The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 9: 9

Chen Ge said something now.

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Li Zhenguo was busy responding.

"By the way, brother Zhenguo, do you know a man named Ning fan? His family runs a restaurant in the commercial street

At this time, Chen GE's eyebrows suddenly coagulated.

He was not the kind of man with a sinister heart.

But this Ning fan, out of the idea to Lu Yang Xu Dong, they took Yang Xue, but also let themselves be covered with such a great humiliation.

Chen Ge wants to know, if one day, if Ning fan and they become no money, what will happen to them?

"Ning fan? I know, his father is one of my subordinates, that restaurant, the industry is under your name! Did he offend you? "

Li Zhenguo spoke cautiously.

A moment later.

Li Zhenguo said: "I know how to do it, Chen Shao. Don't worry about it."


Chen Ge doesn't know what Li Zhenguo will do next.

Because even Chen Ge doesn't know what happened to him.

This is the first time Chen ge used his own identity to intimidate others. Although he hated it in his heart, he always felt a strange and uncomfortable feeling when he oppressed others.

Chen Ge didn't think much about it.

After collecting the mobile phone, leave the bathroom and walk towards the box.

In the box, however, there is a great turning point.

Just now, Zhao Yifan and Ma Xiaonan are all on the phone to contact their friends.

Find a solution.

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As a result, Li Feihong suddenly ran over.

I'm sorry to bow to everyone in the box!

The loss of the Fengshui aquarium, of course, do not have to pay.

Make everyone confused.

Until they saw Ning fan come in.

People suddenly realized:

"brother Ning fan, is it you

A group of girls worship asked.

Ning fan himself is still wondering, just now he actually hid out, but saw Li Feihong flustered running towards the box, he followed in.

It turned out to be so.

Ning fan didn't say it was not himself.

"Brother Feihong and my father are old friends, no outsiders!" he said with a smile

"Wow! Ninfango is mighty

"Brother Ning fan is so handsome!"

Many beauties are reduced to fans of Ning fan.

Zhao Yifan is looking at Ning fan at the moment, and is already looking sideways.

In my heart, I love you very much.

After all, it is one of the owners of Jinling commercial street. In such places as Jinling commercial street, the face is too big!

At this time, the box door opened, Chen Ge came in from the outside.

"Well, this kind of bullying is coming back when it's OK!"

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The girls stare at Chen Ge and say.

Zhao Yifan is even more disgusted.

"Xiaonan, I'm curious. How do you know such people?"

Zhao Yifan snorted coldly.

Chen Ge knew that.

Li Zhenguo works very fast. Just now Li Feihong came down and solved the matter successfully.

Of course, it has to be solved. In the final analysis, this is still our own industry.

But looking at the eyes of people looking at themselves, Chen Ge also understood that it seemed that they had misunderstood themselves, but believed that it was Ning fan's credit!


Hehe, Chen Ge doesn't think it's necessary.

To tell you the truth, he originally came to see Zhao Yifan very good-looking, really good-looking.

But now, he has no interest in Zhao Yifan.

This time, it was purely for Ma Xiaonan's face.

What's more, even if you explain it yourself, will anyone believe it?

Chen Gecai doesn't want to make it boring.

"Well, now that the matter is settled, let's play somewhere else? This time I will

At this time, still unknown so Ning fan clapped his hands and said.

He looked at Zhao Yifan and several beautiful women around her.

"Good, good!"

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Naturally, many people readily agreed.

Zhao Yifan is also a reserved smile.

Compared with Xu Dong, she thinks Ning fan is not only handsome, but also mature and steady. The most important thing is that Zhao Yifan has seen the benefits brought about by his connections.

Ning fan's network is really too strong!

But Ma Xiaonan said: "we still go out to play. It's almost four o'clock in the afternoon. I think we might as well go back..."

Ma Xiaonan after just so a toss, has no mood.

Yang Hui nodded: "well, we are not going to go, you go to play..."

In fact, Chen GE's several roommates are quite lost.

Originally agreed, with Xiaonan's birthday, with Zhao Yifan dormitory beauty party.

But now, it is obvious that Chen GE's whole dormitory is redundant in front of others."Hehe, it's OK. I'm afraid you can't go to the place we're going to go next. And I'm afraid I can't bring in so many people. It's better not to go there!"

Ning fan glances at Yang Hui and Chen Ge. Said coldly.

"Ah? Where is it going? Isn't it going to your hotel in ningfan

A crowd of girls raised their heads.

Ning fan stretched out a finger and waved: "no, hot spring mountain resort? Have you heard of it? "

"Hot spring mountain resort?"

Zhao Yifan's eyelids slightly jumped: "is the leader of Jinling commercial street, that entertainment villa where rich people gather?"

Ning fan is right. Some people, I'm afraid, don't want to go there for a lifetime!

Zhao Yifan's family is also very good, his father last time, or occupied a rich relative's light, just can go in to see!

Unexpectedly, Ning fan has such ability.

"Well, some beauties, I'll get the car first and wait for you at the door!"

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Ning fan waved to the crowd and then went out.

Today, Zhao Yifan's appearance is really amazing Ning fan.

It's the same thing he taught Lu yangpao and Yang Xue.

He believes, no money can not be broken out of the girl!

"Xiaonan, don't be so disappointed. You can go. After all, today is your birthday. Didn't you say that you would have to go to the hot spring mountain resort sooner or later to experience it. Now the opportunity is coming!"

Zhao Yifan pulls Ma Xiaonan's hand.

"Yes, we haven't been to the hot spring villa, Xiaonan. Let's go together. Today we've got your light! It's OK. With Ning fan in the commercial street of Jinling, he can carry anything. You can see the energy of brother fan just now! "

Xu Dong is also full of expectant smile.

But Ma Xiaonan frowned:

"this is the thing that I can't think of all the time! Yifan, didn't you notice something strange about that? "

Zhao Yifan showed a slight frown: "strange? what do you mean? Are you talking about the Fengshui fish tank

"Mm-hmm!" Ma Xiaonan frowned: "just now we all saw how tough Li Feihong had been. He didn't give Ning fan much face in public, and Ning fan was like a little brother in front of him!"

"But ten minutes later, Li Feihong's whole attitude changed dramatically! Don't you think it's unusual for you to come and bow to us one by one? "

Ma Xiaonan said this sentence.

The whole box was quiet for a moment.

Yang Hui said: "yes, I also feel strange. Li Feihong is not easy to offend at first. Even if Ning fan's father is so powerful, Li Feihong and his father are on equal footing. How can we bow to us in a short time?"

"Do you mean someone else helped us?"

After this, Zhao Yifan also felt that what had just happened was somewhat illogical.

Just then, she just wanted to appreciate Ning fan's temperament, and completely ignored this matter , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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