The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 80: 80

Chen Ge and Su Muhan are in danger this time. As for Ning fan, they are taken away and handed over.

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And now downstairs.

Zhuang Qiang and Li Hao have already arrived with people by car.

Seeing the scene in front of me, I was more shocked than ever.

All stood on the spot.

Is this Chen shaozhiwei?

More than 20 helicopters!!!

"Brother Zhenguo, what do you mean? For the last time? "

At this time, however, Chen Ge was very surprised by Li Zhenguo's last words. Although he also wanted to know more about the family, Li Zhenguo wanted to follow his own rhythm of farewell.

"Yes, Chen Shao, this instrument is a family special support instrument. Today, I was worried about your accident, so I used it! Although these helicopters were still some distance away from Ning fan at that time, they would be subdued as soon as he had some action. These team members have already worked out no less than ten solutions to your current situation! "

"However, once it is used, it means that I am in serious breach of duty. I am going to take the blame and resign!"

Li Zhenguo said dispirited.

However, from his face, but can not see any regret!

To tell you the truth, it still makes Chen Ge a little worried and self reproach.

After all, the whole thing, in the final analysis, is because of themselves.

My sister said at the beginning of a word is very right, since stepping on people, you have to step on a person can not stand up.

At that time, I didn't care.

But now, it's the best proof.

Rather than solve Ning fan thoroughly, as a result, after knowing his identity, let him start hysterical revenge!

Although now will Ning fan's problem thoroughly clean, but think about all feel afraid, if he can't delay time, now Su Muhan may die because of his innocence!

Rao is so, or implicated Li Zhenguo resigned.

"Brother Zhenguo, it's OK. I'll tell my sister about it!"

Chen Ge said.

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It happened that at this time, sister Chen Xiao called.

"How are you, brother? Didn't you get scared? " Inside came the voice of Chen Xiao's concern.

"Sister, did you know so soon?"

"Nonsense, the super support has been used. Can I know? You should be more careful in your future work! "

"I know. By the way, Sister Li Zhenguo, can you stay? After all, he is trying to save me?"

Chen Ge is busy.

"No way. He didn't finish the task I gave him. According to the family rules, he had to resign and go away! He should have saved you with his life! "

Chen Xiao said very arrogantly.

Li Zhenguo on one side obviously heard Chen GE's dialogue. While appreciating Chen Xiao's words, he was more respectful than angry.

Yes, he was given everything by the Chen family, and his life was saved by the Chen family at that time. He carried himself to such a state.

Even the responsibility of protection has not been fully fulfilled.

Potential threats have not been eliminated.

This is his serious dereliction of duty.

"Well, however, I can't use Li Zhenguo. It's you. If you're willing to take him in, it's OK. The family rules don't say that other people can't be employed!"

Chen Xiao seems to think that his younger brother may feel guilty about firing Li Zhenguo like this. Now he has an idea.


Chen Ge is happy.

"Mm-hmm, but only if you have your own business, or he will not come back! After you set up the company, you can ask Li Zhenguo to stay and help you. That's the only way


Chen Ge finally solved this problem.

Don't mention how grateful Li Zhenguo is to Chen Ge.

"Chen Shao..."

Thousands of words, at the moment just changed two words, by Li Zhenguo from the heart of call out!

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Chen Shao really doesn't need to be like this, not at all, but Chen shaoken pleads for someone like himself.

This love, Li Zhenguo really did not think to repay!

From then on, Chen Ge will be the direct master of Li Zhenguo!

At present, Li Zhenguo is following Chen Ge and is about to talk about some family affairs.

"Chen Shao, there are several sneaky people downstairs who have been controlled. How to deal with them?"

A man in black came up.

"Well, then go and have a look."

Chen Ge nodded.


"Let us go, we are Chen GE's classmates, you can't kill us!"

Li Nian cried out.

The scene just now was too big. He was really afraid that these people would kill people.

"Yes, you know, I almost became Chen GE's woman. How dare you treat me like this?"Zheng Qianqian also yelled.

Just now, they all saw the old songs on the top of the building, which were like stars supporting the moon. They were shocked for a long time.

Zhuang Qiang and Li Hao are all honest, and they are pale with fear.

"Let them go..."

Chen Ge came down.

"We've heard that. We're not playing!"

Zheng Qianqian shouts.

Chen Gezhen is Chen Shao in Jinling. Chen Shao, who owns Jinling commercial street, is so powerful!

What a surprise!

Zheng Qianqian is going to have a direct climax!

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"Chen Ge! Chen Ge! I knew you were different from them. I was wrong before. I was really wrong. I always wanted to attract your attention, so I used this way of often ridiculing you. In fact, it's all because I like you, but you don't like me! "

Zheng Qianqian rushed to Chen Ge in front of him, a strong flattery.

Said Chen Ge goose bumps all over.

Lying trough, this explanation is invincible? Do you laugh at yourself because you get your attention?

"Chen Shao!"

At the moment, Zhuang Qiang and Li Hao side, their new girlfriend, at the moment are also extremely respectful said.

How respectful is it?

That is Chen GE's words now, let them do what they will do!

It's just like in a movie about big people.

However, some small evil ideas just flashed in Chen GE's mind.

After all, he is not the kind of domineering person from the bottom of his heart.

"Chen Shao, what are you going to do with them? When necessary, necessary measures can be taken! "

Li Zhenguo hinted at the side. After all, Chen Shao's first identity has been known by them!

"No, no, no, no! Chen Shao, ah, no, Chen Ge, you are still the poor Chen Ge. We don't know you. What happened today, we forget it. It's all done

Zhuang Qiang is the smartest.

It's easy to understand what Li Zhenguo said.

He knelt down and said in a hurry.

"Yes, we didn't know you were Chen Shao!"

Li Hao and Li Nian cried out in a hurry.

"It's best to forget today's affairs, so as to save trouble in the future." Chen Ge lightly said a sentence, then turned to leave.

These people have been like this, Chen Ge can't give them because of their own identity.

This incident is a dangerous past. Li Zhenguo talked with Chen Ge about some family affairs in private.

It's very general. I just know that Chen family is a great family which has been inherited for hundreds of years and has numerous industrial assets!

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This has resulted in a lot of rules in the Chen family, and it is even more cumbersome to inherit.

For example, Chen GE's ten years of poor education is the first test!

In the future, Chen Ge will face more complex tests. Li Zhenguo advised Chen Ge to be fully prepared.


After that, Chen Ge sent Su Muhan back and drove to the school again. He left the car and stopped near the school gate.

Many beautiful women cast their eyes.

Some even screamed.

Chen Ge is used to it.

To tell you the truth, Chen Ge feels that he is so scum. Now he is rich, but it is hard for him to show off in front of others.

To put it bluntly, Chen Ge, even if no matter how to change, can not change his love of low-key, yearning for the kind of ordinary personality.

It's not like that to drive around all day in this luxury car.

It seems that I have bought myself a house in Jinling.

In this way, the car can be parked in the house. In the future, it is very convenient whether it is to open a company or do anything.

And most of all, I can have a normal class every day, rest and live my favorite campus life!

Chen Ge, sitting in the driver's seat, couldn't help thinking.

At this time, the class group suddenly exploded a piece of news.

"Shock! Look at it! What a shock




A student in the class, he took a picture of all sent out! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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