The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 894: 894

After that, Chen GE's five people went back to the house again.

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"Dong Dong Dong Dong!"

Just listen to this time the house came bursts of sound, like someone to knock something again.

"Brother Chen, do you hear anything to knock again?"

Brother Chen immediately looked at Chen Ge and was alert. He asked in doubt.

Chen Ge nodded to brother Chen and replied, "well, I hear you."

With that, Chen GE's five people immediately began to look around.

Soon, Chen Ge found the location of the voice.

The position is not anywhere else, it is from the center of this disc.

"Here it is!"

Chen Ge pointed to the disc and reminded the four brothers.

Five people immediately around the disc edge, close to the disc began to listen.

"Dong. Dong Dong.. Dong Dong Dong

Close to the disc, the knocking sound inside is more obvious, and the sound is also orderly.

"Brother Chen, do you think there will be someone down here?"

Brother Chen suddenly had an idea and asked Chen Ge.

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"Listen to this voice, not without this possibility!"

Chen Ge also agreed with brother Chen's words. He thought it was possible that only normal people could make this kind of orderly percussion sound.

"Brother Chen, look around for any strange places. Maybe you can open this disc!"

After a pause, Chen Ge immediately charged brother Chen.

According to Chen GE's instructions, brother Chen immediately followed suit and quickly searched around the disc.

After searching for a while, brother Chen found a strange place.

"Brother Chen, come and see it!"

Brother Chen called a warning to Chen Ge.

Chen Ge quickly went to brother Chen and looked at a ring on the disc in front of him.

There should be a chain inside the pull ring. It seems that it can be pulled out.

"You all back up a little bit, I'll pull, if there's anything wrong, you'll immediately withdraw!"

Chen Ge looked at the four brothers and told them a few meters away.

Then, Chen Ge stretched out his hand and grasped the pull ring tightly.

At this moment, the four brothers are holding their breath, concentrating on the disc in front of them, ready to flee at any time.

Chen Ge closed his eyes for a moment, then pulled hard in his hand.

"Click, click, click!"

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Just listen to the sound of chain friction, so clear and loud, around the whole house.

Chen Ge did not care so much, directly pulled out the chain, full of several meters long.

"Bang Dang!"

As the chain was pulled out, the disc split in half, opening a huge opening.

After the disc was opened, the four brothers did not dare to step forward, standing on one side and watching the disc tightly.

Chen Ge is very brave. As soon as he throws the chain to the ground, he comes up and looks down near the edge of the disc.

After a look, Chen Ge immediately frowned.

At the bottom, a hairy monster, like a strong ape, was shut down.

"What's down there, brother Chen?"

At this time, brother Chen asked Chen Ge carefully.

Chen Ge Chao waved his hand to the four brothers, but did not answer. He wanted them to see for themselves.

The four of them had no choice but to come to the edge of the disc to check.

"According to your experience, Mr. Fan, do you know what this is?"

Chen Ge looks at fan and asks in doubt.

Van laoton fell into a moment of meditation.

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After thinking for a while, fan said slowly, "this should be a black monkey. I remember a story. Once the GUI people raised a black monkey and used it to help them catch some people. It may be this black monkey!"

Hearing Mr. Fan's words, brother Chen immediately widened his eyes.

"Then the black monkey is not a fierce beast. Let's keep it locked up!"

Brother Chen quickly told Chen Ge to fan.

Such a vicious black monkey, of course, can not be released, or it will certainly cause endless harm.

It's a pity that brother Chen said it late. Actually, the black monkey had already broken away from the shackles, but was trapped under the disc.

Now that the disc is open, the black monkey naturally wants to escape.

The next second, the voice fell down, a roar sounded, the black monkey jumped from the bottom of the disc, and jumped out from the bottom of a few meters, enough to show its strong jumping ability.

Chen Ge five people quickly back to one side, with the black monkey to a close confrontation.The black monkey was staring at Chen Ge and beating his chest with his hands.

But soon, the black monkey rushed out of the house and disappeared in the palace of Nuoda. It did not attack Chen GE's five men.

This makes Chen Ge five people have doubts, thinking that the black monkey did not pose a threat to them, really let them feel surprised.

But it's also a good thing for them. One less trouble is better than one more trouble. Otherwise, the five of them really don't know how to deal with the black monkey.

"Well, let's find an exit to leave. It's not suitable to stay here for a long time."

After a while, Chen Ge proposed to the five brothers.

No one knows what kind of danger will come next.

Although the black monkey and the centipede did not attack Chen GE's five people, it does not mean that they have no threat.

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If they continue to stay here, I'm afraid it will not be so easy.

Hearing Chen GE's proposal, the three brothers all agreed, and they all wanted to leave here as soon as possible.

However, fan's face was calm. These situations were nothing to him. He did not have a look of fear. He was extremely calm.

Later, Chen Ge and brother Chen began to look around for exits.

But soon, instead of finding the exit, they found a new entrance.

After entering this new entrance, it is a new palace.

There is a huge golden sandalwood coffin in the palace. The four corners of the coffin are respectively hung by chains. The whole coffin is suspended in the air, which is several meters high from the ground.

"I went there. I didn't expect there was such a big place in here. There was too much space in the mountain!"

Brother Chen sighed again, his eyes widened.

This exploration, for him is really too incredible, let him really eye opening rhythm.

"This must be the place where the coffin of the first ancestor of the GUI people was stored. What lies in this coffin must be the ancestor of the ghost clan!"

Old fan preached excitedly, went to the bottom of the coffin and looked around it.

"Old fan, isn't that the ancestor of the ghost clan has been ten thousand years old?"

After hearing this, Chen Ge immediately exclaimed. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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