The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 88: 88

"Cousin, you, you, don't say that!"

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Lin Yiyi's eyes widened.

She really didn't expect her cousin to say such cruel words.

Do you know who is standing in front of you? A real millionaire.

They are a great supporter of the Lin family!

Lin Yiyi was a little scared.

But Chen Ge was scolded so a pass, that is a little angry, in the face of these disdain voice, already numb.

Lin Hongxia is trying to reprimand Chen Ge again and let him back in the face of difficulties.

At this time, her cell phone rings, pick up to answer.

"Ah? Wu Qiang, ah, ah, I didn't mean to let you come next time! what! You're at the door? All right, all right, I'll go out and pick you up! "

The phone call is from Wu Qiang. Lin Hongxia has already told him that he doesn't need to come today.

But I didn't expect that Wu Qiang would come.

Because of what? Lin Hongxia thinks, after all, it is Lin Yiyi's boyfriend who is coming. Although she is more happy with Wu Qiang, she wants to let Lin Yiyi and Wu Qiang know each other. It's the best way for them to unite.

But what if Yiyi's boyfriend is even better and handsome than Wu Qiang?

What if Yiyi's boyfriend is richer than Wu Qiang's family?

In case

In a word, Lin Hongxia thought about countless cases, but she didn't expect this result.

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I don't want to talk.

Yiyi and Chen Ge have to break up. When I turn back, I will tell my cousin, Lin Yiyi's father, what are you doing!

"Wow, wow, brother Wu is here. Yi Yi and brother Wu will also go to the cruise party. Can you get to know him more?"

Su Mei and Chen Ge have long put Chen Ge aside as air, and now they want to match Wu Qiang and Lin Yiyi.

Just at this time, Wu Qiang followed Lin Hongxia in.

"Brother Wu Qiang, you are handsome again!"

As soon as Su Mei saw it, she said with a smile.

In front of him, Wu Qiang is tall and handsome, and he wears gold and silver on his hands. At first sight, he is rich and small.

"Ha, Xiaomei is really more and more able to speak!"

Wu Qiang shook the watch in his hand and said with a smile.

Suddenly the eyes moved slightly, and finally fell on the beautiful Lin Yiyi.

"Let me guess, this should be from Jinling, aunt Lin, your niece, Lin Yiyi beauty?"

In fact, Wu Qiang has seen Lin Yiyi for a long time. They are all in Jiangnan University. Lin Yiyi is a beautiful woman. How could he not be seen.

How to say, just one eye, a simple one, Wu Qiang found himself in love with this girl.

It's so beautiful. It's so beautiful that it scares people!

Therefore, as soon as I heard that I met today, I was also deliberately arranged by Aunt Lin. Wu Qiang was really happy. But then I didn't let him.

Wu Qiang, like a human spirit, asked what the situation was. The more he was not allowed to come, he still had to come!

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"Well, how do you do?"

Lin Yiyi said politely, but with that, he immediately stood on the side of Chen GE's body.

Are you so unattractive?

Wu Qiang was gloomy.

Is to move the eyes to Chen Ge.

"Are you the boyfriend of the goddess of Eyre?" Wu Qiang laughs and feels generous and capable.

"I am!"

"So you are from Jiangnan University? But I haven't seen you

Wu Qiang's mouth has been hanging a smile, that kind of smile, very uncomfortable.

"I'm not from Jiangnan University, but from Jinling University!"

However, Chen's face song can be released as soon as possible.

"Jinling University, that's OK. By the way, what do you do in your family? Can you chase the goddess of Yiyi? "

"Brother Wu Qiang, I'll tell you. He is a countryman. His family runs a small shop in the town! Don't you understand what he's wearing? "

Su Mei replied.

What is the highest level of ignoring a person? That is, this person is clearly in front of you, but you think he does not exist.

This kind of heart piercing words, but any normal person will not say it in person.

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But now Su Mei has no taboo, we can imagine how much she despises Chen Ge.

"O'ao, it's really not easy to study in Jinling. By the way, if you have any difficulties in Jinling University, you can tell me that my father knows your president and will do everything in a word! If you want to apply for financial aid, you can also look for me, ha ha, don't look at my Jiangnan University, it's all related! By the way, have you ever applied for a grant before? "

As soon as Wu Qiang saw that Su Mei ignored him so much, he began to despise him, so he didn't pay much attention to it.

"Yes, I've been applying for three years in a row. Before, I had to rely on grants to pay for my tuition!"Chen Ge originally wanted to come and beat Lin Yiyi's cousin's face today, but now, Chen Ge decided to keep a low profile.

There are three reasons.

First of all, Chen Ge did apply for a grant and indeed used it to pay tuition fees. This is true. There is no need to cheat people.

Second, Chen Ge thinks about it. Even if she helps Lin Yiyi, she doesn't need to help her completely. Chen Ge can see that Lin Yiyi doesn't just pretend to be her boyfriend, but she wants to develop another relationship.

It's not narcissism. It's true to feel it.

Although Chen Ge likes beautiful girls, she basically likes them when they see them. This is the reason of her personality, but Chen Ge is not so dreary.

He has always wanted to find a girl who can really collide with his heart as his girlfriend.

Go on well together.

But Lin Yiyi is definitely not, that is, when two people meet for the first time, Lin Yiyi broke his face and had a physical collision.

Therefore, Chen Ge didn't want to be so resolute.

As for the third, Chen Ge doesn't want to reveal his identity any more. This feeling of being surrounded by people doesn't know what others think, but Chen Ge is quite uncomfortable.

"If I go, I'll have to rely on financial aid to pay my tuition, and I'll have to pay for three years. My mother, how poor is it?"

"I depend on me! I've never heard of it. I'm so poor, and what kind of cheek can make a person contact to apply for subsidy for three years? If I only applied once, I would feel ashamed, I would die! "

Su Mei and those girls were surprised to discuss.

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Lin Hongxia is frowning at the moment, Yiyi is crazy? This is!

What are you looking for!

"Ha ha, it is said that the children of poor families are in charge of the family early. Brother, this is really good. But if you want to be short of money in the future, I can lend you some. After all, Yiyi and I are alumni, and we will be friends in the future."

Wu Qiang said with a smile.

But although small, but how can't hide the contempt in the language.

He is obviously good at killing people without seeing blood. Every word he says is ridiculing Chen Ge in public, but he can't find anything wrong with it.

He is also worthy of being the president of the student union. His language ability is very good.

"Thank you, but no more!"

Chen Ge is just a light smile.

"Don't be embarrassed. By the way, brother, did you go to school in Jinling City and have a visit to the major scenic spots? Jinling commercial street, these places have to look around, ah, and the hot spring villa, come to Jinling, do not go in to see how to do? If you don't, come back to me and I'll take you there. I'll get dad to know the boss of a restaurant in your business street. If you go, I'll have something to do with it! "

"Oh, brother Wu Qiang, do you forget what my sister Yiyi does? Even if Chen Ge wants to go, it's not Yiyi elder sister's word! "

Su Mei said with a smile.

"Yes, how can I forget this? I just thought that Chen GE's family was poor and had never been to any place. It seems that after he had a relationship with Yiyi goddess, Jinling commercial street would not be less visited."

"Oh, damn it, I forgot, I forgot! Ha ha ha Wu Qiang patted his head and said with a smile. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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