The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 764: 764

"Who is this man?"

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Everyone began to wonder.

And Li shaozong, also can't help but open his eyes, looking up and down at the old man.

"Smile, it's you, you're not dead yet!"

Wan Yaozong covered his swollen mouth and said in horror.

"Death laughs at life?"

On the Li side, Li's owner, Li Feilong, also stood up in awe.

Obviously, this man's bad name, almost a little bit of the family, are very clear.

At the moment, Li Feilong looked at his son nervously.

"Shaozong, danger, come back quickly!"

Yell at Li Feilong.

And WAN Xue is also a little nervous toward Li shaozong.

Obviously, he is also worried about the safety of Li shaozong.

"Father, don't worry about me. Since this is a villain that everyone is afraid of, I, Li shaozong, will deal with the villains today."

In the face of such a strong enemy, Li shaozong's mouth, on the contrary, set off a smile.

"Ha ha, little doll, you are very good. From the very beginning, I thought you were good. Ha ha ha, because you are the most stupid fool I have ever seen since I lived for 300 years!"

Xiao cangsheng looked at Li shaozong and laughed.

A few days ago, I was seriously hurt by that person, whether it is their own self-esteem, or their own strength, have been hurt.

Today, with this conference, we must be proud of ourselves.

Originally, he thought Chen Ge would be a member of these big families, so he had been watching from a distance.

Up to now, I haven't seen a person.

He was finally relieved.

"Old man, today I, Li shaozong, skinned you alive!"

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Li shaozong's mouth twitched and clenched his fists.

And with his strength, his long hair began to dance with the wind.

It's so handsome!

"Shaozong, be careful!"

One side of the Wanxue worried shouting.

How to say, although Wan Xue doesn't like the man in front of him, even says some of his temper, Wan Xue feels very disgusted.

But who makes him his favorite.

And this part of fate, as if it was predestined by heaven.

Li shaozong nodded.

Then, he suddenly pad step, the whole human body, like a spring, straight toward the laughing mortals gallop away.

"Thunder fist!"

He let out a roar.

Around the fist, it seems to be instantly wrapped by a thunderbolt.

"Ha ha ha ha, fool!"

I'll laugh at you.

Holding out his big hand, a black awn hit Li shaozong directly.


The two lights collide with each other.

Li shaozong's face changed wildly.

The whole person's mouth, it seems, is shaken by this strong force to distort.

This time, Li shaozong has clearly demonstrated his second grade monk's strength, but in front of this man, he is actually vulnerable.


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Li shaozong wanted to hide, but he couldn't avoid it. He spat blood and flew out directly.

Hit the stage heavily.

A huge pit appears.

"My God!"

The crowd began to scream.

Wan Yaozong's eyelids leaped wildly.

Li Feilong also mentioned his voice in his heart.

Wan Xue originally thought that Li shaozong had the same victory as the last time he dealt with the demon cow. But who knows, it was the result of the last time.

It was defeated with one blow.

At present, ten thousand snow surprised to cover the mouth.

"Ha ha ha ha, you fool, who gave you the courage to fight against me?"

Laughing, cangsheng shakes his head.

Then he lifted his hand and inhaled, and Li shaozong flew directly.


Li shaozong kept screaming in the air.

"Dad, do something to deal with this villain."

Wan Xue cried anxiously under the stage.

When Wan Yaozong was at a loss.


On the stand on the smile of life, a glimpse of ten thousand snow.

"Female doll, it's also gifted. Well, since you are affectionate and righteous, let's just let Li shaozong and suck it up. Ha ha ha!"

At present, smile cangsheng is to raise a hand to suck, Wan Xue whole person was sucked on the high platform.

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"Friar laugh, please let my daughter go!"

Wan Yaozong was in a hurry.

"Snow and snow!"

In the audience, XiuXiu stood up nervously.

Wan Xue is struggling in the air.Wan Yaozong was even more crying: "laughing friar, I think you don't want to be directly enemies with that family. Besides, my daughter is not a member of the Xiuzhen world. What's the use of hurting her?"

Smile and frown.

Then he said with a laugh:

"if you want me to let people go, I'll let them go. Wouldn't it be shameless if you let me let them go. In this way, I can release one of these two people. Let Li shaozong die or WAN Xue die. I think you two can make your own decision. In this way, I will give Wanjia a face, ha ha

Wan Xue is nervous. Now, she looks at Li shaozong with expectation.

Li shaozong was even more pale with fear.

"Grandfather, please, let me go. Wan Xue is just a mortal, and we are all people of the spiritual world. Killing a mortal is like crushing a bug to you, and I'm valuable to you!"

Li shaozong yelled, pale.


Hearing the speech, Wan Xue was shocked.

She never dreamed that a man who had always been happy would say such a thing, and he compared himself to a bedbug.

"Ha ha ha ha, what do you think, girl doll?"

Laugh at the people and look at Wanxue.

But Wanxue, at this moment, is almost all silent.

Yes, ever since the fortune teller told me this, I have been waiting for the right person to appear.

He said that his lover is definitely a man worthy of his whole life to love.

But in the end, he was like this.

Wan Xue felt that fate had made a joke on himself.

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She just wanted to say, if you want to kill, just kill me.

At this time, there was a roar.

"You villain, even a girl is not let go. You say that you have lived for two or three hundred years. In my opinion, even if you live for a thousand years, you are a thousand year old son of a bitch!"

It was a girl who said this.

And this girl is not someone else. It's Shen Piao.

Seeing that Xiao cangsheng bullies a woman so much, Shen Piao is almost pissed off.

Now he was furious.

"Oh? It's really interesting today. I met three people who didn't know how to praise them one after another. "

Laugh at people.

"I laugh at the common people who have a habit. If anyone disrespects me, she will die miserably. No matter male or female, so you are very unfortunate

Smiling cangsheng shook his head and said with a bitter smile.

Now, display an array to lock Wan Xue and Li shaozong.

I'm going to catch Shen Piao.


Suddenly a white light came down from the sky.

I'm going to chop it directly towards the smiling people.

This white light seems to cover the whole underground arena.


With a smile on his eyebrows, he immediately flies away

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