The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 837: 837

"Chen Ge!"

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The next second, Zhou Nuo immediately called out.

Hearing Zhou Nuo's cry, Ling Qun and others in the tent turned their heads and cast their eyes.

Zhou Nuo eyes wet, immediately rushed up, directly on a tight embrace of Chen Ge.

Ling Qun and others are also rushed out, see Chen Ge, is also very surprised.

"Chen Ge, you.. are you all right? Did you get hurt? "

After Zhou Nuo held Chen Ge for a while, he quickly looked at Chen GE's whole body and asked with concern for fear that Chen Ge would be injured.

Chen Ge shook his head and replied with a smile, "I'm ok, I'm not hurt!"

"You. You scared me to death

Zhou Nuo beat Chen Ge with his little hands and complained.

Yesterday saw Chen Ge fall into the valley scene, really almost did not let Zhou Nuo's heart jump out.

But now see Chen Ge nothing, let Zhou Nuo really put down the stone hanging in his heart.

Ling Qun and Wang Peng also came up and patted Chen Ge on the shoulder.

"What's going on?"

Ling Qun asked Chen Ge in surprise.

"Ha ha, my life is big. I was caught by a big tree after I fell down!" Chen Ge found a reason to explain that things about fairyland did not come out.

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Hearing this explanation, Ling Qun several people also have no doubt, as long as Chen Ge can come back safely.

Since Chen Ge came back safely, they didn't have to go to rescue again. They quickly packed up their bags, left Lingshan and returned to DIDU.

After returning to Zhou's home, Zhou Yunshan was relieved to see Chen GE's safe return.

"Zhou family master, Zhou Nuo, I may return to earth for some time!"

As soon as he came back, Chen Ge proposed to Zhou Nuo and Zhou Yunshan.

"Ah? Are you going back? "

Zhou Nuo a listen, immediately complexion becomes a little lost to ask a way.

This period of time Chen Ge in her own side has completely let her used to, do not want Chen ge back to earth.

Now hear Chen Ge say to go back, let Zhou Nuo really some unacceptable.

But she also knew that she could not stop Chen Ge.

"Chen Ge, when are you going back?" Zhou Yunshan asked Chen Ge.

"It's going to be a while. It's been a while since I've come to Jieyu. I have to stay at home with my family." Zhou Yunchao explained with a smile.

"Well, yes, family members really need to be accompanied. OK, it's OK. This is your home in Jieyu. You can come back when you want to. We are waiting for you all the time." Zhou Yunshan nodded and firmly looked at Chen Ge to remind him.

Hearing Zhou Yunshan's words, Chen Ge was really moved. In addition to his own master, Zhou Nuo and Zhou Yunshan are the only ones who treat themselves so well.

It's just.. It's just that he can't go with Zhou Nuo.

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Soon, after saying goodbye to Zhou Nuo and Zhou Yunshan, Chen Ge left the boundary and returned to earth.

Back to the earth again, the feeling on both sides is completely different. Returning to the earth makes Chen GE more warm and familiar.

After all, the earth is Chen GE's real home.

After returning to earth, Chen Ge immediately returned to xuanyang palace.

It's been a long time since I saw my family and Su Muhan. He really missed it.

However, when Chen Ge returned home, he did not see Su Muhan and his sister except his own family.

"Mom and Dad, where has Muhan gone with her sister?"

Chen Ge immediately asked his parents.

"Oh, well, your sister went to Lingzhou with Mu Han. Listening to Mu Han say that she seems to have found her own parents, namely, the Su family in Lingzhou!"

Chen Jindong answered and told Chen Ge.

"Lingzhou, Su family?" Chen Ge a listen, doubt a bit.

After that, Chen Ge left xuanyang palace and went to Lingzhou alone.

At this time, Lingzhou Su family.

Su Muhan and Chen Xiao are standing in the hall of the Su family.

Su family, one of the most powerful families in Lingzhou, has a huge business chain.

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But for Su Mu Han's arrival, it really caught the Su family off guard.

"You say your name is Su Muhan?"

Standing in front of Su Muhan is a gorgeous woman, who stares at Su Muhan with heavy makeup and asks.

"Yes, my name is Su Muhan. I'm here to find my father Su Zhen!"

Su Mu Han eyes firm answer way.

"Hum, my father is Su Zhen. I have never heard him say that there is another daughter. I think you are probably here to make trouble!" The woman snorted coldly, pointing to Su Mu Han.

The woman's name is Su Hong, the second daughter of the Su family and the daughter of Su Zhen, the owner of the family.

"Will you wait until your father and I see you?" Su Mu Han did not pay attention to Su Hong's words, but a faint reminder.The purpose of her coming here is to find Su Zhen. She learned the place of her own parents from the master of ghost operator, so she set out immediately. Chen Xiao was worried about letting Su Muhan come alone, so she accompanied her.

Only did not expect this just arrived at the Su family, two people met a closed door, also met Su Zhen's daughter Su Hong.

Before long, I saw a middle-aged man and a woman came out of it.

"Xiao Hong, what's going on?"

The middle-aged man asked Su Hongzhi.

"Father, you are here. The woman said it was your daughter and she would like to see you."

Seeing the arrival of Su Zhen, Su Hong immediately told her father.

"What? You are the only daughter of your father. There is another one

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Waiting for Su Zhen to open his mouth, the woman standing on the edge of Su Zhen suddenly opened her mouth angrily.

This woman, Liu Caifeng, is Su Hong's mother and Su Zhen's wife.

Su Zhen eyebrows a sink, will look toward Su Mu Han and Chen xiaotou.

When Su Zhen saw Su Mu Han's moment, he immediately let Su Zhen's heart startle, and the canthus of his eyes could not help but twitch a little.

To be honest, Su Muhan and Su Zhen are quite similar.

"Are you Su Zhen, the master of the Su family?"

Su Mu Han stares at Su Zhen and asks.

"Yes, I am!" Su Zhen did not hesitate and immediately replied.

"You.".. You are really like your mother The next second, Su Zhen couldn't help exclaiming.

Hearing this, Su Hong and Liu Caifeng's faces suddenly changed.

"Dad, what do you mean? Do you have any other women out there? " Su Hong immediately looked at Su Zhenzhi and asked.

Liu Caifeng also tugged at Su Zhen and asked angrily, "Su Zhen, what do you mean by this? Do you really have women outside? Is this woman really your daughter

Su Zhen did not know how to explain at this time, but he knew that he would not escape this day. This day finally came, and he still had to face it and solve the matter. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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