The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 900: 900

"Hello, Chen Ge, what can I do for you?"

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Fan asked Chen Ge at the other end of the phone.

"Mr. Fan, I know you can't let us participate in the case now, but I hope you can help us. What I said next is very important. If you want to solve the case and catch the fire ghost king, you'd better believe me!"

Chen Ge didn't have any joking meaning, telling old fan at the other end of the phone.

After hearing this, fan had no way.

"Well, you say, how can I help you?"

In order to be able to solve the case, in order to catch the fire ghost king, old fan chose to go out, willing to help Chen Ge.

"When you meet with us, I'm telling you, Mr. Fan, you go to the population archives office immediately, and we'll meet there!"

Chen Ge directly told fan.

With that, Chen Ge hung up the phone.

Soon, half an hour later, it flew over the mainland population file management office.

Chen Ge and fan meet successfully.

"Chen Ge, why are we here?"

Fan asked, looking at Chen Ge suspiciously.

"Mr. Fan, I need you to go in and help us find out about the members of the fire ghost King's family, not only his parents', but also all the personnel information on both sides of his parents!"

Chen Ge did not explain, but proposed to fan.


Without hesitation, fan agreed directly.

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She knew that Chen Ge must have her own reasons for doing so.

Later, fan went in.

The reason why we want to ask Mr. Fan to help us is that only people of this level and above can read and retrieve the archives.

About an hour later, fan came out with a box of thick materials.

Back in the car, fan handed the information to Chen Ge.

"Here are all the information about all members of the fire ghost King's family, from his parents' generation to the older generation. You can have a look!"

Fan told Chen Ge a reminder.

Without saying a word, Chen Ge immediately began to look at it, faster than the speed of the book.

"Chen Ge, what have you found?"

Old fan couldn't help asking Chen Ge. He didn't ask about the really uncomfortable kind of

but Chen Ge still ignored him and continued to read the materials in his hand.

After a long time, Chen Ge stopped and took a piece of information from it to show old fan.

Mr. Fan took it and saw that it was an old man named Feng Yunxiang.

Feng Yunxiang is the grandmother of the fire ghost king. However, Feng Yunxiang has been dead for two or three years. The period recorded above is the year before last.

"This.. What does that mean? "

Fan asked.

Chen Ge immediately reported Feng Yunxiang's address to brother Chen.

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"Brother Chen, use the latitude and longitude to check whether Feng Yunxiang's address is consistent with the number left by the fire ghost king!"

Chen Ge immediately said to the elder brother sitting behind him.

After listening, brother Chen immediately took out his tablet computer to search.

As expected, the number left by the fire ghost king is about longitude and latitude. It is also the address of fengyunxiang, the grandmother of the fire ghost king.

, as like as two peas, "brother Chen, yes, the location is exactly the same as this number."

Brother Chen immediately looked at Chen Ge and preached to old fan.

Chen Ge and fan looked at each other.

Now the three people finally know what this number stands for.

Where could such a coincidence coincide?

That means that the fire ghost king is likely to hide in this place.

Although the number clue he deliberately left to them can find out the location of the fire ghost king, it is also likely to be the place where the next victim will be killed.

After thinking about it, fan immediately started the car and drove out the accelerator.

Now the three of them must go to the place where Feng Yunxiang lives.

"Brother Chen, do you think the fire ghost king will really hide there?"

On the way, brother Chen asked Chen Ge in doubt.

Chen Ge looked dignified, shook his head and replied: "not necessarily, the fire ghost king is careful in his mind, and never does things according to the routine, so this number can only be said to represent the next victim, and must be able to represent the place where we can find the fire ghost king to hide!"

After hearing Chen GE's words, brother Chen also immediately nodded to express his understanding.

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After a 40 minute drive, Chen Ge finally arrived at the address of Feng Yunxiang, the grandmother of the fire ghost king.

Feng Yunxiang lives in a small remote village.

The three of Chen Ge are walking on the road of the countryside.

Along the way, the three people did not see any people, and many of the surrounding houses were closed. As soon as I saw it, there was no one to live in for a long time.There will be few people living in this remote and dilapidated mountain village.

After all, the society is so developed that everyone is willing to live in a better house and live a better life. Who would like to suffer in such a place.

After walking for a while, Chen Ge finally met a man.

This man is very simple and old-fashioned. It should be the farmer who stayed in the village.


Fan quickly stepped forward and called to the old man.

When the old man saw Chen Ge, he was shocked. He didn't expect that there would be outsiders coming to the village.

"Are you?"

The old man looked at old fan with some fear and asked.

"Don't be afraid, sir. I'm from the military aircraft department. Do you know where Feng Yunxiang lives?"

Fan told his identity and then asked the old man.

Hearing that old fan said he was from the military aircraft department, the boss immediately relaxed his vigilance.

"Who are you talking about?"

The old man asked again.

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"Old lady Fengxiang, yunyun!"

Fan said the name of Feng Yunxiang twice.

"Oh, Feng Yunxiang, she.".. She died a long time ago. Why do you want her? "

After hearing this, the old man suddenly realized that he would remind old fan.

The fact that Feng Yunxiang is not alive has long been known by fan Laosan.

"Uncle, I know that. We just want to go to grandma Feng Yunxiang's residence. We need to take out some things!"

Fan told the old man again.

"Yes, I'll take you there."

After hearing this, the old man readily agreed to come down and said to him directly.

"Well, thank you very much."

As soon as fan heard this, he agreed with a smile.

It's a good thing that someone has shown them the way. Finally, they don't have to look everywhere.

Granny Wang came to the residence of Mr. Chen Fengxiang, who was a great success.

Feng Yunxiang's residence is already dilapidated, just a wooden house, the door is closed.

"Brother Chen, I don't think the fire ghost king is hiding here. It's too broken. It's strange to infiltrate people!"

Brother Chen took a look and then told Chen Ge. , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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