The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 802: 802

Crack, crack

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It's night.

The sound of the campfire sounded, the dark green fire was burning vigorously, sending out a burst of pea like sound.

Chen Ge sat by the campfire, adding firewood to the fire while looking up at the lush forest around.

In the dark, the dense forest adds a strange smell.

In some cold environments, even the Chen songs of Lunwang Kingdom, they have to use campfires to keep themselves warm.

Because this is no longer the surface of the earth.

But into the realm.

It's been a full month since we finished the wedding banquet with Muhan.

The Chen family and xuanyang palace have settled down.

With Mu Han, also always completed the marriage.

But Chen Ge did not feel relieved.

Because he did not know when this wonderful warmth would not exist again.

On the surface, the Qin family is covetous, while the boundary Qin family is attacking at any time.

Chen Ge can't fight them at all.

Therefore, we must improve our cultivation in order to protect the integrity of our family.

Chen Ge went to the realm alone.

Now Chen Ge is in a place called DIDU, which is outside the boundary.

According to the records on the map, yuanxincao grows here.

This place is already underground.

But there's the center of the earth as the sun.

It's not much different from the surface of the earth.

For example, there are still mountains, rivers and dense jungle like this area.

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It's kind of like a reflection of the earth.

For a month, Chen GE has been familiar with the environment here.

There are many monsters and beasts, some large prehistoric creatures, which Chen Ge once met.

Chen GE's food is the food of prehistoric civilization from hunting.

"Well, you're here, son of a bitch!"

Just then.

The woods suddenly swayed, followed by three figures, and the speed of light passed by.

Suddenly appeared in front of Chen Ge.

These are three middle-aged men with rough appearance.

"You are really hard. Have you come all the way to me?"

Chen Ge took a piece of beef from the campfire and bit it into his mouth.

These three people are all the aborigines of the boundary city and the robbers blocking the road.

In this area, there are not few people killed by them.

Moreover, their accomplishments are not low. One of them is a nine grade monk, and the other two are three grade Lunwang.

As early as Chen Ge first came in, they entangled Chen Ge.

However, Chen Ge, who was not familiar with the situation, released them all several times.

I didn't expect it was only a few days later.

The three men caught up again.

"It seems that you will not give up easily this time?"

Chen Ge said with a smile.

"Nonsense, stinky boy, you don't want to listen to it. In this area, no one can slip away from the hands of my three brothers. It's up to you?"

Three people sneer toward Chen Ge to come over.

It seems that this time, Chen Ge must pay the price.

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Chen Ge looked at the bonfire, and his fingers had moved slightly. He had already been cold-blooded. It was better to solve the three people thoroughly here, so as not to have trouble in the future.


And at this time, next to the sound of footsteps.

See a full seven people, is slowly towards this side.

This time, let Chen Ge and the three people opposite are stunned and look over there.

The seven were six men and one woman.

At the head of the group was an old man with a shaggy head. The old man was holding a crutch and seemed to be blind.

However, it is the wind on the soles of the feet, walking very skillfully.

The seven were full of evil spirit.

As the seven of them came, even the fire of the bonfire in front of Chen GE's body got up automatically without wind.

It's off to one side.

It seems that the strength is not to be underestimated.

Shua Shua Shua.

I saw three silver markers, directly on a tree.

These three silver markers, each with seven skulls on them, look terrible.

The three robbers were stunned and then full of panic.

"What? It's the seven evil masters of the earth

After that, the three of them kowtowed directly.

"Seven adults, villains, I don't know how offended they are here. We'll leave as soon as possible and disappear seven miles away!"

After the three kowtowed.

Not waiting for the seven evil spirits to respond, it is hate to look at Chen Ge, and then disappear like light.Chen Ge, on the other hand, looked as if he had not heard of it.

After a look at them, he lowered his head and continued to eat.

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The several people coldly glanced at Chen Ge, with a flash of obliteration in their eyes, but obviously, they did not want to target Chen Ge.

But sit down quietly on one side, keep your eyes closed, as if waiting for something.

Sure enough.

A moment later.

A rush of footsteps came running. It was a woman in a hurry.

It's like being chased.

After seeing seven people standing across the road, the woman stopped.

Then there was despair in his eyes.

Catch up with people in the moment.

At the head was a young man in a robe.

"Ha ha ha, Miss Zhou Nuo, run on. Why not run?"

The young man in the robe sneered and looked at her with his hands on his back.

"Ma Ziqiang, you Ma family, attacked our Zhou family. I will certainly avenge this revenge!"

Zhou Nuo, a woman, flashed a decisive color in her eyes.

"Good, I'll wait for you to report, but we'll have to solve our problems in bed. What's the matter? Come back with me and fight with me for 300 rounds. How about fighting each other? Ha ha ha

This section of foul language, let all the people on the scene laugh.

"It's presumptuous!"

Zhou Nuo raised his hand and was about to fight back. It seemed that the woman was already the cultivation of the Friar's five grades. However, in front of Ma Ziqiang, she was still a little weak, and she was beaten back in one hand.

Just bad, fell in the distance from Chen Ge is not far away.

She struggled to get up, watching the people on both sides of the crowd towards themselves.

All of a sudden, she turned to Chen Ge and asked for help:

"brother, can you save my life

Zhou Nuo said.

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But Chen Ge just ate for himself and didn't open his mouth.

"Originally, you are also the horse's running dog!"

Zhou Nuo was in complete despair.

"I don't know any horse family? But I'm here for business. Why should I save you

Chen Ge doesn't understand what kind of grudges between the two families, and he doesn't want to go into this muddy water.

And listen to Chen Ge talk extraordinary, and so calm.

"I beg you. They hurt my family. I managed to escape. I have to take revenge. As long as you are willing to save me today and do anything in the future, I will be willing to be a cow and a horse. I will listen to you!"

Zhou Nuo bit his teeth and cried.

"Still can't, this group of people, there are one or two experts, I don't want to be around more cumbersome!"

Chen Ge shakes his head.


Zhou Nuo was so angry.

At the moment of his life and death, this man, you say, is a villain, but he looks like a modest gentleman.

You say he is a good man, but he asks for everything, but he thinks only of his own interests.

But the key is, although this person is young, but his bearing is extraordinary, looks like a master.

All my hopes are in him.

"Miss Zhou Nuo, don't struggle, don't let me hurt you, ha ha!"

Ma Ziqiang came over with a grim smile.

"You wait, Ma Ziqiang. You are blind. Don't you see that my fiance is like this?"

Zhou Nuo bit his lip, then directly pointed to Chen Ge and yelled. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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