The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 717: 717

Chen Ge just glared at him, such a woman, he is really lazy to pay attention to her.

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Now, it's time to leave for the hot spring resort.

Of course, Chen Ge doesn't mean to go to the hot spring resort for sleeping and lodging.

But the people there know themselves and let them call Li Zhenguo.

Inform him that he has come.

When making a phone call, Li Zhenguo heard that it was himself, naturally panicked.

"Chen Shao, are you ok? That would be great! "

Li Zhenguo said excitedly.

"Well, there's something I'll wait for you to come back and hear some of your explanations!"

Chen Ge said lightly.

"I understand Chen Shao. Now I'm leaving to return. I have to report this matter to you personally."

Li Zhenguo said in a hurry.

Listen to his meaning, really let second uncle say right, it seems that this matter, by no means accidental.

And Zhenguo does know some secrets.

Zhenguo doesn't know what's going on there. It seems that he is in a hurry, and his tone is also a little flustered. At present, Chen Ge doesn't ask much, but waits for him to come back tomorrow.

Until the next day.

Chen Ge is waiting for Li Zhenguo directly in the hot spring villa.

It's OK to be idle. Chen Ge is wandering in the villa.

I remember that when I came to the villa to play, I had just recovered Chen Shao's identity and made a lot of jokes here.

Looking back now, I think it was a wonderful time.

Walking in the villa.

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There was a loud noise in my ear.

"You, you, you don't have eyes. Do you know how much my dress costs?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I didn't mean it, I didn't mean to! "

"Hum, how can anyone come in to be a waiter in such a big villa? Even if you want to find one, you should find one with eyes? What do you say you're drunk

A woman was holding on to a waiter's collar and poking her finger at her forehead.

On the ground, is the champagne sprinkled all over the ground.

It seems that the waiter accidentally spilled the champagne on her body, and it seems that the waiter did not stand firm after being hit.

Chen Ge didn't take these things seriously. After all, such conflicts are too common in any entertainment place. He believes that the staff will handle them well.

However, when Chen Ge glanced at these people's faces, he was stunned.

It's a coincidence that these people are not others. It's the classmate named Li Weiwei and Huizi who met yesterday evening.

Of course, this is not the reason why Chen Ge is stunned. It is because of the waiter who was arrested.

Chen Ge feels familiar with her face. Take a closer look.

It's not my classmate.


It's Holland!

Chen GE's eyelids jumped slightly.

They were classmates. When Chen Ge was a poor student, they both worked as volunteers for the poor students in the class.

Her family conditions are not good, but her character is relatively tough, and her grades are excellent.

At that time, I had a good relationship with Chen Ge.

How is she?

Looking at her, Chen Ge is coming towards this side.

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At the moment, Li Weiwei's clothes are not so good-looking as she is wearing them.

She went too far.

There was the tearing before, and the shaking.

Now, I want to raise my head and slap Hao Lanlan in the face.

Chen Ge had already come over and pulled Hao Lanlan away. The slap didn't fall on her face.


And Li Weiwei naturally saw Chen Ge.

Next to her, followed by the same group of people yesterday.

But at the moment, a new glasses boy, with one hand in his pocket, was looking at the scene in front of him with a sneer.

"Almost. Have fun. Don't make trouble!"

Chen Ge is naturally indifferent to these people, and he has no good face at the moment.

"Chen Ge!"

However, Hao Lanlan was very surprised at the moment, and felt as if her breathing had become difficult.

I have not seen or heard the news of Chen Ge for a long time. I only know that Chen Ge is a very powerful young man. How can they climb up?

Now, seeing Chen Ge suddenly appear in front of her, Hao Lanlan is surprised.

Shocked, I dare not say anything.

"I'll go! I'm really drunk. Hot spring villa is still the first mountain resort in China. I really doubt that it's OK to have such a short-sighted waiter. What kind of cat and dog can come to this place? I'm not blind, am I? "Li Weiwei was very surprised.

Here is a symbol of a person's identity, but Chen Ge such a person actually came in, let Li Weiwei feel, this is the biggest insult to her.

"That's right. How did he get in?"

The rest of the girls obviously think the same way.

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"Yi elder brother, can you talk to the leaders here and drive this man out?"

Li Weiwei said.

"No problem. Since I feel a little bit of an eyesore, it's my word!"

The eye boy named Yi Ge took out the phone and nodded.

Then I really took out the phone and called.

"Hehe, are you going to drive me out? Did I hear you right? "

Chen Ge smiles bitterly.

"You wait, d-silk!"

Li Weiwei's vicious way.

While talking, Yi elder brother has already finished the phone, is helplessly shaking his head to look at Chen Ge and Hao Lanlan.

"Chen Ge, they touched me just now. I didn't hold the tray!"

Hao Lanlan was frightened. She was afraid of losing her job, so she quickly explained to Chen Ge.

"It's OK. Even if you hit the tray in their face, it won't be OK!"

Chen Ge said with a smile.

"What? Is there something wrong with your d-silk? You want to hit me? "

Li Weiwei is angry again.

After a while, a middle-aged man in his forties came running quickly.

"Chen Shao!"

Middle aged people are sweating.

I'm out of breath.

But he ran over and immediately called out respectfully.

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Chen Ge didn't see this middle-aged man yesterday. He seems to be a newcomer to the villa, and he doesn't know what position he holds.

But at the moment, he still put one hand in his pocket and said, "the villa doesn't welcome these people. Drive them out for me!"

Chen Ge opened his mouth, but also let Li Weiwei, their several girls were stunned, I go, he can order the chief executive here, won't he?

"Chen Shao, didn't you say you didn't come until noon? Come so early

The middle-aged man first glanced at Chen Ge, then ignored it directly, came to the front of the Yi elder brother, respectfully shook hands.

"My friends are worried. What's more, the hot spring villa is so big that I can't walk around all afternoon!"

Chen Yi smiles lightly.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

At the moment, a few girls are all laughing.

"I was scared to death just now!" Li Weiwei patted her little heart and laughed at the same time.

"Oh, miss, how scared to death?"

The middle-aged man asked in doubt.

"Hahaha, it's not because of this silly guy, director Zhao. Didn't you hear what the silly said just now? You call Chen Shao. He thinks you are calling him, but he says that you should drive us out! It's killing me

Li Weiwei covered her stomach.

"That's right. Look at him. He's really acting like this."

The other girls said with a smile.

"What did you say to me just now

Zhao, in charge, said coldly. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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