The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 77: 77

Chen Ge heard a burst of cry for help, can not help but feel a tight.

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He ran over in a hurry.

The moat is quite desolate. After all, there is no park here.

The woman's face was covered with tears and she was wet.

See Chen Ge, almost to Chen Ge kneel down: "quick, quick, please help my daughter!"

Her face is very good, and it seems that she has to wear jewelry, and her identity is not simple.

She quickly pointed to the river, and Chen Ge saw a little girl struggling in the water.

Obviously, her daughter fell into the water, and the woman ran down to save her. As a result, she couldn't water at all, so she had to ask for help.

Chen Ge watched the girl's movements gradually stiff and sinking.

You know it's over if you don't save it.

I didn't think much about it at the moment, but I jumped into the river.

Chen GE's family used to live in Chengde village in a small county. There was a river in the village. Chen Ge could swim since childhood.

In this moat area, the water is not too deep.

In addition, the little girl obviously learned some simple swimming, so, at last, Chen Ge rescued people.

When she was held up, the child choked a few saliva and his face turned red.

Her mother was so distressed that she clapped her hands and did not forget to thank Chen Ge!

"Call 120 first."

"Yes, the child is too young. Oh, you have to be a mother. How can you let the child come to the water by himself?"

Several citizens came to hear the sound.

I had to make a phone call, and several elder sisters were criticizing the young mother.

"Don't talk about mom, uncles and aunts, don't talk about mom. It's Xiaotian who has to come to let her wish boat go, regardless of her mother's business!"

As soon as the little girl heard that her mother had been denounced, she cried and apologized.

That's a good thing to say, child

"Yes, it's very good. This mother, you have to take good care of the child. If this young man didn't run here in a hurry, the consequences would be unimaginable!"

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"This young man, what a good fellow

On one side, several citizens looked at Chen Ge who was drowned in water, and all of them were admiring.

That mother also hastily pulled weak little sweet to come to Chen Ge.

"Thank you very much, little brother. What's your name? Where do you live at home? "

She came to the address to thank Chen Ge.

How can Chen Ge not know that it is to save people? Chen Ge believes that most people will be saved in this situation.

Now it's just a wave.

"It's OK. It's OK. You'd better send your daughter to the hospital."

As Chen Ge spoke, he wanted to go.

"Big brother, will we meet again?"

Little sweet at this time a little weak to say.

She was scared to death just now.

But at this time, Chen Ge is desperate to jump, let the little girl see hope again.

Now, she asked softly.

"Yes Chen Ge didn't want to attack the little girl. After laughing, he left regardless of the young mother's shouts.

This is a small episode.

Besides, Chen Ge ran back to the road.

At this time, more than 20 minutes have passed.

Su Muhan should have bought it long ago.

Can arrive at the roadside to see, where has Su Mu Han shadow.


Haven't you bought it for so long?

Take out the mobile phone to see, wet, early water shut down.

Could it be that Su Muhan couldn't find himself on the phone and went back to the 4S store alone?

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I went to the milk tea shop and found nobody.

Chen Ge had to go back to the 4S store first.

Just at this time, Wang Qiang called.

It's to tell Chen Ge that the car has been repaired.

In more than 40 minutes, under the operation of several experienced technicians, it is not difficult to remove and replace all the damaged parts of the car.

"By the way, manager Wang, did you go back to get that girl with me?"

"Ah! Not at all! After I went out with you, I didn't come back! What's the matter, Chen Shao. What's going on? If you need anything, please do not hesitate to ask

"Thank you, manager Wang. It's OK."

Hang up the phone, Chen Ge was puzzled, strange, where did Su Muhan go?

It's impossible to go home. If she can't wait for herself, she will never go back alone.

There's no such thing as a car shop.

Where else can she go?

Chen Ge looked around, but couldn't find it at all.

Until an hour later, Chen Ge began to sweat.

Su Muhan came out with himself. Did something happen? Because all kinds of possibilities have been ruled out by Chen Ge, and Chen GE has been waiting around for so long.We can't see Su Mu Han's figure.

The more I think about Chen Ge, the more cold sweat on his head.

Chen Ge simply returned to the 4S store and tried to turn the phone on.

For a while, it was opened.

It shows that Su Muhan did make a lot of phone calls and text messages to himself.

Unfortunately, his mobile phone was turned off.

Chen Ge hurried back, but found that Su Muhan has also shut down.

What the hell is going on here!

Chen Ge is not calm!

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Again and again to Su Muhan home to the phone, also did not go home!

Something's wrong!

Chen Ge Meng raised his head.

Now things are getting more and more wrong.

"Manager Wang, do you know the manager of the milk tea shop? I want to watch the monitoring! Be quick

Chen Ge stands up.

After Chen Ge came back, Wang Qiang has been around Chen Ge.

At the moment he saw that Chen Shaode's girlfriend might have an accident, where would he neglect it.

He nodded and said he knew him, and then he came to the milk tea shop with Chen Ge.

After opening the monitoring, Chen Ge saw the whole story.

It's a good idea to go back to two hours ago.

But Su Muhan bought milk tea and came out, only to find Chen Ge gone.

She called Chen Ge in a hurry.

Chen GE's mobile phone was turned off.

Su Muhan was very anxious.

A person squat there, waiting for ten minutes, Chen Ge also did not come back.

And just then, a black Passat stopped beside rosumuhan.

And out of the car came a young man with a hat.

"Is your name Su Muhan?" The man asked with a smile.

Su Mu Han nodded, "are you?"

"Ouao, I'm the DD driver of Chen Ge and Chen shaojiao. He said that I would pick you up. If there was an emergency at home, he left ahead of time and asked me to send you back to Yungui community!"

The cap man said with a smile.

At the same time, the eyes still have no trace, so we have to look at the moat.

"Oh, thank you so much. I'll call Chen Ge again. How did he turn off the phone?"

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To tell you the truth, when the man said Chen Ge got his name and called her name, Su Muhan didn't think much about it.

Su Muhan doesn't know what Chen GE's family is doing, but he is in such a hurry that he must have something to do. I didn't trust myself, so I called a taxi for myself.

In addition, this man also knows that his home is in Yungui district. It seems that Chen Ge told him.

Su Muhan has no doubt about these.

However, the lack of contact with Chen Ge makes Su Muhan feel insecure.

As a result, I tried several times, but I couldn't get through.

"Miss Su Muhan, are you going? I still have a single

The driver urged.

"Oh, go, go! Take me home first

Su Muhan didn't want people to wait, so he got on the bus.

Chen Ge in the heart of some angry, why ah, said to leave, do not call a phone.

I can't take a taxi myself.

So the car left.

And ten minutes after the car left.

Chen Ge came with his wet clothes.

"Stop! Turn the picture back! That driver's face, zoom in! "

Seeing this, Chen Ge called out.

The small boss of the milk tea shop didn't know who he was. In short, the manager of Wang Qiang, a tycoon, looked like a little brother in front of him. I dare not neglect it.

According to Chen Gede's order, back and enlarge.

Chen Ge looks at the driver carefully.

Although he lowered the brim of his hat a little lower, and he had a slight stubble on his mouth.

But Chen Ge still recognized it.

It's him!? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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