The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 704: 704

"Hahaha, boss, I've confirmed that this man is absolutely crazy, and he can't be crazy any more!"

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All the people under him were laughing.

Don't talk about others. Even Du Yining looks at Chen Ge like a fool.

There's a bubble in this man's head.

He can be smart and kneel down to beg for mercy at this time. As a result, he talks like crazy. No, it should be crazy.

He is going to die. Du Yining had some sympathy.

Now, even compassion is gone.

Stupid, damn it!

She said.

"Master Li Da, I've laughed enough. I ordered him. It's a very serious thing. I didn't expect to be teased so dramatically by this man. Forget it, order him and let Miss Du watch it with her own eyes."

Thunder Tiger also shook his head with a bitter smile.

Li Da's mouth raised a touch of banter, and now, he walked directly towards Chen Ge.

And a button on Chen GE's shoulder.

He is going to throw Chen Ge into the gasoline.

But soon, he was surprised.

Because he found that no matter how hard he tried, the young man in front of him did not move.

I feel that I am not pulling a person, but a towering mountain.

Their own strength, in front of this person, is so dim.

Is it an illusion?

Li Da was shocked.

He is the master of the master, iron sand palm has been as fire pure green.

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One hand can kill an ox.

How can't you solve a young man?

"Ha ha..." Chen Ge looked at him with a faint smile.

The smile, especially the look in Chen GE's eyes, made Li Da's back cold:

"you What are you laughing at

Li Da asked in surprise.

"I'm laughing at you. It's pathetic. You're so sure you can kill me, and tell me such a big news!"

Chen Ge shakes his head.

At the moment, the body is just a slight shock.


We can see that Li Da's tiger mouth is directly torn, and the whole person is burst out by a surging force.

Hit the ground heavily.

See, his clothes have been blown into pieces into a stand, the whole person is extremely embarrassed.

The whole arm, with its blue veins protruding, made three circles in an instant.


His arm is dead!

Li Da looked at the young man in front of her in disbelief, spitting wildly. He Is it a man or a ghost?

And Thunder Tiger eyelid crazy jump, straight back a few steps.

Obviously, this scene scared him.

Du Yining is shocked to cover his mouth.

I thought this man was just a loser, a stupid loser.

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But I didn't expect that he was so powerful and existed like a God.

Everyone's eyes on Chen Ge have changed.

Because of a strong sense of killing, all people are covered.

"Don't mess with me!"

Thunder Tiger roared: "brothers, take out the guy, all pull out the guy, let him move!"

He was hysterical.

Brush, brush!

As soon as one of his men took out his weapons, he saw Chen singer gently wave all his weapons and flew to one side.

This time, everyone was dumbfounded.

Thunder Tiger has been wandering in the world for a long time. At this moment, he has thoroughly seen how the young man standing in front of him actually exists.

He will release Buddha is a devil, at any time a flick, can take all people's lives of the devil.

"Don't move, don't move, all back!"

Thunder Tiger raised his hand and motioned to his men not to act rashly.

Then, he walked slowly to Chen Ge.

Pop, get down on your knees.

"Big man, I I'm wrong

Thunder Tiger buckles his head directly, and his expression is all respectful.

"Yes, you are very smart. Talking to me in such a posture is the smartest thing you have ever done in your life."

To deal with these people, Chen Ge never talks about benevolence and righteousness.

Only fear, from the body and mind of fear, can really let such a person.

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"I I was wrong, too! Please let me live. I'd like to be by your side from now on

But Li Da saw that Thunder Tiger all knelt down and seemed to have survived.

He knelt down and kowtowed.

"What do you think you are and deserve to be around me Not even a dog! "

Chen Ge shook his head."Spare me a life!"

Li Da broke her head.

"This is a gasoline barrel. Just now you said you wanted me. By chance, I have never seen such a killing method. Today, I really want to open my eyes!"

Chen Ge said coldly.

The voice just falls, see Chen Ge raise a hand to suck, Li Da whole person flies into the gasoline barrel directly.

With another flick, a flame shot in.


In an instant, it ignited a startling flame.

Li Da screamed like a pig.

"Ah ~!"

Du Yining hugs her head and screams in fear.

Thunder Tiger with a group of bodyguards, but also spit wildly, cold sweat DC.

The man in front of me is a living devil at the moment.

Plop! Plop!

All of them knelt down and no one dared to look into Chen GE's eyes.

What's more, he peed his pants directly.

"That's right. If I knew that, why did you say so much nonsense just now?"

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Chen Ge shook his head and said with a smile.

Then he looked at Du Yining and asked, "Miss Du, I did not joke with you just now. If you really know the whereabouts of my friends, please take me to see them first!"

Du Yining swallowed a mouthful of saliva, she was to cheat Chen Ge, where did she know Chen GE's friends.

She was afraid that she might die if she told the truth.

But if you don't tell the truth, you will die.

After thinking about it, Du Yining still honestly explained: "I I haven't met your friend. I lied to you. I'm sorry, you gave me a break. I'll never dare again! "

"is it as like as two peas in the hotel?" "they went to the ruins you said," I heard the hotel store owner say, "the clothes that he took from him is exactly the same as those of your dozen people!"

Chen Ge asked coldly.

"Maybe Maybe it's the Xu family. It's Xu Shao's. Xu's and Du's have this kind of symbol on their chest! "

Thunder Tiger is bending down at the moment.

"Are you sure?" Chen Ge asked with a frown.

Thunder Tiger nods like pound garlic: "I am sure, dare to ask big man's friend, is 3 female 2 male?"


Ziyan sister is soul read, now three days later, she should have come out of Su Ruoxi's body.

Now Chen Ge nods.

"That's right. Two days ago, Xu Shao had invited several experts, and they were also extremely powerful. They helped to crack the deep part of the ruins! I have seen those people several times. They said that they were waiting for someone here. I think the people they are waiting for should be more powerful! "

Thinking of this, Thunder Tiger swallowed saliva: "should not they wait for the person, is you?"

"Yes, you, take me to them!"

Chen Ge put his hands on his back and said lightly.

Thunder Tiger shudders and nods like garlic! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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