The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 82: 82

With hanfil's pull in.

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Suddenly, many students, together with her two or three thousand fans accumulated during this period, gathered in the studio.

Typing on the public screen began to roll up.

After this period of contract live broadcasting, hanfei'er really learned a lot of live broadcast skills.

Chatting and buffoonery, acting talent, is already quite proficient.

"Babies, how about a wave of gifts? Mamda

"Give the baby a big Moda, a meow meow meow for the baby!"

Fans: "ouch, fei'er is the most beautiful and loves to listen to fei'er's voice! "

" @ ordinary brother! Brother Jiujiang! Come on, two local tyrants. Sister fei'er is going to PK later. Help

"Sing, sing!"

Han Fei Er smiles sweetly and turns on the special effects. She immediately turns into a kitten.

"Let's learn how to bark together, meow meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, me

Jiujiang send a rocket!

Jiujiang send a rocket!

Jiujiang send a rocket!

Hanfei'er studio of Jiujiang at this time crazy brush on the gift.

There was constant interaction in the studio.

How lively.

Chen Ge is also watching at the moment, originally also wanted to give some gifts.

But, hanfil's performance style this time is very different from before. In general, money is stronger than before, and the purpose is stronger.

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I don't have the feeling of letting things go.

If brush, Chen GE has a kind of pit feeling.

Cough, I'd better wait.

Looking into the room, Meng Cairu is seriously watching the live broadcast.

Hao Lanlan and they are also together to look enviously.

After all, vanity is a temptation that many girls have no resistance to, of course, envy.

As for Chen Ge, feeling that hanfei'er's live room may be too boring, he jumped out and went to the room of other female anchor.

From this, came into a room called Zuo Qiaoqiao.

The female anchor's popularity is nearly ten thousand. I have to say, it's a beautiful girl.

No wonder so many fans support it.

Now, Zuo Qiaoqiao has a lot of comments in the live room, but she is actually mending her makeup in front of the camera at the moment. She doesn't talk or interact with her fans.

Nearly 10000 people watched Zuo Qiaoqiao make up.

"When are you going to perform?"

Chen Ge was typing on the public screen.

I want to see the beauty singing and dancing.

Moreover, as Chen Ge is a member, once he types, the public screen is very conspicuous. Moreover, the live broadcast window on the left Qiaoqiao side will shake slightly.

"Are you blind? The ordinary one

Unexpectedly, left Qiaoqiao frowned directly and scolded Chen Ge directly. His attitude was as bad as possible.

"Don't you see that I'm making up? If you love to see, if you don't, you can get out of here

Left Qiaoqiao cold channel.

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Ha ha, you must be thought that you are a member of the bull force, she left Qiaoqiao what members have not seen ah, she most despises this kind of money to come up to pretend to force.

What's more, with a lot of big brother's support, she has long been dismissive of some small fans, small members and so on.

"Well, I just want to ask, you are not the anchor, you must perform some talent!"

Chen Ge is really a little angry. He has some fun on the Internet. As a result, he is scolded. Who can not be angry.

But as soon as Chen GE's words were finished, he was forbidden by the field control.

"Damn it, perform your mother's talent. It's called ordinary. What's the pressure to put on some money?"

Field control directly typing curse.

At this time, Zuo Qiaoqiao finished painting her makeup, and then she said:

"now some losers on the Internet are just like this. If you charge some money, they will play big brother all over the place. This kind of thing is good for those new anchors. If you are here, you can get as far as you want to go!"

"Ha ha! Sister Qiaoqiao is angry. This ordinary is really funny. Don't you know that Qiaoqiao is almost a live sister in the same city now? "

"That's right. Sister Qiaoqiao has more than ten big brothers. It's said that they are all big bosses in Jinling City. They are the top ones in the list. They usually open the road to range rover!"

A large number of fans are typing below, all kinds of crazy licking that called champion brother.

No.1 scholar: what's the matter? Qiao, is there a lack of gifts? I charged 100000 yuan. I'll make you happy today! As for some poor losers, kick them out when they should! "

"Ah! Here comes the champion

Left Qiaoqiao saw the champion typing, immediately threw cosmetics, skipping, really can love!

"No.1 brother, people think you don't care about cheerleading. You're not happy here!"Zuo Qiaoqiao has been selling cute all the time.

"Why! How can I not come! "


Left Qiaoqiao side said, while smiling at the screen, the hand is the mouse movement.

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Chen Ge flies out of the studio.


Chen Ge couldn't help but scold. He was really angry.

It's just a dog's nest.

Why is it so difficult to watch a live broadcast? Just said two words, was directly kicked out by a female anchor.

And it was an insult and then kicked out.

I'm afraid I'm the first one to spend more than 100000 yuan in the live room.

Before this line, now, Chen Ge with another identity ordinary, or so cowardly, it is impossible to bear!

Pay directly back?

It's too simple.

To tell you the truth, Chen Ge had some thoughts in his mind when he was an assistant to hanfei'er.

It is the idea of self-development in the future.

My sister has already given herself a vaccination, and I will definitely need to work alone in the future.

Therefore, last time Chen Ge thought about whether he would start investing in some small assets to practice and accumulate experience.

Such as real estate, commercial street, Chen Ge temporarily do not understand.

But a lot of things on the Internet, they are very familiar with.

At that time, I wanted to invest in a live broadcast platform.

But later, because Su Muhan's matter did not consider deeply.

But now

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For myself, it's killing two birds with one stone!

Thinking of this, Chen Ge secretly ran to the bathroom and called Li Zhenguo.

It said it was to start a fund and do a live broadcast.

In short, it means to invest.

Naturally, Li Zhenguo has no problem with these problems, and he directly guarantees that it will be finished within an hour.

After Chen Ge came out, I saw Wang Yue and they were all looking into it!

"Chen Ge, Chen Ge, their PK has started. Han fei'er is really fierce. Her present amount has exceeded 20000, and she has won two female anchors!"

Wang Yue said excitedly.

Chen Ge nodded and went back to Han fei'er's live room.

Now, Han fei'er is very proud, LianZhan wins again and again, and the gifts at the backstage are rising, which makes her happy to death!

"Momada, I love the babies. If you accompany me for another round, I will be promoted directly."

Han Fei Er laughs.

"Win, win!"

Fans yelled.

The so-called live PK is a bit similar to that of two people opening a video. Two beautiful anchors are in the same frame. Under them, there is a progress bar composed of the number of gifts. Which camp brushes more, which party can directly Ko the other party.

It's a big activity for the live broadcast platform to design gifts.

The connection activity continues.

Hanfei'er has no fear of waiting, until this time, after the female anchor on the line comes out, hanfei'er's face suddenly changes violently.

Of course, Chen Ge is also very surprised! , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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