The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 778: 778

At the moment, inside the canteen.

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There was a member with his hands full of bruises. He was holding a tray with both hands and just sat down in a position.

"Well, who told you to sit down? We cloud Feige is still short of fruit. Hurry up and get a fruit for Feige. "

Next to the young man, there were several young people sitting coldly.

However, these young people all looked arrogant and domineering, and obviously, they were making fun of this young man.

Among them, he is obviously the one sitting in the middle of the crowd, but at the moment, he is squinting his eyes and looking at the scene with banter on his mouth.

"Well, I'll get it now!"

The young man bit his lip. Even though he was very humiliated, he stood up and took the fruit and put it beside Yunfei.

I just sat down.

The young man on the side yelled again:

"Damn, what fruit are you holding? Change it to a smaller one, and go quickly! "

The young man sneered.

With that, several people around him could not help but cover their mouths and smile.

And the youth finally couldn't bear it.

"You're not finished with your trial. What do you have to listen to

The young man patted the table.

"Yell? How dare you talk back? It seems that the lesson to you is far from enough. "

With that, Ma Feng swept the apples on the table and hit the rice plate in the hands of the youth.

There was a crash, and the rice plate fell directly on the floor.


The young man's forehead is blue.

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He clenched his fists tightly, but he swallowed it.

"It's a bully. It's said that when he first joined the team, he worked hard and surpassed Zhu Yunfei in an assessment. As a result, he was bullied and humiliated by Zhu Yunfei's people every day. Look at his scars!"

"Well, what's the way? If Zhu Yunfei takes charge of it, he can still be good. It's estimated that the boy won't stay long in the dragon group training team."

"Zhu Yunfei has a long history, isn't he? Not only strong strength, but also strong background! "

"Naturally, you don't think about it. Zhu Yunfei is Zhu Baoqing. The Zhu team of the first team seems to be his uncle. Moreover, I have heard that the granddaughter of the Dragon corps, that is, the very beautiful little dragon daughter in the legend, seems to have a strong idea for Zhu Yunfei."

"Lying trough, that's no wonder. The boy is so made that no one dares to say no!"

Everyone was a little quiet.

At present, we are looking at the bullied youth with a lively attitude.

Zhu Yunfei, on the other hand, has been slightly squinting his eyes, not anxious to eat.

And Ma Feng, however, walked towards the young man.

"Ha ha? What's the matter? Not convinced? "

Ma Feng sneered, and then crushed the rice under his feet.

Then he grabbed a handful of dirty rice and took it to the youth.

"Boy, I'm so disrespectful that I dare to surpass our eldest brother. There's no good meal today. Just take it up and eat it for me!"

Ma Feng's vicious way.

The youth's face was red.


Without waiting for the young man to react, he had been hit by another man and lay down on the ground.

Ma Feng immediately grabbed the young man's hair and stuffed the rice into his mouth.

"Too cruel!"

The people around him stood up in some fright.

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But no one dared to say more.

"Little Xiaofei

But at the moment, there was a trembling sound at the door.

This person, not Chen Ge, can be who.

Just now, Chen Ge, ghost operator and Yun Haotian just came in and saw the scene in front of him.

But Yun Haotian saw the players fighting and was about to organize.

It is obvious that Chen GE's side, there is a cold, actually scared him to just export the words Sheng Sheng swallow back.

Feelings, this person actually knew Mr. Chen?

Chen GE's eyes are red.

The young man who was beaten in front of him is not his good brother Bai Xiaofei.

If you don't see clearly, the scarred Xiaofei will not know him.

"Well? Is it the cloud team? "

At this moment, seeing that yunhaotian is coming, Ma Feng and others still give yunhaotian a face and stop.

"Chen Chen Shao? "

And lying on the ground, Bai Xiaofei, after seeing Chen Ge.

There was a shock all over the body.

In an instant, the aggrieved tears poured out like the flood broke the dam.

"Chen Shao!"

Bai Xiaofei cried."Xiao Fei, get up quickly!"

Chen Ge ran over and helped Bai Xiaofei up.

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To tell you the truth, if they were in other places, I'm afraid these people would be different. But there is Yun Haotian here. I believe that Yun Haotian will give his brother a justice.

Of course, whether this justice is given or not, it will not end easily.

Because Chen GE's character is like this now, no matter who is right or wrong, or who is opposite, as long as who touches his brother, even if his brother is in the first place, the opposite person has to pay a painful price.

When Yun Haotian looks at the relationship between Bai Xiaofei and Chen Ge, he is also angry.

At the moment, he quickly reprimanded Ma Feng and others.

But Ma Feng and them are not afraid of yunhaotian.

"Ha ha, cloud team, if you can't train us, you can go to Zhu team. We only listen to Zhu team, and we teach our team a trial team, and it's none of your business to teach us a lesson!"

Ma Feng sneered.

Their backstage, of course, is Zhu Yunfei. Who is behind Zhu Yunfei is needless to say.

At present, the angry Yun Haotian didn't say anything.

The ghost operator quickly helped Bai Xiaofei to sit down and have a rest.

Unexpectedly, Ma Feng winked at many of his brothers behind him.

At the moment, I saw a boy run to the position where Bai Xiaofei was going to sit.

"Sorry, there's someone here!"

With that, a crowd began to sneer.


In the eyes of ghost operators, fire observation is very important.

At the moment, he helped Bai Xiaofei to sit on the other side.

Just about to sit down.

"I'm sorry, there's someone else here!"

Another kid sat down first.

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Chen Ge frowned.

At the moment, looking at one side of the sitting, motionless, calm eating Zhu Yunfei.

I've already understood what it means.

"It's hard to imagine that your dragon group base is like this!"

After supporting Bai Xiaofei to sit in several positions, these people preempted him to occupy the seat, and then the ghost operator airway.

So at the moment, he had to hold Bai Xiaofei and walk to a seat at the door.

And Ma Feng, at the moment with his hands in his pockets, smiles.



Ma Feng snatched to sit down. As soon as he opened his mouth, a shadow like slap in the face directly hit him.


Ma Feng flew out horizontally and knocked down more than a dozen tables in succession.

Full of teeth, is directly scattered on the ground.

Half his face shrunk in.

Obviously, his face was distorted by the blow of his mouth.

It was Chen Ge who made the move.

With one hand in his pocket, Chen Ge patted the dust on his body with the other hand. Looking at the stunned students, he said:

"sorry, I just itched!" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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