The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 776: 776

Chen Haotian ran away, but Chen Ge deliberately let him go.

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Originally thought to be able to borrow Chen Haotian's hand, to find Youlong island.

But unexpectedly, Chen Haotian hid himself.

Since there is no value, Chen Ge naturally won't let him go. Now, start the mantra and kill Chen Haotian thousands of miles away.

Fortunately, the master of the ghost operator has been found. When the ghost master recovers his vitality, the master can judge where his family is.

It is also taking advantage of these days.

Laughing cangsheng and others couldn't help asking Chen Ge whether they wanted to set up their own Xiuzhen sect to formally establish their own superiority and inferiority.

The difference is that this proposal has been directly agreed by the master of ghost operators.

At present, even the ghost operator shows Chen Ge the importance of establishing a sect of self-cultivation.

After all, in the future, not only the Chen family will have to face, but also there will be a lot of religious forces. Just like the case of the abduction of Chen GE's family, we can see that even if Chen Ge is strong, he can't do everything by himself.

This point, it is said to Chen GE's heart.

"It seems that it is time to set up a faction of our own."

Chen Ge looked at a group of people with keen eyes and could not help nodding.


"Ha ha ha, yes, in the future, we can be regarded as right and organized people."

"In the future, we should make Mr. Chen your Lord! The master of ghost operator is far sighted and can be the master's military teacher! "

Many of them were excited.

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Communicate with each other.

"See the Lord!"

At the moment, from Xiao cangsheng to Lin Jiu, everyone shouts in unison.

Chen Ge couldn't help laughing bitterly.

The ghost operator also had no choice but to say: "what are you in a hurry? Even if you want to set up a sect, you should occupy one side in advance. At the same time, you should create a name. Another is to inform ZhongLuo hall about our sect affairs."

"Yes, the military Master said yes. We don't seem to have a name yet?"

"What's more, where is our site? Can't be in the Shen family? This is a busy market

Someone said.

"Ha ha, I do have territory. It's xuanyang mountain. After this incident, the Taoist priest of xuanyang temple is worried about the Chen family coming to revenge and can't bear to worry. He already has the intention to give xuanyang mountain to us! This matter is settled! "

Ghost operator path.

"This mountain is big enough, absolutely can!"

The crowd laughed.

"As for the name, I have to trouble you, sir, to name one in person, so as to satisfy the wishes of these people!"

The ghost operator bowed slightly.

As a matter of fact, as early as Panlongshan, the ghost operator had already determined that this son was the object that he would follow later.

Since then, ghost operators have been prepared.

"Xuanyang mountain, xuanyang temple, and my initial awakening power is also the power of xuanyang in heaven and earth. I think I have a relationship with these two words. Well, if we want to establish a new force, we should call it xuanyang hall."

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Chen Ge thought and said.

"Xuanyang hall? Master Chen, no, Lord Chen, that's a good name

And just then, a voice sounded outside the door.

He is a middle-aged man.

This man was saved by Chen Ge and then boarded in the Shen family by Yun Haotian.

"Ha ha, Captain Yun, how is your injury?"

Chen GE has a faint smile.

This Yun Haotian, from * Fang, is the leader of a small team of the dragon group. In the realm of Xiuzhen, he has stepped into half a foot.

In recent years, it has been difficult to go further.

It may be because he was born in a * family. Even though he is not strong, Chen Ge also takes a high look at him.

Naturally, Yun Haotian is full of reverence for Chen Ge.

"My wound has been cured by the Lord, and I came here in a hurry after hearing the Lord's summons."

Yun Haotian bowed slightly.

"Well, I heard from master GUI that the dragon group has a very systematic underground resource network, so I want to ask Mr. Yun for help with one thing."

Chen Ge said.

"All my life is saved by the Lord, and the LORD says it!"

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Yun Haotian bowed.

"Lin Jiu laughs at the common people..."

Chen Ge looks at the two men.

"Lord, my subordinates are here!"

"Since the establishment of xuanyang hall has been confirmed, you two will assign them to complete all the tasks of building up forces within three days. You should coordinate these matters first, and I have some other things to do!"

Chen Ge ordered.

All the people in the hall immediately withdrew.

"Master ghost said to me, I think you want to explore the whereabouts of Dragon Island?"Said Yun Haotian.

"Not bad!"

"This Youlong island is very hidden, and there is always a curse on the people of Youlong Island, that is, no one can tell the whereabouts of Youlong Island, otherwise, they will die on the spot!"

"It is precisely because of this abnormal reason that no one knows where Youlong island is for many years. Even the Xiuzhen world does not know where Youlong island is!"

Yun Haotian preached.

No wonder, that Chen Haotian dares to die and also wants to escape. As long as he dares to say Youlong Island, he will surely die in front of me!

Chen Ge nodded clearly.

"Then, is there no way to find it?"

Chen Ge asked anxiously.

"Not necessarily. There is a magic instrument in the dragon group, which is called the Shura plate. At the beginning, my father met with the ghost master several times because of this Shura dish. With master GUI's jiulongyan Gua Dafa, combined with the long group's earth network system mechanism for so many years, it is not difficult to find the location of the Youlong island!"

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Said Yun Haotian.

"Sir, I'm looking for Mr. Yun. That's what I mean. If we want to find Youlong Island, we have to use the Shura dish. Mr. Yun will have a way to deal with this."

Ghost operator to Chen Ge Dao.


Chen Ge nods.

"In addition, Lord, I have a little request from Yun Haotian, that is, I don't know whether to speak or not to say it!"

Yun Haotian suddenly bowed his head and pondered for a while. Then he was very uncertain and said softly.

"What's the matter?"

Chen Ge asked.

"Cough, after this battle, I found that the strength of our dragon group is still too weak when facing some real experts. I heard from master Lin Jiu yesterday that you are going to teach xuanyang hall people a lot of mysterious combined arrays. Naturally, we in the dragon group don't have the talent of master Lin Jiu. But I think you know the array well. Can you borrow it In the past few days, we will learn one and a half moves from members of the dragon group, and we will benefit immensely! "

Speaking of this, Yun Haotian is very solemn and eager.

With this teaching, the combat effectiveness of the members of their dragon group will be enhanced without limitation.


Chen Ge thought about it and said that he really had a few arrays suitable for the members of the dragon group.

Naturally, the dragon group keeps one party safe. Even if Yun Haotian doesn't help himself, Chen Ge will still help if he can.

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