The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 86: 86

"Are you kidding? Didn't you just watch you take it?"

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Several people have come to the door, rich less persuade him.

"Yes, but didn't I have a rush? I stopped and went to the roadside woods to pee. It broke. I still had my ticket in my hand at that time, but when I finished urinating, I didn't seem to remember what I had in my hand. It should have been lost at that time! "

It can be seen that although all the people are very funny about him, they are also good partners to play with.

So everyone was worried.

"If you look for it again, you can't, go back and get it..."

"That's a long way off."

The people discussed and wanted to tell the female receptionist that there were tickets, but they lost them, whether they could go in or not.

But she was directly refused by the female receptionist.

"What's the matter?"

At this time, a middle-aged man in a suit came up and looked at the men and women.

"Oh, are you Zhou Yu and Zhou Shao?"

The middle-aged man was originally indifferent, but when he saw the man who lost the ticket, he suddenly became happy.

"Do you remember me? At that time, I had dinner with your father, Mr. Zhou Tianhao, in a restaurant in Suzhou. At that time, you were still there

Said the middle-aged manager with a smile.

"Ao, I remember. Are you manager Li Tian of the travel company?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I am. What is your situation now?"

Li Tian asked with a smile.

Zhou Ze's feelings are usually just easygoing, and everyone loves to make fun of him. However, his family's assets of more than one billion yuan are also regarded as a big family in Suzhou.

And obviously, Zhou Ze is the core of this group of men and women.

So no matter how much trouble, when they heard that Zhou Ze had something to do, none of them was willing to leave.

Especially the girls.

"Ha ha ha, that's easy. Manager Li, I lost my ticket, but it's not easy to find it when I go back. I want to ask if I can go in directly!"

Zhou Ze laughs and says, in his eyes, this is OK.

With a careless eye, I want to lift my leg in.

"No, Zhou Shao!" Li Tian stopped him. "If you usually do, Zhou Shao, you can do anything. But this time, the occasion is not the same. I'll give you an account. On the surface, this cruise party is Mr. Huang from Suzhou's rich people who organized a group of rich and young people to play together. But in fact, Mr. Huang wants to invite Chen Shao from Jinling!"

"Chen Shao?"

Zhou Ze and others looked at each other.

"Cough, you may not know Chen Shao directly, but you always know that commercial street in Jinling?"

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"Nonsense, it's known as gold on paper in Jinling. It means that the water there is going to be against the weather. I wanted to go to the villa before, but I almost didn't spend it!"

Zhou Ze couldn't help saying.

"Cough, don't mention the hot spring villa. In fact, the whole Jinling commercial street belongs to one person, that is Chen Shao!"


Zhou Ze was surprised.

The beautiful girls beside him were all shocked.

Some rich second generation really have money, but it's all their Lao Tzu's money. But Chen Shao, who has his own business or has such a big industry, is too powerful. Who are the people standing behind him?

Everyone was surprised.

"So, Zhou Shao, this admission is too strict. I'm afraid that some people with bad intentions will sneak in, or the paparazzi will take pictures of it!"

Li Tian explained patiently.

"Well, well, then we'll go back and look for it."

After driving for a long time, I couldn't find it at all.

"Shit, can't I get in?"

Zhou Zeku forced the way.

There is only one ticket per person. This is not a commodity. You can buy it if you say you buy it.

At this time, the receptionist, who had not spoken at one side, turned red.

She really wanted to say something just now, but she didn't dare, because what manager Li Tian said was too frightening.

Because just now, I met a very suspicious person.

Say it or not?

I said I was afraid of being expelled, but if you don't say it, this party is very solemn.

I can't afford to kill her.


Say it!

The receptionist immediately said, "manager Li, Zhou Shao, don't worry. You can't find your ticket. He should have been picked up."

"What? By whom? "

Zhou Ze asked.

The receptionist's name was Zhang Hong. At the moment, she immediately said all the suspicious things she had just seen.

"You, you, why didn't you call me at that time? If something happened, we'd all be in trouble. Do you know that?"

Li Tian slapped his thigh.

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He also hated the loser he described.At present, let Zhang Hong go to find it.

And Zhou Ze and his several, also followed in

But now Chen Ge doesn't know anything.

I just think this golden beach is really big and beautiful.

The sound of the sea is roaring. It should be a great pleasure to hold a party here at night.

Next to it is a sea view hotel.

Chen Ge with the ticket, has been in another male reception under the lead, to the hotel.

Just now Bai Xiaofei has called Chen Ge.

They are still in the hotel outside, and they haven't got up yet. They didn't expect Chen Ge to come so early.

I'm going to find Chen Ge right now.

"Stop, stop him!"

Suddenly, Li Tian ran all the way to the elevator. Seeing Chen Ge was about to enter the elevator, he immediately called out.

Chen Ge saw a group of people running towards themselves.

I was surprised, so I stopped to see what they wanted to do?

"You! Show me your ticket now

Li Tian was furious.

To tell you the truth, this Chen song seems to have no trace of wealth.

Just now he doubted that he might have made a mistake, but when he looked at Chen GE's clothes.

No mistake!


Li tianhen said.

"The ticket, didn't she see it?"

Chen Ge pointed to the female receptionist.

"Hum, if you don't look at it, how can you know that you are a loser in fact?"

Zhang Hong also impolitely scolded, "Zhou Shao, this is the man, he should have picked up your ticket!"

With that, Zhang Hong came over and took away the ticket of Chen singer.

"My God, the world is so big that there are all kinds of people. Such people want to come to the cruise party!"

There are a few girls cover the mouth secretly smile way, in the eye does not cover up the disdain.

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And Chen Ge understood.

Feelings of this group of people call themselves, is to suspect that they picked up other people's tickets, and just a person lost, so the first time to suspect their own head!

This really made Chen Ge speechless.

"Call the police, manager Li. This man must be trying to plot an evil plan!"

Several girls said.

Zhang Hong has already taken out his mobile phone and is ready to call the police.

"Chen Shao, you are here

At this time, Bai Xiaofei and several of them arrived.

At the moment, a trot of people bumped over.

"Why? Bai Shao, it's you

It was Zhou Ze who spoke this time.

"Hello, Bai Shao!"

And Zhou Ze side several very beautiful girls, are also respectfully said.

The assets of their families are all of 8.9 billion yuan.

But in front of Bai Xiaofei, he is nothing. His family has seven or eight billion assets.

"Ha ha, Zhou Ze, it's you!"

These people, like Bai Xiaofei, are junior students of Jiangnan University.

Of course, they all know Bai Xiaofei, the bully of Jiangnan University.

"Chen Shao, how do you still know them?"

Bai Xiaofei asked Chen Ge with a smile.

"I don't know. They said I stole their tickets and sneaked in. I don't have to call the police to arrest me!"

Chen Ge smiles bitterly.

"What? Steal their tickets? Who is so blind? "

Bai Xiaofei is angry.

Zhang Hong was blinded at that time. Of course, she had heard of Bai Xiaofei's name, which was as famous as Huang Shao.

However, Bai Shao, who was called a loser by himself, was so polite to him?

What's more, what does Bai Shao call him?

Chen Chen Shao?

"It's such a white boy. There may be some misunderstandings. We just doubt it. So we want to have a look at the admission ticket of this little brother? After all, you know the importance of this cruise party

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"Ha ha, of course I know, Li Tianzhou Ze, and you, do you know who he is?"

Bai Xiaofei points to Chen Ge.

"He is Chen Ge and Chen Shao of Jinling commercial street. He still needs to pick up your tickets?"

"What? So Chen Shao is him? "

As soon as this speech came out, everyone was surprised and couldn't close their mouths.

"Ah! Chen Shao, I'm really sorry! "

Zhang Hong's legs are shaking.

At the moment, the bow is 90 degrees.

This sentence from Bai Shao's mouth, of course, is certain.

"Cough, Chen Shao, I'm really sorry. I didn't expect..."

Li Tian swallowed his saliva with a thump, and his face became respectful.Not to mention standing next to Zhou Ze at the moment, those girls who just ridiculed Chen Ge are almost crazy.

Is he the rich Chen Ge Chen Shao?


God, I just said what I did.


When Chen Hong was used to beating her face, she was too quick to beat her face.

I just want to see the world simply, and I don't want to provoke these right and wrong.

Now just a bitter smile, is ready to go into the hotel with Bai Xiaofei.

At this time, Chen GE's mobile phone rings again. Naturally, it's Lin Yiyi.

"Chen Shao Chen Shao, have you settled down? I'm afraid I can't get to you! "

"What's the matter? What's the matter? " Chen Ge a listen, Lin Yiyi's tone seems very anxious.

"Ah! I'm really going crazy. I'm not coming to my cousin's house now. But guess what, my cousin wants to introduce a boyfriend to me. I really don't want to. But my cousin is entangled with me, and I can't hide. Alas, Chen Shao, what should I do! "

Lin Yiyi was coquettish. I could see that she was really angry and worried.

"Ha ha, simple, you say you have a boyfriend!"

"But the problem came. I was excited to say that my boyfriend had come, and I couldn't go to see other boys or the like, but my cousin, she actually forced me to see my boyfriend. Now, where can I find a boyfriend? I'm so anxious!"

Suddenly, Lin Yiyi lowered his voice: "Chen Shao Chen Shao, can you do me a little favor?"

Chen GE's eyes were wide open, "damn me, what do you mean?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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