The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 816: 816


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A secret manor somewhere in South Vietnam.

Chen GE's family happily sat inside, chatting and chatting.

Huang Yonghao nestles in the arms of Chen GE's mother Zhang Suhong, incomparably clever, and his face is filled with a long lost smile.

It's a long overdue day of reunion.

But for Chen Ge, he couldn't really be happy.

Looking at his brother lost his eyes and tongue, his parents lost his legs, his sister suffered a lot of pain, let Chen GE's heart feel very guilty, very bad taste.

He didn't try his best to protect his family, which caused his family to suffer such hardships.

His brother should have been able to live a happy life like a normal person. In order to get justice from Chen family for himself, Chen Ge felt deeply ashamed of him.

But before that, Chen Ge had to wipe out the Qin family in the song city on the surface. Only in this way can the hatred of his family be regarded as a real reward.

"Song, why don't you talk?"

Mother Zhang Suhong asked Chen Ge with a smile.

"Yes, Xiaoge, it's rare that our family is finally reunited. We should have a good celebration. Be happy!"

Father Chen Jindong also echoed Zhang Suhong's words and proposed to Chen Ge.

Chen Ge responds quickly, pretending to be OK and looks at his family with a smile.

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"Mom and Dad, brother, sister, from now on, I will not let you suffer any more harm, I will certainly protect you!"

Chen Ge looks at his family and preaches with firm eyes.

"Well, little song, we all believe in you!"

Chen Jindong smiles and nods to Chen Ge.

Soon, the family ended this long lost reunion in laughter.

Chen GE's parents took their younger brother Huang Yonghao to have a rest, while her sister Chen Xiao sat outside chatting with Chen Ge in the garden.

"Xiaoge, do you remember the scene when you first knew you were the second generation rich?"

Chen Xiao sat beside Chen Ge, raised his head, looked at the sky, looked at the shining stars, and asked Chen Ge with a smile.

Chen Ge faint smile, reply: "of course, sister, you can really hide ah, hide from me for so long, you do not know what I experienced in school!"

"Ha ha, little song, but you've got a lot and learned a lot, haven't you? Those are the experiences you have accumulated in your life. We also wanted to make you stronger at that time, so that you can carry the hope of the whole family in the future

"Don't you think that's what it is now? My father used to be the pillar of our family. Now you are everything to our family. My sister doesn't want you to make a big world in this world. I just hope our family can get together well

Chen Xiao looked at Chen Ge and said a large part of his heart.

They have not sat down and had a good chat for a long time.

"Elder sister, you must have suffered a lot in Qin's family. I'm sorry, I'm useless. I didn't protect you, your parents and my younger brother, so that you became like this!"

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Chen Ge lowered his head and remorsed himself.

Chen Xiao stretched out her hand on Chen GE's head and gently caressed and comforted her.

"Xiaoge, we don't blame you, because all this is not what you can think of. We used to protect you. Now that you grow up, it's your turn to protect us. You see, we are reunited now. This is the happiest and most important thing. Let him pass those past things."


Chen Ge also nodded.

At this time, a dark shadow flashed quickly through the woods outside the manor.

The speed is very fast, but it is still caught by Chen Ge.

Chen GE's heart is not from a sink, feel the existence of a bad atmosphere.

"Elder sister, it's getting late. You should go and have a rest as soon as possible."

Later, Chen Ge quickly preached to Chen Xiao that he didn't want to let Chen Xiao and his parents know about the situation, lest they were afraid again.

"Well, good, that little song, you also early rest!"

Chen Xiao said with a warm smile, then turned and walked back to the room.

After watching his sister's figure disappear in the room, Chen Gecai leapt out of the manor quickly and chased away in the direction of the disappearance of the shadow, and released his spiritual consciousness to look for it.

"Come out, I know you're around!"

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Chen Ge stops and stands quietly in the same place. He speaks to the woods.


Just listen to a burst of leaves, a black shadow quickly shuttle out, cold light a sword toward Chen Ge stab.

Chen Ge is quick to react. He dodges sideways and blows out his palm decisively.They were just right, but neither of them hurt anyone.

"Who is it?"

Chen Ge asked coldly.

"It seems that it is not a strange thing that Qin family was destroyed by you. You are already a real person with extraordinary strength. It's really promising to reach such a level at such an age!"

The other side's tone is rather dark, light preaching, although Chen GE's strength is somewhat unexpected, but also do not feel very surprised.

Chen Ge squints and stares at the man in black.

"Who are you? Don't hide your identity. If you have the ability, just show your identity and intention

"Ha ha!"

"You don't have the strength to know my identity yet! I can only tell you that the king sent me

The man in black chuckled and gave Chen Ge an answer.

After that, without waiting for Chen Ge to respond, the man in black flashed out and disappeared in the dark.

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"Master, this man's strength is not weak, at least above the second level of soul cultivation in the human realm!"

At this time, only listen to Chen GE's body sword soul to open mouth to remind Chen Ge.

"Sword soul, do you know the LORD God he said? Who is that? "

Chen Ge asked the sword soul with some doubts.

"I don't know, but I can feel that his breath must come from the realm!"

The spirit of the sword immediately replied to Chen Ge.

It seems that all this is exactly what Chen Ge expected. The demise of the Qin family will certainly make Jieyu turbulent and cause him more trouble.

"But master, this man doesn't want to entangle with you. I'm only here to test your strength."

The soul of the sword is the reason that Chao Chen Ge tells us.

Chen Ge also saw this point, the other side did not kill themselves, but made a test, but fortunately, Chen Ge did not use their own strength, and did not let the other side see what.

"It seems that I have to find someone to ask who the LORD God is!"

Chen Ge also took a meaningful look at the direction of the disappearance of the black robed man, and said a word from his mouth. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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