The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 814: 814

Half a day later..

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After half a day, Chen GE's injury has been cured with the help of Feng Ruchen.

And Feng Ruchen also taught Chen Ge all his life-long learning and his own skills.

There is only one condition for Chen Ge to be sealed like dust.

And this condition is what Chen Ge wants to do, that is to kill Qin Heng.

Chen Ge didn't have to learn the five strong dragons at all, because when Feng Ruchen passed all his skills to Chen Ge, Chen Ge had already grasped all his abilities, that is to say, he could master all the abilities of Feng Ruchen.

"Chen Ge, my everything has been taught to you, I can finally retire.. I'll leave it to you! "

After teaching all the skills, Feng Ruchen left a word in the tree hole, and then there was no movement.

People as their name, seal as dust, but as dust, finally can die.

However, before that, Chen Ge must kill Qin Heng, which can make Feng Ruchen's last wish come true.

"Master Feng Ruchen, I will not let you down!"

Chen Ge stood outside the tree hole, looking up at the towering tree in front of him, with a dignified and resolute voice.

With that, Chen Ge bowed deeply to the tree and turned away.

"Master, Congratulations, you have finally entered the realm of real people!"

After leaving, the sword soul in his body said to Chen Ge.

After getting fengruchen's skill, Chen GE's jiuzhuan yuan Shen was promoted to a higher level, and his strength was suddenly increased, which promoted him to the realm of real life.

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Once you have stepped into the realm of real people, it is no longer a matter of flying over eaves and walls.

Chen Ge jumped to his feet, stepping on the rocks on the stone wall, and continued to step up and fly.

This time, Chen Ge must kill Qin Heng.

But before that, Chen Ge wants to meet Zhou Nuo and his sister Chen Xiaohui first.

According to the plan in advance, Zhou Nuo and Chen Xiao take a rest in a small town not far from the Youming Valley, waiting for Chen GE's return.

A few minutes later, Chen Ge arrived in the town.

See Chen Ge safe return, Zhou Nuo and Chen Xiao heart stone is finally able to put down.

They both waited for nearly a day, but they didn't see Chen Ge come back, which really worried them.

"Little song, it's great that you're OK!"

Chen Xiao hugged Chen Ge tightly and said.

Chen Ge gently patted Chen Xiao's back and comforted him: "elder sister, you don't know my skill. Don't worry, I'll be OK!"

"That's not good. If something happens to you, how can I tell my parents..."

Chen Xiao is like a child, shaking his head and tooting his mouth.

If her brother Chen Ge really had an accident, she really didn't want to live.

"Zhou Nuo, thank you for taking care of my sister!"

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Then, Chen Ge looked to Zhou Nuo and said thanks with a smile.

"How would you like to thank me?"

Zhou Nuo is to show a funny smile, frown at Chen Ge and tease him.

Chen Ge is embarrassed for a moment. In fact, he will not touch the beauty because he is already a husband with a wife, but there is a beautiful woman Su Muhan in the family, so her woman will not let Chen Ge be moved at all.

"I owe you a favor. How do you want me to pay you back? You think about it. I can promise you a request!"

Chen Ge quickly changed a way to propose to Zhou Nuo.

"Well, that's what you said. You can't go back on it!"

Zhou Nuo a listen, decisively agreed to come down, as if to seize the essence of Chen Ge, for fear that Chen Ge will repent.

"Well.. Don't worry, I'm Chen GE's word, who repents who grandson! "

Chen GE's firm look agreed to Zhou Nuo.

"Well, sister, Zhou Nuo, I have one more thing to solve. After that, we can leave here. Before that, you should wait for me here. Don't go out at will. If anything happens, contact me with the notes and I will come back immediately!"

Chen Ge is a reminder of the focus of Chaozhou Nuo and Chen Xiaoyu.

"Xiaoge, where are you going again?"

Chen Xiao is a little worried, looking at Chen Ge asked, this just came back, will have to separate with his brother.

"Sister, don't worry, I will come back safely. Some things must be solved!"

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Chen Ge watched Chen Xiao's sermon closely.

After hearing this, Chen Xiao also nodded. She knew that she had no way to stop her brother. The only thing she expected was that Chen Ge could come back safely.

After saying good-bye, Chen Ge jumped out and quickly flew to the direction of Baidi city.

Tonight, it is destined to be a night of killing. The Qin family must be wiped out from the White Emperor city.

And now, Baidi City, Qin family.The Qin family is standing in the mansion to mourn Qin Yufei.

"Yufei, I have avenged you for my father. I have killed the boy Chen Ge. You can rest in peace."

Qin Heng stood in front of Qin Yufei's Lingpai with tearful eyes.

Behind him were all the people of the Qin family, all in mourning.

It's the saddest thing for white hair people to send black hair people.

It's a pity.. Soon Qin Heng and Qin family can go down to accompany Qin Yufei.

"Old man, rest in peace. I'll send you down to accompany your son."

At this time, the voice of Chen Ge rang out around the Qin family, and then Chen Ge appeared on the eaves of the Qin family, hands crossed, standing in a very casual appearance.


Qin Heng's face suddenly changed, and his expression was angry and shocked.

He had no idea that Chen Ge was still alive. He was obviously hit by his own five strong dragons. How could he have nothing at all.

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"You.".. You. You're not dead? "

Qin Heng stares at Chen Ge and asks.


Chen Ge sneered coldly and snorted scornfully.

"Qin Heng, Qin Heng, you are too confident. Do you think that your Wulie dragon, which has not achieved great success, can kill me?"

Qin Heng's eyebrows had been wrinkled into a line, and his face was extremely gloomy.

"How do you know that?"

Qin Heng asked coldly. Unexpectedly, Chen Ge knew that his five strong dragon had not been trained into great success, because he was the only one who knew that his five strong dragon had not achieved great success.

"You don't have to know, because you will be a dead man right away. I said, Qin family will die!"

Chen Ge didn't answer Qin Heng's words. Instead, he said a sentence in a gloomy and severe tone.

"Yes? I can beat you for the first time, I can beat you for the second time. Don't talk nonsense. Come on

Qin Heng scornfully snorted. He didn't pay any attention to Chen Ge, and then he jumped up and quickly attacked Chen Ge.

Unfortunately, this time, Qin Heng really underestimated Chen GE's strength. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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