The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 866: 866

"Chen Ge, you can have a good rest for a few days now, and leave the rest to us!"

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Zhou Nuo is Chao Chen Ge again admonished.

Chen Ge also has no way, can only obediently listen, and then lie down to continue to recuperate.

A few days later.

Zhen Mei's sister Zhen Ji came to Chen GE's house early in the morning to knock.

"Chen Ge, Chen Ge, are you here?"

However, after waiting for a long time, Chen GE's voice did not come out of the room.

This makes Zhen Ji puzzled and immediately pushes the door in to have a look.

At first glance, there was no ghost.

"Where has this guy gone? Did you leave? "

Zhen Ji thought with surprise.

After thinking about it for a while, Zhen Ji quickly walked out and took a look at the back garden.

When they came to the back garden, Chen Ge and Quan lie were sitting on the stone mound. They closed their eyes and looked happy.

Seeing this, Zhen Ji couldn't help rolling her eyes.

It turned out that Chen Ge and Quan lie had already got up to practice martial arts. No wonder there was no one in the room.

"Chen Ge!"

After a pause, Zhen Ji goes to Chen GE's side and whispers.

Chen Ge suddenly opened his eyes.

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"Miss Zhen, are you here to practice martial arts so early?"

Chen Ge sees Zhen Ji's arrival and looks at Zhen Ji with a smile.

Zhen Ji takes a look at Quan lie around Chen Ge. She finds that Quan lie has no change in her expression and behavior. This makes Zhen Ji feel relieved. She knows that Quan lie is not a person to be provoked. She is afraid that she will be angry if she comes to Chen Ge.

Quan lie also seems to feel Zhen Ji's eyes. He immediately opens his eyes, then gets up and jumps out, leaving the back garden wisely.

Chen Ge saw Quan lie's action, and felt warm in his heart. He knew that Quan lie understood his mind and didn't want to stay to disturb him.

Zhen Ji is also very high in her heart.

"Chen Ge, why do you get up so early?"

When Quan lie leaves, Zhen Ji looks at Chen Ge and asks.

"I get up so early every day. I'm used to it."

Chen Ge explained a simple sentence.

This habit was developed by Chen Ge from childhood to adulthood. Getting up early and practicing kung fu is of great help and improvement to the body and martial arts.

"Come on, I'll take you somewhere!"

Later, Zhen Ji proposed to Chen Ge.

Without waiting for Chen Ge to react, Zhen Ji takes the initiative to pull up Chen GE's hand and walks towards the gate of the mansion.

No way, Chen Ge can only let Zhen Ji pull himself.

Soon, Zhen Ji took Chen Ge to a bun shop.

"Come on, I'll treat you to breakfast. The steamed buns are delicious. I come to eat them every day!"

Zhen Ji took Chen Ge and sat down. Then she called out to the waiter, "waiter, three cages of steamed buns!"

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"All right, you'll be right back."

Naturally, the bartender knows Zhen Ji, so she doesn't dare to neglect her.

No, less than a minute later, the bartender put three baskets of fragrant steamed stuffed buns on the table in front of Chen Ge and Zhen Ji.

"Come on, eat!"

Zhen Ji pushes a cage of steamed buns in front of Chen Ge, and then she eats them regardless of her image.

I have to say, Zhen Ji's food intake is still amazing.

Chen Ge just ate a basket of steamed stuffed buns, while Zhen Ji ate two big ones alone.

"Well.. Miss Zhen, you.. You can eat too much. "

Chen Ge is very direct looking at Zhen Ji said a while saying a little surprised to touch his head.

Zhen Ji raised her head and took a look at Chen Ge.

"Miss Ben is born to eat a lot. How can I drop it?"

Zhen Ji a face arrogant Jiao expression, pick a head to look at Chen Ge to ask a way.

After hearing this, Chen Ge shakes his head in a hurry. He is afraid that Zhen Ji will lift all the tables.

After breakfast, Chen Ge and Zhen Ji went to the training ground of blood dragon city.

In every city, there is a training ground for martial arts practitioners to compete and compete. There are also various competitions held every year.

When they came to the training ground, there were already many people in it to learn from each other.

Seeing Zhen Ji's arrival, many people also show their respect and give her way and place. It can be seen that Zhen Ji's influence in the blood dragon city is still great.

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The strong are always superior and respected, even if they are women.

Zhen Ji found a very partial position and stood with Chen Ge inside.

"Chen Ge, I want to compete with you!"

Zhen Ji looks at Chen Ge and suggests.


Chen Ge was very frank and agreed to come down.He promised to teach Zhen Ji martial arts, so it is necessary to have a competition. Only by constantly learning can the martial arts be improved faster.

With that, they went to their own positions.

"Are you ready?"

Zhen Ji asks Chen Ge.

"Come on, get ready!"

Chen Ge directly nodded to Zhen Ji.

The voice falls, Zhen Ji one foot stares ground, whole person rushes toward Chen Ge.

Zhen Ji's speed is not slow. She has already arrived in front of Chen Ge, and a pink fist rushes towards Chen Ge.

As before, Zhen Ji's attack style has not changed a bit.

So.. So Chen Ge can easily defeat Zhen Ji.

Chen Ge slightly sideways, reaches out his hand and grabs Zhen Ji's arm and pulls it to the ground.

With such a drag, Zhen Ji's center of gravity is unstable, and she will fall to the ground.

Fortunately, with Chen Ge pulling, she didn't let Zhen Ji fall on the ground, or she would really lose face.

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When the onlookers around saw the scene, they were all surprised.

These people are not unaware of Zhen Ji's skill.

In the past, Zhen Ji came here to compete with others. Until the end, no one dared to challenge Zhen Ji head-on. In other words, Zhen Ji was in the state of seeking defeat alone.

Now, Zhen Ji was easily defeated by a young boy.

This is, of course, a shock to everyone.

"Come again!"

Zhen Ji of course won't admit defeat like this, immediately stabilized her figure and said to Chen Ge.

She didn't believe that she couldn't stand a move in Chen GE's hand.

"Miss Zhen, wait a minute!"

Hearing Zhen Ji's words, Chen Ge stops Zhen Ji.

Zhen Ji turns to look at Chen Ge.

"What's the matter?"

"I think you need to change your attack style. If you attack me like that, no matter how many times you attack me, you will still be defeated by me!"

Chen Ge talks about Zhen Ji's own problems and hopes that she can make changes.

"What's wrong with the way I attack?"

Zhen Ji asked Chen Ge a little puzzled.

For a long time, she always used such an attack method. She felt that there was no problem with her way of attack. Why did Chen Ge say so? , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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