The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 766: 766

This kneeling.

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The whole scene exploded.

Lying trough, the evil friar laughs at the common people and kneels down to this young man before he starts to do it?

How could that be possible?

Xiao cangsheng is a monk of three grades, with extraordinary strength. Who is this young man?

Everyone was talking.

And WAN Xue obviously didn't think of it.

At the moment, I can see the old songs with my hands in my pockets.

A huge aura suddenly shrouded himself. No, to be exact, it enveloped all the people underground.

This aura seems to make everyone feel palpitation.

Including Wanxue.

Ghost 16 how can not unexpectedly kneel down to laugh at life, at the moment eyelid fierce jump, is dead to see Chen Ge.

"A few days ago, I said I would kill you. If you don't wait for me to kill you, how can you escape while I am distracted to save people?"

Chen Ge stretched out a hand from his pocket, like punishing the children who made mistakes, and touched and laughed at the head of the common people.

"God, I'm wrong. I shouldn't run!"

It's a straight cry.

"You are really disrespectful to the old man. When I want to kill a man, how can he run away?"

Chen Ge said with a smile.

"The great God is right!"

The whole body trembles with laughter.

Chen Ge did not pay attention to him, but turned to look around.

"Everyone, today I represent the Qin family to fight for the control. If anyone is not satisfied, you can challenge me!"

Chen gedao, after that, he did not forget to pat his head and said:

"by the way, you don't have to come one by one. If you don't accept it, you can challenge me together!"

With that, Chen Ge showed a harmless smile.

"Lying trough!"

"Too cruel!"

Everyone in the audience was shocked.

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Who the hell is this?

However, no one dares to say a word, are obedient silence.

"Hum, boy, you are too arrogant. Where did you put my GUI Hai sect ghost 16?"

And the ghost was angry.

He didn't even think of himself as an opponent.

"Have you not been here all the time?"

Chen Ge said.

"You! Baga

Ghost 16 is furious.

"Hum, shameless child, master ghost, you can kill this arrogant child without leaving your hand!"

And Li Feilong is also angry at the moment.

This person is actually open to challenge, want to control the power, simply want to die!

"Boy, today I'll teach you how to return to Shanghai school!"

And ghost 16 has drawn his sword at the moment.

A sword's awn is passed directly.

This time the light is more powerful.

One of the unique skills of Guihai School: Thirteen moves of cutting off water flow!

One knife can cut off the water, two knives can cut off the soul, and three knives can destroy the soul!

And ghost 16, now has been trained into the realm of one strike and three knives.

The sword has been cut off, and the soul is gone!

And WAN Xue, looking at Chen Ge nervously, is afraid that Chen Ge appears dangerous.

After all, the boy who really let his heart throb was always him.

Now, he seems to be the real master.

Therefore, Wan Xue is in a very complicated mood when facing Chen Ge at the moment.


However, ghost 16's fatal blow has just fallen.

A scene that made everyone stare big happened.

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We can see Chen Ge with one hand in his pocket and the other hand holding it gently.

As light as it is, it actually caught the blade of ghost 16.


Ghost 16 was full of horror.

I want to twitch, but I can't.

"What kind of stunt are you doing? What is the school of returning to Shanghai? "

Chen Ge asked lightly.


The ghost 16 uses all one's strength, also can't move at all.

"Very well, you seem to be better than I thought!"

And ghost 16 angry extremely counter smile.

"Oh? So, you still have a stunt? "

Seeing his expression, Chen Ge could not help being complacent.

"Flame knife!"

See ghost 16 suddenly closed his eyes, and when he opened again, his eyes suddenly appeared a touch of flame.

Then, his blade was covered with a flame.

Unfortunately, seeing this flame is about to burn to Chen Ge, suddenly Zi sound, directly extinguished.

"How could that be possible?"

The ghost's eyes were wide open.

The youth in front of him had already made him feel incredible.Chen Ge also can see that he has been holding his blade. I'm afraid he will not tell him what he wants to know.

At present, Chen Ge loosened the blade.

Ghost 16 goes back and forth.

Brush, brush, brush!

At this time, from the position of Li's house, there were seven sounds.

Seven figures flashed out of the darkness.

Surround Chen Ge directly.


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Cried the seven.

The seven, dressed in stoic clothing, were all masked.

Holding a steel knife, murderous.

"Sir, do you really want to fight against the Shanghai school with me? You know, this miracle of Taiwu mountain is very important for me to return to Shanghai school. If you insist on fighting for control, you will offend the whole returnees? "

Ghost 16 stood up and warned.

"So it is..."

Chen Ge nodded thoughtfully.

"Hum, why are you afraid? Why don't you just sit down and make friends

Ghost 16 light forward.

"Well, you shouldn't have said that!"

Chen Ge shakes his head.

"Well? What do you mean, sir

The ghost stopped at sixteen.

"Originally, I just wanted to repel you and ask you about your cultivation route and sects. That's all. But just now you threatened me! And intimidate me

Chen Ge said.

"What do you want? Do you really don't know how good the Guihai school is? "

Ghost 16 has a strong sense of uneasiness in his heart.

"Because you threatened me, so you must pay the price of life, originally, you can not die!"

Chen Ge said with one hand in his pocket.


The ghost's eyes flashed through his anger.

He held his long blade tightly.

And Chen Ge flicks his fingers.


The two kneecaps of ghost 16 are penetrated in an instant.


He screamed and knelt down in front of Chen Ge.

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The man who surrounded Chen Ge raised his sword and started.

Chen raised his hand.

A circular air awn, with Chen Ge as the center, diffuses around.

Like seven little sheep, they flew out in an instant.

"Spare me!"

Ghost 16 begged for mercy.

Only now did he find out why he was so happy when he saw him.


Facing him, a sense of powerlessness swept through his body.

"We belong to the Shanghai school, which is a mysterious sect of Japan. It has a history of thousands of years. There are many masters and great gods. You don't have to offend us

Ghost 16 is in a hurry.

"That's not true. Since I want this control, I have already offended? I'm sure you'll get into trouble with me, right? "

Chen gedao.

"Yes, so as long as you can hand over the control, I will ask you to return to Shanghai school and spare your life!"

Ghost 16 flustered way.

"You still don't understand what I mean. My style of doing things is that since I have offended you, it's better to be thorough. You will die here. If you return to the Shanghai school to ask for trouble, I will kill you soon."

Chen GE's eyes were fixed.

One hand out.

The air was released and condensed into a pair of big hands.

I'll catch the ghost 16 directly.

Chen Ge clenched his fist.


A bloody scene appeared, ghost 16, directly into the meat mud


Cruel scene, let the whole audience howl , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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