The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 700: 700

"Chen Ge?"

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Gu Yuxiao is also surprised to see him.

Chen Ge nodded: "although I don't know what you mean by jiuzhuan Jinshen, yesterday, sister Ziyan seemed to have mentioned it to me, but didn't say it in detail. Is it the secret hidden in me? King Jiuluo, are you here for this secret

"What an old song!"

The eyes of the ancient ancestors brightened.

He was happy and sad now.

Happily, I finally found this Chen Song, and in front of myself.

Unfortunately, because of Chen GE's powerful potential, it is too daunting. I'm afraid that a little carelessness will completely stimulate him. When the time comes, the whole family will collapse and the ancient family may be exterminated. However, he is so cautious.

But the person who opened up his potential for the first turn of his nine turn gold body was actually himself.

What's more, he just broke out the potential of the first turn, and did not recover the strength of the first turn. If it was after the ninth turn, it would really destroy the heaven and earth, and blow through the whole three realms with one hand!


"You have not answered me, what is the nine turn golden body God?"

Chen Ge asked again.

"It is the potential in you. Once released, it will traverse the three realms. This potential is enough to make all practitioners crazy about it."

The ancient ancestors slowly explained.

At the same time, Chen Ge didn't find that his hand had begun to run slowly.

"This potential, in me?"

Chen Ge asked.

"Yes, do you know who you are?"

The ancient ancestor swallowed his saliva and lowered his voice.

"Who am I?" Chen Ge asked.

All of a sudden, the old ancestor of the ancient family raised his eyes, followed by Chen Ge with all his strength and sneaked away.

Since the last result has happened.

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He will not continue to let Chen Ge develop.

Otherwise, the preparation of tens of thousands of years will all be due to failure.

Therefore, can only spell, with him!


However, the efforts of the ancestors of the ancient family just hit Chen GE's chest.

Chen GE's chest, instantly golden light.

The soul of the old ancestor of the ancient family trembled and flew out in an instant.

And the black light of his whole body dissipated in an instant.


The instability of soul thought made the ancient ancestors suffer a lot.

He looks at Chen Ge in horror.

"Oh, my God, this is the first thing. You have directly shocked my mind. How can this be possible?"

The ancestors of the ancient family were all disillusioned.

Looking at their own soul is gradually dissipated.

He was in pain and howled hysterically.

However, he was not willing to be destroyed because of this.

At present, he looked coldly at the ancient jade flute which had been frightened by Chen Ge.

Chen GE's soul cannot be shaken, but he can occupy the body of the ancient jade flute.

In that way, I still have a chance to live.

He wanted to attack the ancient rain.

"Be careful!"

Just look at Chen GE's handy finger, which directly seals the position of Gu Yuxiao's eyebrows, and Gu Yuxiao can't bear the power of Chen GE's finger and faints at the moment.

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Chen GE learned some things about the adaptive body from the mouth of rebar, and knew how to do it, so as not to let the soul enter.

No doubt, no matter how powerful the ancient ancestors are, at the moment, there is nothing to do.

"You are no longer the ancestor of the ancient family. I think you are a living old devil! After tens of thousands of years of existence, I think, you should be destroyed too! "

Chen gedao.

"Don't destroy me, don't!"

Chen Gecai would not listen to him. He knew that what he was afraid of was not his own true Qi and strength, but his own soul.

Because I don't know how many times stronger than he is.

His own soul, can break him in an instant.

"Go to hell!"

Chen Ge cold drink, the powerful spirit of soul, directly toward the ancient ancestors of the release and go.


The golden light flickered and hit his black one.

In an instant, the whole black awn was scattered and dissipated directly.

How strong.

Chen Ge thought: it is my potential that has been inspired. If so, I have already awakened the first turn of the yuan God. Can the complete awakening of the nine turns really destroy the heaven and earth?

Chen Ge can't help but say in his heart.

Chen Ge picked up the comatose Gu Yuxiao and tore off the mask on his face.

He has restored his true colors.

Just about to take her away.

Chen Ge saw again, in the middle of the secret room.There's also a weird device.

It's like a pool. There's a blue light on it.

It's blue.

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There is a lot of blue liquid, released from the blue lamp.

It's like that kind of automatic fountain.

"This should be what Gu Feng told me. It's the cornerstone of the secret method family to sublimate internal strength. This is the source of the power of the secret method family!"

Chen Ge thought.

"Since I've come, I can't come in vain. Gu Yuxiao, I'll leave you a special training method. It's a reward for your kindness. Alas, we are not on the same path after all."

Chen Ge smiles bitterly and shakes his head.

At present, the operation of the palm force, towards the cornerstone of a sudden boom.


The stone platform was smashed in an instant, and the energy liquid of the pool was directly scattered on the ground.

Blue crystal ball, is hit rolling down in the side.

"Take your old money and see what kind of arrogance you old lady will take in the future!"

Chen Ge holds the ball in his hand.

Soon, the figure disappeared.

At the same time.

"Not good!"

In the big forest, Gu Yuehong, who personally participated in directing the arrest of Chen Ge, felt upset and a palpitation surged into her heart, making her body shake.

"What's the matter with you, master?"

A subordinate asked.

"Something seems to have happened at home, and the foundation seems to have been shaken!"

Gu Yuehong frowned. This makes her feel strange, because the place where the foundation is hidden is too hidden. What's more, the existence of that one is guarding her. How can it be shaken?

You know, if the ancient family did not have this foundation, it would be tantamount to sitting on a mountain and eating nothing, and there was no further improvement in cultivation.

In a few years, there will be no new members of the ancient family.

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"Master, I found it! I found it

A subordinate, like a donkey rolling, rolled from one place.

All over the face of panic.

As soon as Gu Yue's red eyes brightened, she saw many children of the ancient family, as if carrying a man running towards here in a hurry.

"Have you found Chen Ge? As for the panic? "

Gu Yuehong tries to suppress her excitement.

My subordinate swallowed a mouthful of saliva:

"master, no It's not Chen Ge, it's the old style corpses! "

He cried.

"What? The body of the wind? "

Gu Yue's heart aches and her strong shock almost makes her unconscious.

However, when the subordinates carried the body of Gufeng, Gu Yuehong was held by people, and her whole body was weak.

Careful examination, it is his grandson antique.


Isn't the wind going home? How could you die here?

Who is that wind in that house?

Countless question marks have sprung up in Gu Yuehong's heart.

Until you connect things that have gone wrong.

She suddenly looked up, a face of Horror: "bad, all the people of the ancient family, quickly return to the ancient home with me!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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