The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 835: 835

Around Chen Ge lie a few corpses, which are the bodies of the white wolves.

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The wolf fell down the mountain and died.

But Chen GE's body is very hard, so there is nothing.

After a while, Chen Ge wakes up, opens her eyes and takes a look. It is also a great joy to see that she is safe and sound.

Chen Ge immediately went out from the trees, took out a knife, cut a piece of meat from a white wolf and took it away, which was regarded as food for himself.

After walking for a while, Chen Ge was surprised by the scene in front of him.

What he saw was a paradise.

Such a beautiful place is the first time Chen GE has seen it, and the whole outside world does not exist.

Walking in it, Chen Ge felt like walking in a fairyland.

"Who are you?"

At this time, there was a soft female voice around.

Sound down, people present.

A woman in a white gauze skirt flitted out of the woods and landed in front of Chen Ge with a long sword, pointing her sword at Chen Ge.

Chen Ge slightly a Leng, did not expect that this kind of place should still exist.

The woman in front of her looks very beautiful, dancing, graceful, fresh temperament.

"I fell down from the Lingshan mountain and got lost in this place!"

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After a pause, Chen Ge explained to the woman.

After listening to the woman, Xiu eyebrows wrinkled slightly, looked at Chen Ge suspiciously and asked, "did you fall from Lingshan without injury?"

Looking at Chen GE's whole body without any scars, it really makes women some doubt.

"I am a practitioner, so this height is not a problem for me, so I am not injured!" Chen Ge explained his identity.

"Are you a practitioner?"

The woman asked with a confirmation.

Chen Ge nodded with a firm look.

Staring at Chen Ge, the woman felt that Chen Ge was not lying, so she chose to believe Chen GE's words and put down the sword in her hand.

"Who are you, please? Why are you here? What is this place? "

After seeing a woman put down her vigilance, Chen Ge asked her three questions one after another.

To be able to exist such a fairyland in the Lingshan mountain must be absolutely not simple, and there must be a great secret.

"My name is Lingzhu. I am the guardian of this place. This place is called fairyland."

The woman answered lightly, telling her identity and the name of the place.


Chen Ge was surprised.

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I can't imagine that there is such a place in this boundary area. The boundary area is really a mysterious place, and there are many secrets that have not been discovered.

Then, Lingzhu left with Chen Ge and flew to a very secret house.

"This is my residence. You can rest here for one night, and tomorrow I will take you out of here!"

Lingzhu Chaochen song tells a sentence.

"Lingzhu, how long have you lived here?"

Chen Ge asked curiously to Lingzhu. He thought that Lingzhu should not be a person in the real world, but looked like an immortal in ancient times.

"Two thousand years!"

The next second, the Pearl said a number.

Chen Ge immediately glared big eyes, thought it was his mistake to hear it.

Two thousand years.. Chen Ge was a little frightened. The Pearl in front of her had already lived for two thousand years and looked as young as a little girl.

Who on earth is this pearl? He has been here for 2000 years.

For two thousand years, this place has not been discovered.

But for Chen GE's accidental fall into the valley, I'm afraid he would not have found this place.

"What are you doing in Lingshan?"

Chen Ge finished asking questions. It's Lingzhu's turn to ask.

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"I'm looking for an ancient medicinal material called millennial ginseng!"

Chen Ge will Zhou Nuo and other people's purposes to Chao Lingzhu replied.

"Millennium ginseng, what do you need it for? Is it for God's sake? " When Lingzhu heard this, she frowned and asked Chen Ge.

"You know?"

Listening to Lingzhu's words, Chen Ge knew that Lingzhu must have known the Millennium pearl ginseng.

"Millennial ginseng is a precious herb in my fairyland. It will grow once in a thousand years. Now it is the time to grow!" Lingzhu answered and told.

This makes Chen Ge feel even more incredible. Unexpectedly, Zhou Nuo's millennial ginseng is in this fairyland. No wonder they can't find it on the Lingshan mountain.

"To tell you the truth, I don't know much about the millennial ginseng. It's my friend who came to Lingshan to look for her and met with danger. So I came to find her, but I didn't expect to come here unexpectedly!"Chen Ge didn't want to let Lingzhu misunderstand that he was aiming at Millennium pearl ginseng, so he quickly explained to Lingzhu.

On the surface, Chen Ge feels that the strength of the spirit bead is not particularly strong. It is only a level one soul cultivation in the human realm, so the spirit bead can't defeat him.

But Chen Ge is not that kind of villain. Naturally, he won't fight for the thousand year old pearl.

"Come with me!"

Lingzhu takes a deep look at Chen Ge and makes a sign.

With that, Lingzhu took Chen Ge to a large garden. In the garden, there was a place where ice crystal flowers grew.

Yes, these are Millennium ginseng.

"These are millennial ginseng!"

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Lingzhu points to the thousand year old pearl ginseng Chen Ge in front of him.

Chen Ge looked as like as two peas of pearl, and it was exactly the same as Zhou Nuo had seen before.

"Can I ask about the specific use of millennial ginseng? Why is it so precious? "

Chen Ge, like a student, looked up at the Pearl and asked.

"Well, it's useful.. The use of millennial ginseng is used to make God returning pills, which can bring people back to life! Do you think it's precious

Lingzhu light smile, patiently explained with Chen Ge.

After listening to Lingzhu's explanation, Chen Ge understood. It seems that everything Zhou Nuo said before was true, not a legend. This huanshen pill really exists. It is just made by refining medicine with millennial Zhushen!

"Has Shendan ever appeared?"

Chen Ge asked Lingzhu again.

Lingzhu did not answer Chen GE's words, but took out a scroll from her sleeve and handed it to Chen Ge.

Chen Ge a face puzzled, took the scroll open to see.

After watching for a while, Chen GE's face gradually became inconceivable, and the color of surprise on his face became more and more intense.

This scroll records the times and places where huanshen pills appear. Since ancient times, huanshen pills have appeared three times. Each appearance will cause a great disaster, which can be said to be an ominous thing. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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