The Poorest Rich man

Chapter 99: 99

"Chen Ge, are you stupid? I feel like you've been studying in College for three years in vain. Don't be dazzled. Follow Wang Shuai Fang Qing and them to go in. Really, I don't know how my sister is attracted to such a bully like you! "

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Tang ran said with a cold face.

I don't want to say more about this matter.

Chen Ge is also very embarrassed now, so he has to ignore Huang Yonghao and follow Wang Shuai into the room.

The VIP aisle is different from the ordinary aisle in the seating position.

From the VIP passage, all of them are sitting in the front row of the exhibition hall.

However, the ordinary passage like Chen Ge can only sit in the back.

"Why? Wang Shuai, is that you? What's up? How's your dad doing

"Uncle Li, you're here too. It's OK, everything is OK! My father always cares about you

As soon as Wang Shuai came in, he really knew a lot. A middle-aged man looked at him and said hello.

"By the way, Wang Shuai, which of these two beauties is your girlfriend?"

"They are all my classmates. I don't have a girlfriend yet, Uncle Li!"

Wang Shuai smiles.

At the same time, he waved his hand to other familiar people.

To tell you the truth, I feel very proud of knowing so many people in my heart. What scene can hold up!

"Hello, Mr. Li Wangfeng. I read your introduction in Jinling economic times!"

Fang Qing straightened her hair and said a very dignified lady.

"I mean those things, but Wang Shuai, when you are an uncle, you have to say that marriage is the most important thing in life. You can't miss some precious people, or you will regret it!"

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With that, Li Wangfeng shook hands with Fang Qing.

Li Wangfeng is specialized in the chain of kitchen and bathroom products. Don't underestimate it. The business is very big.

"Uncle Li, I have written down what you said! By the way, didn't Princess Ming follow you? "

"I am a dead girl. I saw some classmates from Jiangnan University. I used to say hello to them. I'm still in my third year. I'm really worried. I really want to find her a good boyfriend. Eh, the girl is back!"

Li Wangfeng said with a smile.

"Girl, say hello to your handsome Wang and your two beautiful friends!"

"Good ladies, two beautiful girls!"

Li Mingfei said with a smile.

She is very tall, wearing a ponytail, wearing a valuable sports tights, beautiful sexy.

At this time, Li Mingfei looks at Chen Ge who is following Wang Shuai. When she sees Chen Ge dressed in tasteless clothes.

Li Mingfei could not help frowning, but still said: "Hello!"

"Oh? I haven't noticed. This is? "

Li Wangfeng also just reacted and asked.

"Well, Uncle Li, his name is Chen Ge. It's the director Tang ran who asked me to bring him in to see the world. He came from a small place. I haven't seen such a big scene!"

Wang Shuai couldn't help scratching his head.

What a shame!

Why did you bring such people in?

Chen Ge, though he was ridiculed by Wang Shuai.

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But looking at Li Wangfeng, he looked at himself and raised his hand again. He thought it would be impolite to say hello and shake hands with himself.

Chen Ge nodded and laughed at him and raised his hand.

I didn't expect

"Well, Wang Shuai, you can accompany Uncle Li today. Come and sit next to me!"

Unexpectedly, Li Wangfeng directly removed his glasses from Chen Ge. He raised his hand to pull Wang Shuai's arm and let him sit next to him.

He ignored Chen Ge directly.

Chen GE's hand is hanging. What a shame!

Li Mingfei also obviously lost interest in watching Chen Ge and sat on the other side of Li Wangfeng.

"Poof! It's a shame. If you don't put your hand down, you don't have a look. What kind of person is Mr. Li? How could he shake hands with you? You think you are Wang Shuai. You have such a face

Fang Qing was speechless.

"That's right, but Fang Qing, there's a saying that's true. People who don't have temperament will never have temperament. Even if they are rich, they don't have temperament. If you look at Wang Shuai, his family not only has money, but also behaves well. If you look at this Chen Song, he won a lottery, and the result is nothing."

Xu Na is also looking at Chen Ge speechless shaking her head.

Man, if you don't have a little self-knowledge, what's the difference with a salted fish?

Both were thinking.

To tell you the truth, Chen Ge is really flustered in his heart. His hot face sticks to the cold buttocks of others. It's really uncomfortable.

But sit down and say whatever they want!

Chen Ge sat down.

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Sitting in the back, of course.

At this time, imperial concubine Li Ming looked at her back. Chen Ge was sitting behind her, and her eyebrows wrinkled again.Then he got up and went to Wang Shuai's side and said with a smile, "brother Wang Shuai, let's change positions?"

"Ah? Where to change? Isn't it nice to have this Chen Song sitting behind you? "

"Oh, no, let's change it."

"Well, well, although Chen Ge came from a small place, it's very clean. It's OK!"

"No, you know I'm a cleanliness freak. I can't see such a person. Please!"

Li Mingfei pleaded, almost crying.

"All right, Wang Shuai, change it with Princess Ming. Besides, you are the same. If you are close to the red, you will be black if you are close to the ink. Don't you forget what I told you that only standing on the shoulders of giants can you stand higher and see farther?"

Li Wangfeng at this time coldly reprimanded.

The two families are friends of the world, and Li Wangfeng is always straightforward and strict in educating the younger generation.

Wang Shuai can only nod in silence.

And hear this sentence of Chen Ge, angry face almost white.

If you meet by chance, even if you are not polite, you should have at least respect for yourself, right?

What is no three no four?

Don't you look as rich as Wang Shuai? It's not clean, it's not three, it's not four?

But Fang Qing and Xu Na just sneer, they quietly listen to Li Wangfeng educate Wang Shuai.

I think that the successful businessman's words, any word, are of great help to his own life.

Just at this time, there were more and more people.

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And on the exhibition platform, a beautiful female host, at this moment, began to control the field, let everyone quiet down.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first sale exhibition of Yundingshan villa. Next, before the ceremony starts, let's give a warm applause to the distinguished guests from various cities in Jiangnan province!"

"Welcome, Mr. Huang Hongyun, the founder of Huang's group, the richest man in Suzhou, and Mr. Huang Yonghao, the youngest owner!"


"Huang's father and son are here. According to Huang Shao's habit, will the 800 million yuan Yunding mountain villa be bought by Huang's group?"

"It's impossible. Even if you have more money, your group will have huge competitors. If you compete, you will consume money. Who will have more than 800 million yuan to buy a house? You know, once the competition starts, even a thousand yuan will determine the outcome of the two big groups. "

"That's right. The Huang family can't buy it. Now they are the richest people in Suzhou. But there are many powerful enterprises in Suzhou. With the 800 million yuan, they can be used to fight a good defense war."

A group of people discussed in a low voice.

With the sound of this burst of sound, Huang Yonghao walked in with his father.

However, Huang Yonghao's face has an obvious palm print, which seems to have been whipped.

Chen Ge naturally understood that it was his father who smoked him, but why? Because just now I sent a message to Huang Yonghao, saying that when I came, I didn't see anyone else, so I followed others in and didn't have to wait for him.

To put it bluntly, this slap is because I got it.

At the same time, Huang Yonghao also raised his face to look for Chen Ge, but there are two or three hundred people in the hall at the moment. How can it be so easy to find Chen Ge blocked by Wang Shuai.

"Next, I'd like to have a grand welcome to Li Zhenguo, President Li, an important VIP of this exhibition and a representative of Jinling's business community."

"Damn it, Mr. Li is here too. Does Mr. Li want to buy it? That's about the same. Li is always in Jinling and has no competition at all! "

A lot of people were talking about it.

"Li always can't buy it, Wang Shuai. Do you know why?" , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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