The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 878: 878

"Ghost beads?"

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After listening to Chen Ge, suddenly produced a face of doubt.

He had never heard of this ghost pearl, the first time.

"What? Don't you know? "

Huang Gang Saw Chen GE's puzzled color and asked in surprise.

Chen Ge and Lei lie shake their heads at the same time.

"Ghost beads are the treasures of the ghost sect. It is said that owning ghost beads can improve one's accomplishments several times. Therefore, it is something many soul practitioners want to fight for. Don't you know?"

Huang Gang is really surprised to stare at Chen Ge and tell, his face is full of incredible expression.

"Where can I get this ghost pearl?"

Chen Ge asked directly.

Since this ghost bead is so precious, Chen Ge immediately has a great interest in thinking that he can consider getting it.

"It's not so easy. The ghost beads are in the hands of the ghost king of the ghost sect. It's the treasure in the ghost King's hand. It's not easy to get the ghost beads. Many soul repair masters once died in the hands of the ghost king!"

Later, Huanggang narrated the story in a difficult way.

From Huanggang's words, we can hear that this ghost pearl is definitely not a common thing, and there is also the ghost king. The ghost king is the Lord of the ghost clan, which is not something that ordinary people can defeat.

"Where is the ghost king?"

Chen Ge continues to ask curiously.

"The ghost king is in the deepest ghost cave, which is its territory. There are many ghost soldiers and ghosts who will guard it. You can't enter easily. Even if you go in, you can hardly get ghost beads."

Huang Gang immediately answered and told Chen Ge the exact location of the ghost king.

"How long is the ghost sect open?"

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After a pause, Chen Ge asked Huang Gang.

To tell you the truth, this is the first time Chen Ge came to the ghost school.

Although he had heard from Mr. Fan, this time he really came to feel it in person, which really made him feel very different.

"One month, but it's all closed by day and opened at night!"

After hearing this, Huang Gang immediately answered Chen Ge.

After listening, Chen Ge also showed a meaningful expression and nodded.

Since Guizong has been open for a month, it shows that he has enough time to discuss the plan and how to get the ghost beads.

If Chen Ge doesn't know the ghost pearl, he won't take care of it.

Now that I know, Chen Ge won't miss such a good opportunity.

"Good, boss Huanggang, I need your help. I want to get ghost beads!"

Then Chen Ge looked at Huanggang with righteous words.

After hearing this, Huang Gang was shocked. He didn't expect that Chen Ge really wanted to have an idea for ghost beads.

"Chen Ge, it's not like I said, this ghost pearl is really not so easy to get!"

Huang Gang some worried Chao Chen Ge reminds way.

"Well, I know that's why I'm interested. The more rare things I can get, the more I want to try, and maybe I'll succeed."

Chen Ge looks firmly at Huanggang and tells the story.

After hearing this, Huang Gang had no choice but to agree.

Well, go ahead. What can I do for you

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Huang Gang asked directly.

"I haven't made a plan yet. I'll tell you what to do when I'm ready for it!"

Chen Ge did not reply to Huanggang, but Chao Huanggang reminded him.

"OK, no problem. If you are ready to plan, just tell me, and I will try my best to help you!"

Huang Gang is very straightforward to agree to come down, have no any opinion.

At this moment, Huanggang has completely regarded Chen Ge as a friend.

Since they are friends, they naturally want to help each other.

Here's a good thing for you, apprentice

At this time, Huang gungton thought of something, quickly stood up and said, and then walked to the room.

After a while, Huanggang came out with a tag and handed it to Lei lie directly.

"What is this?"

Leilie took over the listing, and immediately asked in doubt.

"This one."

"Ghost King token right?"

Without waiting for Huanggang's explanation, Chen Ge directly tells the name of the listing in Lei lie's hand.

"Yes, the ghost King token is the thing on the ghost body, so that your apprentice can freely enter and leave the ghost sect. Even if his medicine effect is reached, it doesn't matter!"

Huang Gang looks at Lei lie and explains to Chen Ge.

After listening to Chen Ge and Lei lie, they are also very happy. Unexpectedly, Huanggang still has such a thing.

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"Thank you, boss Huanggang."

Leilie quickly thanks to Huanggang."Well, it should be light soon. The gate of the spirit world will be closed. I have to tidy up and leave here."

Then, Huanggang looked at the time and found that it was almost early in the morning, so he quickly reminded Chen Ge and Lei lie.

"Well, good, boss Huanggang, let's leave first!"

Chen Ge also stood up and said to Huanggang.

After saying goodbye, Chen Ge leaves with Lei lie.

They left the ghost sect immediately.

Out of the gate of Guizong, the sky outside is already white, indicating that it will soon be dawn and the gate of ghost sect will be closed.


"The fresh air is so good, so comfortable!"

As soon as he came out, leilie looked up at the sky and exclaimed.

At this time, the waterfall behind them has been restored. Countless splashes of water have been splashed, which means that the gate of ghost sect is officially closed.

"Chen Ge, I have a classmate party in the evening. Would you like to come with me?"

At this time, Zhen Ji suggested to Chen Ge.

"What time?"

"Seven o'clock!"

"OK, no problem!"

Chen Ge and Zhen Ji had a simple conversation and then agreed to come down.

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Since it's Zhen Ji's classmate party, Chen Ge will certainly accompany her.

Hearing Chen GE's promise, Zhen Ji also showed a happy smile.

At night.

Chen Ge drives Zhen Ji to her classmate party.

Tianhe City, Dynasty Hotel.

"Zhen Ji, it seems that your classmates are still very rich."

Chen Ge smiles and laughs at Zhen Ji.

Zhen Ji is also a light smile response: "I have not met with them for a long time, this time or they sent an invitation letter to me, I just know there is a classmate association this matter!"

With that, Chen Ge will stop the car, and then take Zhen Ji into the hotel.

"Zhen Ji!"

Just at this moment, a voice came from behind two people.

Chen Ge and Zhen Ji immediately turn around and see a woman in a long purple dress. She walks towards them with a smile on her face

Zhen Ji immediately exclaimed.

After a simple exchange of greetings, the three immediately went upstairs.

The reunion is in a huge ballroom.

"I heard that the class meeting was arranged by the monitor alone. It seems that it cost a lot of money!"

Zhen Ji and Gu ruotang are chatting as they walk. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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