The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 874: 874

That night, the whole blood dragon city suffered great changes.

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The Honglie Hall of xuelongcheng was destroyed overnight, and the leader of Honglie hall, liehu, died miserably and was dismembered.

In an instant, people in the blood dragon city were in panic, and all the big families were in fear.

On this day, Chen Ge was resting in Zhen's house.

All of a sudden, a black shadow jumped down from the sky. Behind him, he followed several men in black and broke into Zhen's house directly.

Chen GE's five people immediately became alert and showed their weapons one after another, staring at the shadow in front of them.

"Chen Ge, these people are not good at coming, their strength is very strong, and they are not easy to deal with!"

Zhen Ji is close to Chen Ge and murmurs to Chen Ge.

The black shadow in front of him exudes a strong murderous spirit, and his strength is at least above the third level of the true God realm.

Chen Ge also can't deny the location of a head, this of course he also knows.

"Who are you? Why are you looking for us? "

After a pause, Chen Ge asked the black shadow.

Thinking that he did not have an intersection with the shadow, why did the other party come to their trouble?


"Hand over the fish intestine sword, I can let you go!"

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Only listen to the black shadow from their own mouth after a cold smile to squeeze out a word.


Chen GE's face suddenly changed.

I can't imagine that the shadow is aiming at his own fish intestine sword, and how does he know that he got the fish intestine sword?

"What fish intestine sword? You don't understand me

Chen Ge did not admit, but deliberately pretended not to know.

"Don't talk nonsense. Don't pretend to be stupid with me. Hong Weng, the old man who didn't die, let you get the fish intestine sword. Now you'd better hand over the fish intestine sword, or I'll send you to meet the old man!"

Black shadow will not believe Chen GE's ghost words, the tone of cold issued a threat.

Hearing this, Chen Ge knew that something must have happened to Hong Weng.

"What have you done to master Hong Weng?"

Chen Ge frowns tightly, looks dark, slightly angry at the black shadow asked.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!"

The shadow burst into laughter.

"Chen Ge, you are so naive. Do you still call the old man the elder? You are just used by Hong Weng. He gave you the fish intestine sword on purpose to help me get tai'a, the sword of power. Then let me destroy Honglie Hall of the blood Dragon City, and finally make him the ruler of the whole blood Dragon City, and you will die in my hands at last

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It's all told by the dark shadow.

Chen Ge was shocked to hear that. He couldn't believe Hong Weng was such a person.

"What do you mean? What is it that you can get the sword of Wei Dao after I get the fish intestine sword? Is there a causal relationship between them? " Chen Ge some do not understand to continue to ask.

"You don't know. If you want to get the sword of Weidao, you must get the fish intestine sword first. Only when the fish intestine sword is taken away, the sword lock stone of Wei Dao sword will be opened, so I can get the sword of Wei Dao!"

Black shadow patiently explained to Chen Ge.

Now Chen Ge understood everything. It seems that he was really used.

After saying that, the black shadow directly showed his own sword and held it tightly in his hand. The sword of Weidao was emitting a strong red flame, and its spirit was overwhelming.

"Hand over the fish intestine sword, I will spare you from death, or I will let you feel the sword spirit of Wei Dao sword!"

Black shadow continues to warn Chen Ge word by word, forcing Chen Ge to hand over fish intestine sword.

But Chen Ge will not compromise so easily.

Fish intestines sword is one of the ten sacred swords in ancient times. How can I hand it over so easily.

What's more, Chen Ge thinks that the shadow may not be able to defeat himself. If he can defeat him, he will get the sword of power. So an idea comes to Chen GE's mind.

"Miss Zhen, I'll deal with him first, Miss Zhen!"

Hesitated for a moment, Chen Ge immediately told Zhen Ji and Zhen Ji four people.

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In front of the dark shadow only Chen Ge can fight against, Zhen Ji and others are not his opponents at all, leaving only to be killed.

After hearing Chen GE's words, Zhen Ji and Zhen Ji have no objection. They know that they can't be a burden to Chen Ge, so they immediately look at each other and quickly step back to leave.

"Well, let's fight for life and death. If I lose, you can take my life and fish intestine sword, but you have to let go of my friends, OK?"

After seeing Zhen Ji and Zhen Ji leave, Chen Ge suggests to the black shadow again.

Without thinking about it, the shadow directly agreed, "OK, but you don't have a chance to win me, because I have a powerful sword in my hand."Black shadow is very confident that Chen Ge will not be his opponent. If he has the sword of power, it is like he has ruled the whole world.

Too much confidence is often arrogant.

Chen Ge and black shadow are the same strength in the third level of the true God realm. Who loses and who wins is not sure.

Later, both of them have already lighted their swords, staring at each other, motionless, waiting for each other's hand.


At this time, just listen to the black shadow a roar, directly cut out a sword full of fire.

The sword is surging towards Chen Ge, which is as powerful as a bamboo.

Chen Ge, of course, did not have a trace of fear. At the same time, he waved his fish intestine sword and chopped out a sword full of sparkling water.

Water and fire are not compatible.

The shadow must have forgotten that.

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We should know that the sword of Wei Dao can only be opened after the fish intestine sword is taken away, that is to say, the fish intestine sword is the sword that conquers the Wei Dao.

In the same way, water overcomes fire.

I saw Chen Ge cut out the water wave sword Qi, all of a sudden will be the black shadow cut out of the firelight sword Qi to disperse.

The shadow was stunned and did not expect such a situation.

Chen Ge took the opportunity to take out a good description of the talisman from his own storage ring and threw it out.

The talisman burned into ashes in the air, and several thorny vines twined the black shadow to death.

"The power of the star abyss!"

The next second, Chen Ge showed his own star Yuan sword, a sword pointing to the sky, a roar.

There was a purple light whirl in the sky, and lightning flashed in the whirlpool. A halo flew down from the vortex and poured into the Xingyuan sword in Chen GE's hands.

Chen Ge cut out a sword. In an instant, the white light suddenly appeared, and the sword spirit ran through the body of the black shadow.


Black shadow a loud scream, was filled with white light, and was directly killed by Chen Ge.

To death, the shadow never dreamed how easily he would be killed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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