The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 862: 862

"Oh, isn't this miss Zhen?"

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After walking for a while, only one young man's voice rang from behind.

Chen Ge five people and the girl immediately stopped, slightly turned to look.

"Who am I supposed to be? It's our big black boy!"

Seeing the comer, the girl couldn't help sneering.

Chen Ge looked at the girl's expression and knew that she must not have much affection for this young man.

The young man is a dandy.

The young man's name is Wuquan, the eldest young master of Wu family in xuelongcheng.

Wu family in Xuelong city is also a name and strength of the existence, is a well-known family.

Looking at the Wuquan in front of him, Chen Ge knows that he is also a true person, and his strength is in the third level of real life realm.

"Miss Zhen, I heard that your sister lost in the martial arts competition in the city. It seems that your Zhen family is not very good now. You are a sister without martial arts ability. It's really a shame to the Zhen family."

Wu Quan couldn't help laughing at the girl and said in a tone of disdain.

The girl's real name is Zhen Mei. She is the second daughter of Zhen family in blood dragon city. Her sister is Zhen Ji. She is also a true person. Her strength is in the realm of real life.

However, among the two sisters, Zhen Mei has no martial arts ability. Only her sister Zhen Ji owns her. Therefore, Zhen Mei does not have much status in Zhen's family. She is dominated by her sister.

"Wuquan, are you here to mock me? I don't think you have been taught by my sister for a long time, have you? "

Zhen Mei immediately lowered her face, staring at Wu Quan.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

"If you don't know my sister, I'll make a mockery of you. If you don't know what you're going to do for me, you won't be angry with me if you don't know how to beat me!"

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Wu Quan quickly laughs and explains to Zhen Mei that she completely ignores Chen Ge around her and speaks with great shame.

After listening to Chen Ge, he also had a smile in his heart. This Wuquan is really naive and ridiculous. If you want to know that a person is only a real person, how can he say such a big thing.

"Yes? Are you sure? "

Zhen Mei wanted to be angry, but when she heard Wu Quan say so, she immediately turned her mind and asked Wu Quan suspiciously what to think of.

"Of course, I Wuquan did what I said. Don't let me find that guy, or I will make him look good!"

Wu Quan patted his chest and looked at Zhen Mei with righteous words.

Zhen Mei immediately looked at Chen Ge.

"Well, here's the man. He's the one you're looking for!"

Then, Zhen Mei pointed to Chen Ge standing beside her and said to Wu Quan.

After hearing this, Wu Quan was dumb for a moment and turned his eyes to Chen Ge. He didn't expect that he would be such a humble Chen Ge.

Chen Ge is suddenly stunned, thinking when he has defeated Zhen Mei's sister. This is obviously taking himself as a shield.

"Zhenji, are you kidding me? You must be teasing me if this guy is so skinny

Wu Quan didn't believe Zhen Mei's words. He gave Chen Ge a look of disdain and continued to say to Zhen Mei.

"Oh! Wu Quan, I tell you, do I need to make fun of you? I don't think you're afraid? "

Zhen Mei is also using the method to stimulate Wu Quan.

Naive Wu Quan is really so excited by Zhen Mei.

"You, we'll fight alone, dare you?"

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Then, Wuquan pointed to Chen Ge and asked angrily.

"Are you sure?"

Chen Ge asked lightly.

"Well, of course, what? Are you afraid? "

Wu Quan sneered.

"No, I'm not afraid. I'm afraid you'll lose too badly!"

Chen Ge is very calm, full of self-confidence, looking at Wu Quan taunting back.

He didn't expect Zhen Mei to bring himself a problem.

It seems that he can't get away with it now.

Zhen Mei winked at Chen Ge and murmured near Chen GE's ear.

"Chen Ge, help me teach him a lesson. This guy likes to pester me every time!"

Zhen Mei proposed to Chen Ge.

"Well, I'm not your fighter."

Chen Ge quickly reminds Zhen Mei.

"Oh, you can help me. Don't worry. I'll carry it if something happens."

Zhen Mei immediately became coquettish to Chen Ge.

Chen GE has no choice but to agree.

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"Boy, I don't believe you can beat Zhen Ji. It must be cheating. Let me teach you a lesson!"

Wu Quan points to Chen Ge confidently, and doesn't mean to put Chen Ge in the eye.With that, Wu Quan rushed to Chen Ge immediately.

Compared with Zhen Mei, Wu Quan's speed is too slow. She doesn't even have half the speed of Zhen Mei.

Such strength, really let Chen Ge disdain to move.

However, Chen Ge should play with him well before defeating Wu Quan. He can't finish the game so soon.

Wu Quan hit Chen Ge with a heavy blow.

Chen Ge slightly side, let Wu Quan's fist fall, from his own eyes.

Wu Quan immediately made a response, directly for the claw, Chen Ge to catch.

Chen GE's reaction is also very quick, immediately raised his hand to resist, will Wuquan's paw to block.


Wu Quan tears the clothes on Chen GE's arm.

This makes Chen Ge a little surprised. He didn't expect that the Wuquan would still use the dragon claw hand.

"Dragon claw hand, good, interesting!"

Chen Ge stepped back, looked at Wu Quan and said with a funny smile.


"Boy, it seems that your strength is just like this. I really don't know what means you used to win Zhen Ji!"

Wu Quan stares at Chen Ge with self-confidence and sneers.

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In his heart, Chen Ge is not his opponent at all.

Standing on one side watching the good play Zhen Mei also naturally guessed Chen GE's careful thinking.

Obviously, Chen Ge just let the water go and didn't go to face-to-face confrontation with Wu Quan.

I'm kidding. With respect to Chen GE's strength, he can defeat Wu Quan with a simple move. Why do you need any other extra actions?

"You haven't beat me yet. It's not good to be so confident!"

Chen Ge didn't get angry because of Wu Quan's words, but sneered at him.

For people like Wu Quan, Chen Ge doesn't need to be angry.

"Hum, boy, I can defeat you with this move!"

Wu Quan snorted coldly.

The voice of Chen's feet leaped to the ground.

Chen Ge did not have a trace of panic, directly turned a side leg shot out.


The next second, Wu Quan was kicked out.

This is more than ten meters away.

Wu Quan fell heavily on the ground and couldn't get up for half a day, which shows how powerful this foot is. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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