The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 754: 754

After that, Chen Ge took Shen Piao away directly.

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Looking at Chen GE's back, Wan Xue's heart, once again produced that kind of inexplicable palpitation.

If one is a coincidence, and two are coincidence, is the third time now also a coincidence?

But if his favorite person is not Li Shao, but the ordinary person in front of him.

It doesn't make sense in many ways.

Wan Xue's heart is tangled.

"This man is extraordinary!"

At the moment, Bai Bo suddenly said.

"Ah? What do you mean, Bai Bo

Wan Xue knows that Bai Bo is also an expert, but he can't step into the realm of cultivation in the legend.

At the moment, he was surprised.

"Didn't miss Fei pay attention just now?"

Bai Bo looked solemnly at Chen GE's back and said solemnly.

"Pay attention to what?"

"That demon cow is extremely ferocious. Even Li Shao and Friar Mo are not rivals of this beast. Just now, it could have killed all directions. Even miss, you have been in direct danger of life. But at this critical moment, the monster stopped moving forward!"

Said Bai Bo.

"Yes, yes, yes, Xiaoxue, you didn't have time to see it just now. Instead of stopping, the demon beast seemed to see something afraid of me."

XiuXiu is in a hurry.

Wan Xue was more suspicious.

"Do you mean that the demon cow was afraid of Chen Ge, so he ran away and we survived?"

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Wan Xue asked curiously.

How can this be possible? This Chen song seems to be a little ordinary.

To be honest.

At the beginning, when I thought Chen Ge was the right person in the mouth of the fortune teller, Wan Xue's heart was in fact some of Chen Ge's.

How to say that.

Girls, every girl's heart, will have a certain expectation of their favorite person.

In particular, the fortune teller gave himself higher expectations.

When seeing, with their own expectations, produced such a big difference, it is inevitable that the heart will have some lost emotions.

Naturally, there is no interest.

Obviously, Chen Ge is to let himself down.

Therefore, he became his favorite, Wanxue instinctively some exclusion.

"I still can't believe that he will scare away the demon cow. I think there must be some other reasons..."

Wan Xue said: "however, no matter how to say, or to thank the little sister just now, but for her, I really can't say it!"

Wanxue pretty face slightly red, light said.

At the same time, he also has some interest in Chen Ge.

I just don't want to admit it.

But Bai Bo just said that he should have looked away, and he didn't say anything more.

After that, the people of Wanjia obviously heard about it. Many masters behind the scenes went out to protect Wanxue, and on the other hand, they tried their best to find the whereabouts of the demon cow.

Because the underground ceremony will start soon, people of all families attach great importance to it.

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Let's go back to Chen Ge.

After leaving HuLong villa, Chen Ge returned to the Shen family.

As soon as I came back, I saw a group of people leaving the Shen family with great disdain.

Shen Tiangang, who saw them off, was embarrassed.

I didn't know until I asked.

Those people just now turned out to be executives of Wanjia.

Shen Tiangang is arranged by Chen Ge to handle the admission ticket of the conference.

Naturally, Shen Tiangang was very serious and invited people from thousands of families to check his qualifications.

As a result, people from all over the world don't look down on the Shen family, and they don't even think about the tickets.

That's why we got the scene.

To say that there is no ticket, Chen Ge also believes that his own strength, hard break in is not a problem.

But there's really no need.

Moreover, a lot of experience before, also let Chen Ge understand the importance of Tibetan front.

It's not going to be that rash.

"Mr. Chen, I'm sorry, you told me such a simple thing can't be done!"

Shen Tiangang is full of remorse.

"Uncle Shen doesn't need to apologize. It's hard to get into the underground grand ceremony with our Shen family's name. It's better to take Lin Jiu with me to join another big family, so that we can do things easily."

Chen Ge said.

"Do you mean, sir, that we enter the house of ten thousand? Now Duan's family has been destroyed by you. Now in Jizhou city, the biggest decent family is Wanjia. What's more, they are still the organizers

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One side of Lin Jiu said.

"Well, that's exactly what I mean. Lin Jiu, do you know the owner of the house?"Chen Ge asked.

"I really don't know this. Although Wanjia is a powerful family on the surface, it seems that there is a Xiuzhen family behind them. Many scattered practitioners in the cultivation world dare not provoke the people of ten thousand families. Naturally, there are a lot of high-ranking monks like us who are attracted to Wanjia There are four or five. It's said that there are still strong men like the Sanpin friars in every family! "

Lin explained.

"I see!"

Chen Ge nods.

As expected, the forces behind some families should not be underestimated.

As Lin Jiu said, there are many master practitioners in HuLong villa. It seems that this underground grand ceremony is very lively.

At this time, a luxury car came to the door of the Shen family.

An old man came down from the luxury car.

"It's him!"

Shen Piao was stunned.

This man is not someone else, but the old man I saw just now, that white uncle beside Wan Xue.

"Old man Bai Zizi, entrusted by my young lady, would like to invite Miss Shen and Mr. Chen to Wanjia to attend the miss's birthday dinner tonight!"

Bai Bo finished and sent two invitation cards.

"Ah? Is she the eldest lady of Wanjia? "

Shen Piao was surprised.

Bai Bo nodded: "yes, today Miss escaped from death. Thank you for your help! So if you want to invite both of you, you must be present! "

Chen Ge took the invitation and looked at it.

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At this time, Lin Jiu reached Chen GE's ear:

"Sir, it's really easy to get here. Wan Xue is wan Yaozong's favorite daughter. If she can invite you to her birthday party, you can be sure about the admission ticket!"

Chen Ge also nodded.

Although I don't know why Wanxue invited herself inexplicably.

But Wanjia wants to go there in person.

That's good.

On the one hand, let's see what the purpose of Wanxue is.

On the other hand, let's see if we can take this opportunity to get tickets.

"Well, I'll trouble you, housekeeper Bai. You can reply to miss Wan Xue. I'll be there tonight."

Chen Ge nods and smiles.

After Bai Bo left.

Lin Jiu plans to continue training Shen's children.

At this time, Chen Ge stopped him:

"Lin Jiu, don't be busy. I want to ask you something!"

Chen gedao.

"What is it, sir?"

Lin Jiu doubts. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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