The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 91: 91

Huang Shao, named Huang Yonghao, is really the son of a giant crocodile in Suzhou.

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It is also the leader of the rich and young people in the whole Jiangnan province.

What's more, I don't know how many girls like their idols. Almost all the girls are thinking that if one day, they can have a perfect encounter with Huang Shao.

In case Huang Shao takes a fancy to himself because of his beauty.

But the ideal is very rich, the reality is very bone feeling, Huang Yonghao's existence, is not ordinary people say to see can see?

"Hum ~"

a roar.

The luxury liner has landed.

As the deck slowly opened, Huang Yonghao hugged his left and right and walked slowly down from the boat.

This figure is neither tall nor handsome, but a little fat.

But, all the beautiful women are shouting, too handsome, too handsome!

Su Mei yelled the loudest on this side.

I hope his shouts can attract Huang Shao's attention, even at a glance.

Wu Qiang's eyes are full of envy and jealousy.

If only I could do this when I could.

Even if it's impossible to be a person like Huang Shao, you can be a friend of Huang Shao like Bai Xiaofei. When you go in and out, you will have unlimited scenery.

Wu Qiang is just a representative of a group of boys. All boys actually think so.

Huang Yonghao pulled out his Armani sunglasses, and threw them on the beach like garbage.

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Then he came towards Li xuenuo.

Because he found that Li xuenuo is very sexy and beautiful today.

"Snow, you are beautiful today!"

Huang Yonghao smiles faintly.

The glasses are almost narrowing into a line.

But still let a group of beautiful women worship bad!

"Brother Howe, you are very handsome today."

Li xuenuo adjusted his hair and became a lady again.

The only reason why she is so bold today is to attract Huang Yonghao's attention again.

After all, now that we are junior, we are facing internship.

In the past three years in school, Huang Yonghao has been pursuing himself, but after his internship, it is hard to guarantee that this will happen.

So Li xuenuo decided to confirm the relationship with Huang Yonghao in advance.

Smart women are like this, know when to collect, when to release.

"Oh, snow, come on! Come to me. Today, I will show you an important guest

"Ah? Important guests? "

Li xuenuo is slightly surprised. She has been having an affair with Huang Yonghao for three years, and has never said the word "guest" from his mouth.

In Huang Yonghao's eyes, are there any distinguished guests?

Huang Yonghao nodded his head, and at the same time, he also swept to the crowd of rich second-generation ladies and gentlemen:

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"ladies and gentlemen, please come here today. In addition to making friends with you, I also want to introduce an important friend to my family on this happy day!"

"As you may all know, how our Huang family got its foothold in Suzhou was because of my sister's help. Now, Chen Shao, my sister's brother, is here!"

Huang Yonghao was in high spirits.

Today, he is to achieve such an effect, to his dry brother, that is, Chen Ge Chen Shao's biggest surprise!

In this way, they will have the biggest barrier if they go further.

"What? Chen Shao? What's the origin? Recently, I have heard my father mention these two words! "

"Ha ha, don't Chen Shao know? Jinling commercial street always knows? That's the property under the name of Chen Shao, not the property of other families, but the industry under the name of Chen Shao, understand? "

"Poof? The whole commercial street is short of Chen? I depend on me! I depend on me

Everyone was surprised. So, Huang Shao's father, the richest man, was of the same level as Chen Shao's?

"Brother Wu Qiang, is Chen Shao really so powerful?"

Su Mei is also surprised.

"I've just heard that Chen Shao is very powerful, and you think, the Huang family is based on Chen Shao's sister. What do you think is the concept?" Wu Qiang held his shoulder and explained it to the public seriously.

"Whoa, whoa! Do you want to see Chen today? "

Su Mei jumped up happily.

Huang Yonghao looked at Bai Xiaofei and asked with a smile, "brother Feige, where is Chen Shao?"

In the past, Huang Yonghao directly called Bai Xiaofei Xiaofei as Xiaofei, but now it is different. According to some information he has mastered, Bai Xiaofei and Chen Shao played quite well, much earlier than they knew each other.

So it was upgraded from Xiaofei to Feige.

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But no matter how to call it, the strength difference between Bai Xiaofei and Huang Yonghao is also huge.

"It's already here, but maybe not here. Chen Shao went out in the afternoon."Bai Xiaofei is also looking for it everywhere.

"Yonghao, or let's go to the hotel to find Chen Shao. After all, he is so noble, how can we let others wait for you first?"

Li xuenuo shook Huang Yonghao's arm and said.

Now Li xuenuo's face is red. I thought that Huang Yonghao was already in the sky, but I didn't expect that there was a day out there!

And this Chen Shao has come.

She really wanted to meet.

Anyway, now, I haven't established a relationship with Huang Yonghao. In case he will be taken in by Chen Shao?

What if?

After all, who can tell the truth about feelings!

"Yes, Huang Shao. I think we should go to Chen Shao in person."

There are also a lot of rich second-generation gold and so on, come together to take the initiative to say, it seems that they will come.

"Hiss, I really ignored this point!"

Huang Yonghao's face changed slightly at the moment.

He thought that Chen Shao would definitely come to the golden beach and show up at this time. Chen Shao would be very happy to invite Chen Shao respectfully.

But to my surprise, Chen shaogen was not in the golden beach.

If this is the case, on the contrary, I have to wait for my brother to see me, which is a bad thing!

"That's right. Let's go and ask me to be a brother together. We don't have to go to many people!"

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Huang Yonghao said.

"Huang Shao Huang Shao, will you take us with you?"

At this time, sitting on Chen GE's shoulder, back, buttocks, and legs, several girls yelled.

"Huang Shao, we've been playing dirty men just now. Now, would you like to take us to meet Chen Shao?"

Several beautiful women's eyes are almost flowing, that is exciting.

"Well, take you with you! Feige, snow, let's go and find my brother

Huang Yonghao said something.

"Don't change it!"

At this time, Chen Ge raised his head, spit out a mouthful of sand from his mouth and said.

These girls left the buttocks, Chen Ge can take a breath.

"I've been here all the time."

Chen Ge was lying on the ground and said a word with great difficulty.


Everyone was surprised, and it was obviously frightened by Chen GE's words.

But Bai Xiaofei saw the scene before him, especially after seeing who the man was who was besieged by a group of girls.

The hair was almost standing up:

"Chen Shao! Here you are , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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