The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 768: 768

This group of big men quickly rushed to surround Shen Piao.

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"Jiaojiao, what happened?"

The first big Han road.

If you look closely, you can see that this big man is not someone else. It is the man who shook hands with Chen Ge a few days ago and was tricked by Chen Ge.

"Brother Biao, I was beaten and slapped in public. Do you remember that boy in the parking lot of HuLong mountain villa last time? Shen Piao has a lot to do with him."

At present, Li Jiaojiao embellished the matter.

"Damn it, I've been looking for that boy for a long time. If I find him, I must have cut him off. Now, let's count the old and new hatred together. How dare you beat Jiaojiao? I don't think you want to live any more."

Brother Biao raised his hand and wanted to fight against Shen Piaoxiang.

"Stop it!"

At this time, a cold voice came.

Brother Biao turned to see that he was a middle-aged man with the words of manager on his chest. He was coming with a group of security guards.

Joke, this is the most famous clothing mall in Jizhou.

Who dares to make a mistake here.

It's killing me.

He came over in a rage.

"Well? Brother puma, it's you

After seeing the first Han.

The manager was slightly stunned.

There was obviously some consternation.

"It's Lao Xu. There's nothing else. I'm just going to settle the personal grudges and teach a woman a lesson. I don't think you have any opinions?"

Brother Biao asked with a sneer.

"Hey, puma, I don't want this face

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Xu Jing thought about it, and then he said with a laugh.

"Hum, brother puma, why do you say so much? Help me to beat her hard, let her see, what kind of price will be paid to fight against me!"

Li Jiaojiao's vicious way.

Shen Piao Piao is really surprised that a manager of this mall doesn't even care about his customers.

At the moment, it's urgent and angry.

She wanted to do it.

But if you think about it, maybe you don't have to do it yourself.

"Li Jiaojiao, I don't fight back. It doesn't mean that I'm afraid of you, but I don't want to cause trouble. If this is the reason why you have to advance, I advise you to stop as soon as possible, and there is still time!"

Shen took a deep breath and warned.

"Ha ha ha, Shen Piao, are you scaring me? What's more, I'm afraid of being beaten up by the media. What's more, I'm afraid of being beaten by the media

After she said that, she took out her mobile phone to prepare the video.

While talking, the big man is to raise his hand and tear his hair.

It's right here.

"Stop it!"

There was a roar of anger.

In a flash, brother puma's wrist is severely kicked.

He was kicked straight up by a man.

Shen Piao Piao in front of the body, has stood a figure.

Brother Biao covered his hands and looked at the people in front of him.

"Who are you?"

Puma cried out in pain.

A group of middle-aged men in suits were standing in front of him.

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And brother puma's question, like a fart, all people don't care.

The middle-aged man came to Shen Piao.

He bowed slightly to Shen Piao.

"Miss Shen, I'm so sorry that I almost humiliated you here!"

The middle-aged man was extremely ashamed.

"Are you?"

In fact, Shen Piao was just ready to fight back this young brother first. Unexpectedly, someone fought back for him.

And this person, Shen Piao Piao obviously feel very strange.

"Li Hua, you don't know me, but I know you. A few days ago, I met you once with Mr. Yang, the head of our family."

Li Hua said respectfully.

No wonder!

Shen Piao is clear at the moment.

"Li Hua? Who is Li Hua? Is that great? How can Shen Piao know a good person? "

One side of Li Jiaojiao surprised way.

"Keep your voice down. This man is Mr. Li Hua Li, the old man of Yang family in Jizhou provincial capital. He used to be a driver. Now he is the general manager of several shopping malls. He can eat black and white all the time, and he can use all kinds of means."

This guy named brother Puma also gave me some advice.

If Li has such strength, it's no wonder that he is not a bodyguard!

"Miss Shen, would you please tell me what happened?"

Li Hua asked very seriously.

At the same time, the voice began to become very cold.

At present, all the family forces in Jizhou city are at the disposal of anyone. It must be known to all that it is Mr. Chen who is the god dragon who sees the head but does not see the tail. Who is Shen Piao, who is Mr. Chen's beloved disciple.If Shen Piao is humiliated here.

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Naturally, although these people can't hurt Miss Shen.

But not either.

He has to come up with an attitude.

Otherwise, once it reaches the ears of the householder who is trying his best to flatter Mr. Chen, he may be greatly dismembered.

So we have to vent our anger on Miss Shen.

"Oh, it was the woman who pestered me and called for someone. She tried to bully me to find out my master and cut down my master. I was so angry that I hit her. That's it!"

Shen piaofeo has a faint smile.

"What? How disrespectful to Mr. Chen? "

Li Hua was frightened.

At present, her eyes turned red and looked at Li Jiaojiao and others.

Li Jiaojiao is also frightened by Li Hua's identity.

And then he spat.

And brother Puma is a Leng a Leng.

"Mr. Li, there may be some misunderstanding. My uncle's name is Li Fei!"

Brother puma was so scared that he put on a relationship.

"Come on, someone dares to make trouble in our mall and break their legs according to the rules. Besides, this woman is so disrespectful to our distinguished guests that she breaks her mouth for me!"

Mr. Li said coldly.

It's only when the voice goes down.

Several bodyguards behind him stormed out.

Click! CLICK!


The sound of killing pigs exploded in the whole mall.

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Brother Biao's legs, raw were torn.

Some of his younger brothers, also lying on the ground, began to twitch.

Li Jiaojiao was frightened.

Turn around and try to run away.

I've been torn my hair, and I don't know where the bodyguard brought the thick plank.

Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa Pa!

Fierce toward Li Jiao Jiao Jiao's mouth to greet.

Soon, Li Jiaojiao was beaten with blood all over her face, just like a pig's head.

Even Shen Piao can't see it any more.

It's cruel.

And Li Hua is also a fierce eyelid jump.

He didn't want to be cruel.

According to the truth, some people who are looking for trouble should break their legs and teach them a lesson.

Now, it's to fix people half dead.

And it's extremely spicy.

It's a person who can't bear it.

But there's no way.

You say that it is not good for you to provoke anyone, but you are going to offend Mr. Chen's people, and you also blatantly say that you want to kill Mr. Chen.

Evil comes from the mouth.

If I don't teach them a little harder, I'm afraid they don't know how to die , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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