The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 812: 812

"Xiaoge, you must be careful and come back safely!"

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Before parting, Chen Xiaochao and Chen Ge gave an advice.

She knew that her brother had to save herself, but she didn't want Chen Ge to have an accident because of herself. Otherwise, she would feel guilty for a lifetime.

"Don't worry, sister."

Chen gechong and Chen Xiaohui smile, then directly turn away.

Zhou Nuo left with Chen Xiao.

At this time, Qin Heng is with people to pursue, the speed of his pursuit in the realm of real people is simply unimaginable.

However, when Qin Heng and others came to the netherworld Valley, they only found Chen Ge standing quietly in situ, waiting for their arrival.

"Chen Ge, you must die today!"

Chen ge of Qin Heng Dynasty roared.

The voice falls, from behind Qin Heng jump body to fly several strong Qin family.

The strength of these strong men is probably from the eighth to the ninth.

Chen Ge would not have been their opponent before, but now it is different. Chen Ge is also a strong man at the peak of the late stage of jiupinlun kingdom. He is not afraid to face these strong men alone.

There is also a top-notch sword king, not to mention the soul of Chen.

In other words, Chen Ge is not alone in the fight.

The next second, a shadow from Chen GE's body, a sword Qi instantly cut out.

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As soon as the sword comes out, the head falls to the ground.

Several strong men sent by Qin Heng were immediately beheaded and tumbled to the ground like a bowling ball, with their heads in different places.

Seeing this scene, Qin Heng can't help but feel a little surprised. He didn't expect Chen Ge to have such a strong strength that he could easily kill the strong men of his eight grade and nine grade wheel king.

"Hum, Chen Ge, I didn't expect that you have reached the rank of nine grade wheel king. It seems that I really underestimated you!"

"But it's no use. I've already entered the realm of real people. A small part of the cultivation world is very different. I can easily crush your head!"

Qin Heng is very confident staring at Chen Ge, cold hum.

Chen Ge is so old and has already reached the realm of Jiupin Lunwang. It is a pity that Chen Ge is the enemy of Qin Heng. Otherwise, he would not be willing to kill him.

"Yes? Try it, old man

Chen Ge is not afraid of Qin Heng. Although he has not entered the realm of real life, it does not mean that he is afraid of Qin Heng. He does not think that Qin Heng can kill himself.


Qin Heng was angry again.

The voice falls, Qin Heng grabs the body to come out, the speed is extremely fast, is worthy of the real person realm strength.

In the blink of an eye, it will arrive in front of Chen Ge, a palm toward Chen GE's chest.

Chen Ge will not wait to die, let Qin Heng hit himself, is also suddenly launched a palm to face Qin Heng.


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Palm to palm.

Their feet collapsed at the same time, and the surrounding ground exploded, and the dust splashed around them.


Qin Heng can not help but be surprised, did not expect Chen Ge to be able to fight against himself.

In fact, it is not enough if only Chen GE's own strength to fight Qin Heng is not enough, but we should know that Chen Ge is two people, and one is the sword soul hidden in his body.

The peak strength of the two nine grade wheel Wangjing is enough to compete with Qin.

But Qin Heng didn't know all this...

"Can resist my first move, see if you can resist my second move!"

"Burning God's palm!"

Qin Heng still disdained to snort. He stepped back two steps. He waved his hands back and forth in front of him. Then he burst out a palm full of fire.

"Nine turn barrier!"

Chen Ge did not hesitate, immediately propped up a shield in front of his body.

"Oh, it's no use, you can't stop it!"

Qin Heng saw this and sneered coldly.


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There was a big bang and the fire was in the sky. The big fire wrapped Chen Ge to Tuan Tuan.

Chen Ge under the fire group felt the burning pain. Unexpectedly, Qin Heng's hand of Brahman God was really powerful. If he didn't have enough Qi in his body, he would have been burned to ashes.

Ten seconds later, the flame finally dissipated.

I saw Chen GE's clothes had been burned to pieces, into thin cloth.

"Well? How could that be possible! "

Qin Heng suddenly exclaimed, his eyes widened. He couldn't believe everything in front of him. He couldn't believe that Chen Ge had not been burned to death by himself.

"Old man, if you have any other tricks, you can use them."

Chen Ge stands in place with a scornful smile and stares at Qin Heng sarcastically.

Qin Heng couldn't bear it any longer. He decided to use all his strength to win Chen Ge in one fell swoop.After that, Qin Heng stepped on the ground with both feet. In an instant, the whole surrounding mountain fell apart, and Qin Heng himself was entangled by a fire.

"I'm sure you'll be wiped out by this move!"

Qin Heng is extremely confident and complacent staring at Chen Ge and humming.

Then, Qin Heng spread out his hands and waved it forward. In an instant, several fire dragons rushed out of his body to attack Chen Ge.

"Master, no good, this is five strong dragon, you can't resist it!"

The sword soul in the body saw this and quickly reminded Chen Ge.

The five strong dragons are a kind of fire art in the realm. Once the five strong dragons are used, the power of the five fire dragons will be stronger than each other, and almost no one in the same class can bear it.

Of course, Chen Ge doesn't believe in this evil. He has the potential of nine turn yuan soul in his body.

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Five fire dragons flew towards Chen Ge one by one.

Chen ge used his own speed to avoid the flying dragon.

First.. Successfully escaped, the fire dragon blasted in a big tree behind him, the tree was instantly turned into a piece of ash black carbon.

Then Chen Ge jumped up again and avoided the second fire dragon. The fire dragon flashed on the stone wall, and the stones rolled down.

Third.. Article 4.. Similarly, Chen Ge avoids it easily.

Just the last one.. This one Chen song can not escape, the fifth fire dragon is to gather the power of the front four fire dragons.


The fifth fire dragon directly blows on Chen GE's body.

Chen Ge, like a kite with a broken line, drew a beautiful arc in the air, and then fell into the bottom of the abyss of Youming valley.

Seeing Chen Ge fall into the abyss, Qin Heng was relieved. He finally avenged his son. He knew that Chen Ge would surely die.

Qin Heng deeply looked at the bottom of the abyss and then turned away without looking back.

After a long time, at the bottom of the abyss of Youming Valley, a figure was lying in the grass. The fingers of the figure began to vibrate a few times.

Yes, he is Chen Ge.

Chen Ge fell into the bottom of the abyss and did not die, but was seriously injured and fainted on the grass. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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