The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 785: 785

"Today is a banquet initiated by tuobajie. As a super family of Nanyue state, Tuoba family has existed for hundreds of years, but it only accounts for half of the GDP of South Vietnam. Its strength is too strong. The feast he initiated naturally attracts celebrities from all over the country."

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As the crowd came to the noisy scene, Jiang Yong was also a local villain, proud of his introduction.

At the same time, Jiang Yong also looked at some beautiful girls and was very satisfied with their surprised expressions.

In particular, the most beautiful dragon Feifei, Jiang Yong is even more side-by-side.

It seems that he is aware of Jiang Yong's different look. The Ma Bing on one side can't help but produce some jealousy. Compared with Jiang Yong, he himself is quite inferior to him. He feels that he is the same person as long Feifei.

At the moment, he quickly changed the topic and said:

"that Jiang Shao, this tuobajie, seems to be the number one figure in Nanyue. By the way, he is on the stage now, and he looks like he is auctioning something. Ha ha, there is no shortage of money for such a large number of people?"

The horse soldier had nothing to say.

"Well, of course, he is the number one person, but in South Vietnam, you don't know some things, so you'd better not talk nonsense. As for the auction, how can Tuoba be short of money? Ha ha, he just has this kind of fun."

"By the way, remember a few years ago, I asked your father to help us find some heavyweight treasures? Ha ha, to be honest with you, I know that Tuoba Da Shao has such hobbies. My father wants to flatter Tuoba Da Shao. Ha ha, now that I have so many tickets, I can see that public relations activity! "

Jiang Yong smiles.

"Ha ha, I can't believe that we, the horse family, have made such a great contribution to the Jiang family! Oh, I just don't know what Tuoba is going to auction this time! "

Ma Bing also gave a faint smile. My heart is a little uncomfortable. I knew that this kind of opportunity to make friends with you would be nice to come by myself.

Otherwise, if you have a face now, you will be yourself.

"Ma Shao has no shame in taking out the Chinese treasure to these foreigners. On the contrary, there is a kind of regret that he did not do himself?"

One side of Chen Ge frowned, now light mouth.

As soon as this sentence comes out.

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Also let's Ma Bing and Jiang Yong frown at the same time.

In particular, Chen GE's words hit the horse soldier's mind, making the horse soldier almost helpless.

"Damn it, you lousy loser. What do I want to do? It's none of your business!"

The horse soldier angrily said, Jiang yongtiao long Feifei's anger all sprinkled on Chen GE's body.

"Hum, is Chen Ge wrong? Ma Bing, you are a gentleman studying abroad. How rude you are!"

Tian Xiaofan listen to Ma Bing's words, immediately also toward Chen Ge side.

It's going to be a fight.

"Well, well, you're not finished. Shall we come to the party to distract ourselves or to listen to your quarrel? Let's go. It seems that the auction will start soon, and we will get closer!"

Different from others, long Feifei's eyes at the moment are all on the stage, covered by colorful lights of Tuoba Da Shao's body.

My grandfather said that he wanted to grasp the opportunity. Could he be hinting that he could grasp the opportunity between him and Tuoba?

Because the whole scene, compared with Jiang Yong, only Tuoba Da Shao had this spirit.

As for the cavalry, it's not human.

There's no comparison.

Tuoba family, I seem to have heard my grandfather mention it before. After all, this is a powerful family of a country. Its influence can be seen.

Also let's long Feifei appreciate tuobajie.

Now I want to go closer and see clearly.

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The horse soldiers gave Chen Ge a good look, and several people came to the position near.

Chen Ge also wanted to ask Jiang Yong about some Chen families in Nanyue.

But now the atmosphere is like this, especially near the high platform, the scene has become noisy, Chen Ge is not open.

At this time, a nice girl suddenly came to her ear:

"Chen Ge, don't be afraid. If anyone dares to bully you today, I'll be the first to start for you. You criticized a lot just now, and I support you!"

Tian Xiaofan whispered in Chen GE's ear.

He also made a gesture to Chen Ge.

Chen Ge couldn't help nodding and smiling.

This girl is very good, although the words are light, but it makes Chen GE's heart warm.

Such kind-hearted girl is very rare, we two people know each other, it is also a kind of fate in the dark.

It's better to take advantage of this trip and give her some opportunities.

Whether it's money or what skills she wants to learn.

Chen Ge can't be chestnut.

It's reciprocity."Ladies and gentlemen, please be quiet!"

At this time, Tuoba Da Shao on the stage, holding the microphone, indicated that the audience was quiet.


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Just like the rehearsal, when he opened his mouth, the whole noisy scene was silent.

"As we all know, Tuo Bajie holds a large banquet once or twice a year, and there is an important activity at the banquet, that is, auction! In the past years, most of my auctions are antiques, or some rare items! But this year's auction, hahaha, seems to be something special! "

Tuo Bajie's eyes narrowed.

"I wipe, even Tuoba big and small feel very special, that is how special?"

"Who knows? Is it a panacea for the auction

For a moment, the scene exploded, and speculation ensued.

On stage.

"Jie Shao, what you said really made these people anxious again!"

Next to tuobajie, a middle-aged man leaned into his ear and said with a smile.

"Ha ha, that's interesting. Every year, I hope to see these dogs biting each other in order to fight for one thing. Ha ha, this is what makes me happy!"

Tuobajie smiles coldly.

However, they are like a dialogue of mosquito sounds. Chen Ge can hear it clearly, but it's none of his business. Chen Ge is too lazy to pay attention to it.

"Well, I think you must be in a hurry. I'm worried about what kind of things Ben prepared for you to auction today. Now, let me solve the mystery."

Tuobajie cried.


Everyone was excited.

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The eyes are starting to shine.

Even long Feifei, who is well-informed, is tickled by Tuo Bajie's words.

What is it? Even Tuo Bajie's identity is so hidden and tucked in. It must be extraordinary.

Everyone thinks so.

"Well, now that the answer is revealed, it's a woman that Ben and Shao are auctioning today."

Tuobajie smiles.

"So, my male friends, you should enjoy your happiness, because this woman is so beautiful and pure, and most of all, she is still pure and flawless until now."

Said tuobajie.

Ow, ow, Ow!!

"The beauty that Jieshao likes is not a woman. Jieshao can't stand it. Let her come out quickly! Ouch

The boys are very excited, especially the rich and the young.

"Come on, bring this auction to all the people present and let them see it!"

Tuobajie waved.

At once, there were four people, carrying a box wrapped in white yarn, towards the high platform , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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