the sea route and headed for panlongling, a Haicheng City.

But soon after, he found that his breath seemed to be locked in.

And no matter where you go, the breath of locking yourself will follow!

Is it God's will?

Is it God's will that I can't find Mu Han and second uncle?

Chen is anxious.

How many supernatural powers did she master? I'm afraid she's a real master besides master Qin Bo. It's horrible!

Chen Ge tried all his strength, he did not dare to give up, even if only a chance.

Three in the morning.

Finally, Chen Ge came to the foot of panlongling mountain in Haicheng.

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And that lock their own breath, also more and more strong.

Chen Ge knew that she was going to come soon!He rushed up in one breath.

Results in front of the scene, let Chen Ge astonished on the spot.

Because the whole Panlong temple is empty.

Inside the Taoist temple, it seems that it has been removed for at least a period of time, because some tabletops have begun to have light dust.

Chen ge used ideas to feel the breath of Taoism.

Sure, there's no one.


Standing in the back hall where the ghost operator brought himself.

Chen Ge is full of disappointment.

It was as if it was not easy to start a fire, ready to warm themselves, but at this time, someone poured a basin of cold water on it, and instantly put out the fire.

How can they suddenly leave?

Chen Ge wondered.

"Chen ge Chen ge... "

Just then, in the living room, there was a baby voice calling his name.

Chen Ge is alert immediately, search with idea.

But there was no sign of anyone.

"Chen ge Chen ge... "

Cried the baby in a low voice.


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A wooden board slowly split from the middle.

Then, a bamboo robot made up of bamboo plates, like a small mecha, appeared in front of him.

She has a unique shape. Although it is made of bamboo, she looks lifelike, like a four or five-year-old girl, and has two braids.

Her eyes, flashing a green light.

"Chen ge..."

She cried.


"You're here at last. I'll wait for you until the electricity is gone!"

Said the little girl.

"Wait for me? Are you conscious? "

Chen Ge was surprised.

"Of course, it is the master ghost who left me and asked me to wait for you. I am a mysterious work made by him, which is a little bit more intelligent than the computer! My name is Xiao Zhu

She said.

"Hello, Xiaozhu. It turns out that master ghost has already calculated that I am coming. Does he have anything to say to me?"

Chen Ge asked.

"Yes, when Chen Ge came, master GUI asked you to calculate your own destiny several times. But you didn't agree. Master ghost couldn't force you to do it, so you had to give it up. But after you left, master ghost still used Jiulong divination to help you calculate your destiny according to your palm print. He already knew everything, and one of the causes and effects might be connected Master, maybe I can help you out of this crisis

Said Xiao Zhu.

"Master ghost, it was me at that time. I was arrogant. What are the things, Xiao Zhu , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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