The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 742: 742

Duan Shao smiles, and manager Wang smiles.

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Even the waiter on the side of the dish is cold looking at all this.

Because, by the devil Duan Shao needle, it is like being selected by the devil.

The end was extremely tragic.

"Duan Shao, are you kidding? Ten dollars? "

Chen Ge really can't understand, this paragraph less where the courage and confidence, is because of the black robed monk beside him?

"Yes, ten dollars!"

Duan Shao reconfirmed.

"Well, I agree, but I have one more condition!"

Chen Ge said with a smile.

"What conditions?"

"That is, if you want to pay your family's life again, I can sell you ten yuan of floating dust. I think this transaction is more suitable for Duan Shao!"

Chen gedao.

"Ha ha, very good. To tell the truth, the master said that you are not an ordinary person. I can't believe it. I didn't expect that you are really not an ordinary person! Because of this, I give you face, but since you don't see the coffin and do not shed tears, I have to let you see a little red first! "

After that, Duan Shao puts down the tea cup.


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Suddenly, the black robed man turned into a pile of black fog and dissipated directly.

It is in the air after a rapid circle, and then fell on the side of Shen Piao.

When he appeared again, he had already grasped Shen's neck.

And the whole process, Chen Ge did not move.

"Grandfather, master, help me!"

Shen piaofeo was terrified.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Duan Shao stood up and clapped as he laughed. He looked at Chen Ge playfully: "how about brother Chen Ge, do you see the power of my master? If it's not that I don't want to kill you, it's you who was pinched on the neck just now. Of course, as long as I want to, your life is in my hands at any time! "

"This is the gap, which you people can't touch, so take out the floating dust and get out! Because in the eyes of a powerful cultivator, you are insignificant, just like ants. "

Duan Shao shakes his head and says nothing.

"That is to say, those who are shameless and think that they are rich are very arrogant, right? Wise people take ten yuan and hand over the floating dust and go away. Otherwise, you will surely die in Jizhou!"

One side of the manager Wang followed the insult.

In his eyes, Duan Shao is the king.

"The true man? I understand that Duan Shao's rampage is due to the existence of this cultivator? But has Duan Shao ever thought that if you rely on this cultivator, he is not powerful? "

Chen Ge asked with a smile.

"Ha ha ha, what are you talking about? Not strong? "

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Duan Feng burst into laughter.

"Yes, it is not strong, and as you said, it is not strong, but as tiny as a mole ant!"

Chen Ge nodded lightly.

"Enough Chen Ge! Don't act here. Are you trying to scare Duan Shao in this way? It's crazy. I haven't seen you for such a long time. I find that your cultivation is indeed higher than before, but your IQ is still so stupid if you don't increase but regress! "

At this time, the black robed man on the side finally said with a sneer:

"because others don't know your details, I'm clear, so you don't need to play, waiting for you, just die obediently!"

The man in black pinched Shen's neck and said.

The man was able to call out his name in this way, and listen to him as if he knew his past very well.

"Did we know each other before? I don't think that among the people I used to know, there are real practitioners! "

Chen Ge exclaimed.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

I do not know why, this sentence, let black robe person and Duan Feng all laugh.

"Otherwise, how can I say that you are still so stupid, and to my surprise, you have been exposed to your clumsy acting skills. Why are you still pretending to be calm here?"

"Do you want to know who I am? I'm afraid you'll be surprised to see me! "

The man in Black said with a proud smile.

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Chen Ge looks at Duan Feng, who is still sneering, and the black robed people who are full of banter and smile, and don't know what they are laughing at.

But this black robed person kisses is obviously very rude, Chen Ge does not use gold eyes, also really do not know who he is.

It's mainly because Chen Ge doesn't need it because he uses golden eyes.

"I'd love to know that!"

Chen Ge nods.

"Ha ha! Then you can see who I am

The black robed man raised his head and laughed, then pulled off the black robe on his head.

Closely followed, half face white, half face black and white old man appeared in front of Chen Ge.

He laughed.

Duanfeng also came and looked at the master with a smile."Chen Ge, I didn't expect that we would meet in such a way. Moreover, my appearance made you feel very surprised?"

The old man laughed.

Chen GE's eyelids jumped slightly.

"Indeed, I didn't expect it, and I was very surprised, because the one standing in front of me should be a dead man, right? I killed you in anling forest

Chen Ge was puzzled.

This old man was not the ninth uncle who appeared in the Fangjia period in Southwest China. Later, he tracked and killed himself all the way to anling, but was killed by himself.

But I didn't expect that he was alive again.

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In addition, he developed true Qi and became a practitioner.

It's really interesting.

Chen Ge is very surprised.

Because the breath of self-cultivation in his body is not internal strength, not secret method, it is real.

"Ha ha, I know what you want to ask. Why didn't I die? Instead, I became the most powerful cultivator in the world? What's more, I have my own title now

He still laughs, I'm afraid there is nothing like him at this time the most proud.

"Yes, I'm very surprised what makes you come back from the dead and come into contact with the Xiuzhen realm, a realm that can't be touched at all!? What is your title now

Chen Ge nodded, which was funny to say, but he didn't know as much as this dead guy.

"It's really a chance meeting. At that time, I was killed by you. But for the first time, a thunder suddenly hit my body, and I don't know what happened. I didn't die. What's more, I kept my mind on it. I don't know how long it will take for me to control my body again. At that time, my body began Something has changed

"What is Nirvana rebirth? This is it! I used to pursue the realm of inner strength, and thought that the inner strength was supreme. Ha ha, but I didn't expect that after being hit by the thunder, I condensed my true Qi directly. At that time, I thought I had become an immortal. Ha ha ha! I'm so excited to tell you all this now

The old man said.

Chen Ge also laughed: "with the real gas, do you think you have become an immortal?"

"I didn't know anything at that time. Until later, when I contacted some practitioners, I realized that I had become a cultivator and began to gain my exclusive title. In the world, every cultivator is a town level existence. Of course, it also has the highest honorary title. My title is yin-yang monk!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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