Act 04: Cosmetics

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Five months have passed since I’ve been summoned.

“What are you making?”

While I’m making essential oil from the lavender I harvested at the herb garden, Jude spoke to me.

“Is that potion ingredients?”

“No, they’re ingredients for skin toner.”

What I want is floral water, the by-product of making essential oil.

Since coming to this world I’m now able to make cosmetics.

I was always interested in handmade cosmetics and it has also become essential.

Of course there are cosmetics in this world but many are aimed for aristocrats, so it’s expensive.

Luckily this is the Medicinal Herb Research Institute.

I can use the equipment and facilities to make cosmetics. As a bonus I can use as much ingredients as I want.

“Eh ~, so you can also make it from medicinal herbs.”

“You can also make it from flowers called roses too.”

There are cosmetics in this world but unlike potions there are many mysterious recipes.

Is it really okay to apply that on your face? There are so many things I want to ask.

If you apply something like that on your face, isn’t it better to apply potions instead?

However the purpose of potions was to heal wounds, it didn’t have any moisturising or whitening effects like cosmetic products did so it’s tricky to use it as a cosmetic product.

I tried to use it before but it was really tricky.

“You’ve made it before. Did you use Lavender at that time too?”

“I used it but I didn’t use it to make skin toner.”

“I see. Does it have different effects?”

“Well, the basic effects are the same.”

“Really? Well, cosmetics made by Sei seem like they’ll have a high effect.”

I smile bitterly at what Jude said.

The cosmetic products I make are highly effective.

Come to think of it, it turned out well when I tried to concentrate magic power into it while stirring.

There was a big difference in effect when I concentrate magic power in and when I don’t.

Moreover my pharmacy skill influenced my cosmetics and my accursed 50% increase is applied.

When I noticed that my pharmacy skill influenced it, I thought perhaps, the other researchers would ask me to make cosmetics in the same way.

Then as feared, there was a difference in effect between the cosmetics I made and the ones I didn’t.

It seems that the relationship between cosmetics and pharmacy skill is not evident and the researchers were surprised when they noticed.

Unlike potions only a limited number of people used cosmetics. The researchers weren’t interested because they’re all men so they didn’t notice.

When my accursed 50% increase was reported to the Director, he laughed as if implying it happened again?

It was a very worn-out laugh.

“Did you start making cosmetics after coming to the research institute, Sei?”


“I thought so.”

He thought so?

When I tilt my head, Jude laughs bashfully.

“You’ve become really beautiful since coming here.”


So sudden, what’s he say, this kid.

Before I know it, I’m befuddled but I understand what he was implying and I can feel my face heating up bit by bit.

It was the first time a man had ever said anything like that to me and it was extremely embarrassing.

“Wh-what are you saying all of a sudden?”

“Mhm? I just said what I felt.”

He hastily plays it off but he seems to notice that I’m feeling embarrassed. Naturally, Jude laughed.

Certainly there was no late-night overtime in this world and thanks to living a regular lifestyle, the bags under my eyes have disappeared, it had completely disappeared. My hair and skin have also become radiant.

When I was in Japan, I worked late every day so it was unrealistic for me to be beautiful and stylish, I was a splendid unpopular woman. But the first time I looked in the mirror after coming here, I saw the change in my appearance and thought it was a bit fun.

Thanks to the cream that I applied around my eyes, my eyesight got better and I no longer need glasses.

But an unpopular woman is an unpopular woman.

Even if my appearance has changed, the inside is still the same.

I am very distressed by this.

“Stop teasing me.”

I said but Jude just lowers his eyebrows and smiles as if he was troubled.


I wake up early in the morning, brush my teeth, wash my face and apply cosmetics.

The same routine I had when I was in Japan.

I think the cosmetics I made are slowly showing their effects and my appearance has become quite healthy.

I look at my reflection in the small hand-mirror (it was in the bag that was summoned together with me), I see the effects and smile, complacently.

Nonetheless having no makeup on, I look the same as ever.

I could make basic cosmetic products but I couldn’t remember how to make make-up so I couldn’t make any.

I didn’t like heavy make-up so it was fine.

I looked at my reflection for a while and when I felt satisfied, I change my clothes.

Today is a day off and it will be quite good if I relax a little.

Well, what shall I do?


Nakanashi Sei

HP: 4,867/4,867
MP: 6,067/6,067

Combat Skill:
Holy attribute magic: Lv. ∞

Production Skill:
Pharmacy: Lv. 30
Cooking: Lv. 8

For the time being, let’s check my current status.

My pharmacy and cooking skills have both increased.

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If I continue cooking the skill will likely raise but recently it has become difficult to raise my pharmacy skill even when I’m making advanced HP potions.

What can I make that’s higher than an advanced HP potion?

There are books on medicinal herbs and medicines at the research institute but I’ve never seen a book about potions with higher effects than advanced HP potions.

If I go to the royal palace library, will there be books like that there?

It’s finally my long-awaited holiday but I’m going to be spending it doing work-related things, I’m still a workaholic. But I have nothing else I want to do.

Although I want to go into town to do some shopping, I’ve never been out of the royal palace before and I feel a bit uneasy.

It would be a different story if someone came with me……

Well, whatever.

Today I’ll seclude myself in the royal palace library and read books.

“Huh? Sei, are you going out?”

While I was descending from the third floor to the first, Jude called out to me.

Today’s not his day off so he’s working.

It seems that he’d just entered the research institute after getting medicinal herbs from the warehouse. The box he’s holding with both hands contained a lot of medicinal herbs.

“Yup, I was thinking about going to the royal palace library.”

“I see, isn’t it your day off today?”


“Take care.”

“See you later.”

Jude saw me off as I leave the research institute and walk towards the royal palace.

It’ll take 30 minutes but this is also good exercise.

I don’t exercise enough because I confineI) myself in the research institute everyday so I have to go on walks like this sometimes.

But it’s troublesome……

After walking for a short while, I arrive at the royal palace and went inside.

I’ve been to the royal palace library many times for work-related things so I didn’t get lost.

Along the way I look at the vases and paintings decorating the royal palace corridor and in no time at all, I arrive at the library.

Because it’s the royal palace, I think that they’re all first-class items.

It is fun to look at the delicate patterns on the vases and elegant sceneries in the paintings.

In my original world, some places turned former palaces into art museums, so it feels like I’m walking through an art museum.

When I arrive at the library, I open the door and enter. Due to the flow of air, I see dust floating in the light that shone through the window.

There are only a few windows in this room to protect the books so it was dim.

Using the faint light, I look at the books on the bookshelf and search for a book I want.

I pick a few books before sitting down on a nearby table and opening one of the books.

Of course, the letters aren’t written in Japanese but I can understand what’s written, probably due to the effects of being summoned.

In my mind it’s written in Japanese so it was a very strange feeling.

I don’t know how much time passed but when I made a roundtrip to the bookshelf and back again, the door creaked open.

It was not unusual for people to come here since it was available to everyone working at the royal palace.

I look up expecting the usual civil servants but instead I see a stunning beautiful girl wearing an extravagant dress.

She had blonde hair which was half tied up and blue almond-shaped eyes.

No matter how I look at her, she’s a young lady from an aristocrat family.

In addition to that her family ranking is high.

It wasn’t strange to see a young lady at the royal palace but I have a feeling that this is the first time I’ve met one at the library.

Because she was a sight for sore eyes I keep staring at her and she noticed me.

Because I’m Japanese, I quickly bow my head on reflex and she returns it with a lovely smile.

It would be impolite of me to stare at her any further so I return my gaze back onto the book in my hand.

After a little while a book was placed in the seat in front of me.

I raise my face and it was the young lady from before, this time she’s reading her book without looking at me.

I did wonder why she was sitting here even though there were other seats but I continue to read the book in my hand without caring.

When I finished reading all the books I had, I heard the bell telling me it was three o’clock.

I have a feeling that I was in the library for quite a long time.

I get up thinking I should return soon and the young lady calls out to me, “Excuse me.”


“About that book over there……”

Apparently she wants to read one of the books that I was going to put away.

I was already finished with it so I hand it to her and she was surprised to see the other books in my hand.

“You read difficult books. Are you a researcher?”


“As excepted. This book is written in the ancient language so even I have difficulty reading it.”

I could read it regardless of the written language because of some kind of ability, so I didn’t notice it at all but it seems that one of the books I have is written in the ancient language.

Even if she told me it was difficult, I can’t understand her feelings so I smile vaguely in order to deceive her.

“Are you also interested in medicinal herbs, Miss?”

“Yes I am.”

I ask her while using horrible honorifics and she vaguely smiles.

Hmm, was my use of honorifics bad or did I ask something bad?

Although I couldn’t come to a conclusion, I thought that it would be bad to bother her any further and decided to end the conversation properly.

“If you are interested, please come to the Medicinal Herb Research Institute. There are many herbs at the herb garden. My name is Sei, I am a researcher there.”

“Thank you. This is a bit late but my name is Elizabeth Ashley.”

“Well then, I should return to the research institute soon.”


I return the book to the bookshelf. When I leave the library, I feel the suffocating heat from outside.

It’s already summer.

The temperature was somehow adjusted inside of the library and was lower than the temperature in the corridor.

As I walk back to the research institute while fanning myself, I hear a horse running from behind.

I turn around to look and there is a group of horses heading my way.

The people riding the horses looked like knights and I feel like I know the person in front from somewhere.


“Ah, good afternoon.”

The person in front is the Captain of the 3rd Knight Order.

So does that mean that everyone behind him is from the 3rd Knight Order?

I see a few familiar faces so it seems that they are.

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“Are you going to the research institute?”


“If it’s alright with you, would you like a lift?”

“Thank you for your offer but I do not know how to ride a horse……”

There is still some distance till the research institute.

I appreciate his offer but I don’t know how to ride a horse.

When I look up at him, troubled, he holds out his hands and said, “Hold on.”

I nervously held the Captain’s hands and he quickly lifts me up onto the horse. I was now sitting in front of the Captain.

No matter how thin I am, what kind of strength does he have to be able to lift up a woman?

Are all the knights this strong?

“Well then, shall we go?”

While I was surprised, the Captain lifts the reins and the horse slowly moves.

My line of sight was really high on a horse, it was a bit scary.

When I timidly grab onto the saddle, I hear a quiet laughing sound behind me. The Captain puts his hand around my waist.

“It’s okay, I’ve got you.”


What’s with this closeness?

This might be the first time I’ve ever felt someone’s body heat on my back.

He’s not my boyfriend and I’m an old unpopular woman, being this close is intense.

It may be inevitable but I feel as if I’m being hugged from behind. It’s embarrassing, my ears are getting hot.

“What did you do at the royal palace?”

“Well today is my day off so I thought I would go to the library to read.”

“So it’s your day off. What kind of books did you read?”

“It was a medicinal herbs book. There was something I wanted to find……”

While my heart was throbbing the Captain spoke to me.

Every time he spoke, his voice rang out from behind me.

While I was thinking, “Wow!” over and over in my mind, I reply and gradually calm down.

“You spend your day-off investigating medicinal herbs? Isn’t that work?”

“No, learning about medicinal herbs is also my hobby.”

To be honest it’s shocking for me to work on a day-off so I keep insisting that it’s a hobby.

“Do you not have any other hobbies?”


He asked me in wonder but I couldn’t come up with anything else.

I’ve always worked so I don’t have any hobbies.

While we were idling chatting like that, we reached the crossroad between the research institute and the barracks.

The Captain told the knights at the back that he’d escort me to the research institute, so we split up with them at the crossroad.

When I told him that it was okay to let me down here, he replied with, “It’s close so I’ll escort you”. In the end he took me to the entrance of the research institute.


“Sei, this part is a little difficult. Can you explain it to me please?”

“Well, this is……”

I talk to Liz about the book. She’s also known as Elizabeth-sama, the person I met at the library.

Although we talk, it’s only when I have business at the library so it’s not for very long.

The contents of the books are written in foreign languages or the ancient language. Liz asks me about the parts she doesn’t understand.

Liz seems to be studying languages. I explain the parts that are difficult to understand to her.

At first, she asked me about grammar but I’m sorry, I don’t understand grammar at all.

I only understand the contents.

“I see, so that is what it means. Thank you.”

“It’s fine.”

“I always interfere with your work, I am sorry.”

“Ah, don’t worry about it. It’s a good breather.”

Why are you talking to an aristocrat in an extremely familiar tone?

At first I properly used honorifics.

But somewhere along the way, Liz told me, you know?

I also call her Liz now instead of Elizabeth-sama. She asked me to talk normally with her.

I can’t refuse when a beautiful young lady asks me that.

“Sei’s skin is very beautiful.”

In order to explain the contents of the book, our faces were very close to each other and she suddenly said such a thing.

I wasn’t accustomed to compliments so I didn’t know how to answer when a beautiful girl, who looked like a bisque doll with perfect skin and no pores, compliments me.

“Really?” I answer humbly while tilting my head. Liz nods in return and smiles.

“Even if I am being careful in this season, I still get sunburnt in the daytime. I heard that Sei also works in the herb garden but you are not sunburnt at all. I feel that you get whiter by the day and your skin is getting more translucent.”

“Really? Liz doesn’t seem sunburnt at all.”

“Of course I am being careful. I take care of my skin every day, but even so I will never reach Sei’s level of translucency. Which products are you using?”

Of course Liz is a girl so she also seems interested in beauty and she talked about it very enthusiastically.

Moreover is it because she’s an aristocrat? She’s talking about things that adults talk about. In Japan, I can’t imagine girls in intermediate school talking about this kind of thing.

When I was the same age as Liz the most I ever did was put on sunscreen.

Do you call something like this ‘high girl power’?

“I make the cosmetic products myself.”


When I said I made it myself, Liz’s eyes shine.

Since Liz was an aristocrat she’s never made cosmetics products herself so it’s unusual.

However since Liz is studying medicinal herbs she asked me questions like: what kind of ingredients are used? What kind of effects do those ingredients have?

She seemed more enthusiastic than when she asked about the book contents.

I thought Liz was also a girl. When she finally calmed down, she said something unexpected.

“It is not only the cosmetics making you beautiful, is it Sei?”

“Mhm? What do you mean?”

“You have fallen in love recently, haven’t you?”


Liz covers her mouth with her fan and laughs while looking at my face.

Wait, hold on, why’re we suddenly talking about this?

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Love is in an awfully far away world for me.

“It is something I overheard, there is a rumour that Captain Hawk is often seen together with a woman.”

“Captain Hawk?”

I tilt my head when she suddenly said an unfamiliar name.

Liz thought it was strange so she closed her fan and knitted her eyebrows.

“Does Sei not know Hawk-sama?”

The only person that comes to my mind is the Captain of the 3rd Knight Order. Was his name Hawk?

I always call him Captain-sama so I don’t know what his name is.

The Director always calls him Al so I don’t know his family name either……

“Is Captain Hawk the Captain of the 3rd Knight Order?”

“So you do know him after all.”

“If so, the Captain of the 3rd Knight Order is good friends with our Director.”

It seems that she was talking about the Captain of the 3rd Knight Order.

But if you say he was seen with a woman, there’s a high possibility that it isn’t me.

What I thought was negated by what she said next.

“It seems that someone saw him riding a horse with a woman……”

Sorry, that’s definitely me.

Lately whenever he sees me returning from the library, he always escorts me back to the research institute.

And as sighted, there were two people riding on a horse.

It’s really embarrassing so I refused him the second time but then he made this terribly sad face and I just couldn’t refuse anymore.

Moreover at the beginning he took me straight back to the research institute, but recently we detour around the royal palace. We were probably sighted then.

“I think that was me.”

“As I thought, it was Sei, wasn’t it?”

I honestly confessed and Liz looked relived while smiling.

I’m a bit concerned about her expression so I ask.

“What’s wrong?”


“No, you just seem relieved so I wonder if it’s no good if it’s not me.”

I said and she says with a beautiful countenance, “I was worried”.

I wonder if I shouldn’t have retorted.

When I tried to tell her that she didn’t have to tell me if it was difficult to say, Liz sighs and confesses.

“When I heard the rumour, I was convinced it was Sei. But everyone at the academy kept saying that it was a different woman.”

“A different woman?”


According to Liz, it is speculated that the woman who was with the Captain was her classmate.

Liz’s classmate. That probably means a 15 year old girl, right?

If I remember correctly the seniors at the Academy are supposed to be 15 years old.

Eh, a 15 years old girl and the Captain…… That reeks of crime.

Are age differences okay in this world?

“I feel that your classmate and Hawk-sama are separated by a number of years. Is that the problem?”

“No, it is rare but it is not a problem.”

I unexpectedly asked her since I was concerned but it seems that age differences were okay.

If so, what the heck is the problem?

When I brood over it, Liz speaks, hesitantly.

“There’s a problem with the classmate.”


“At the Academy, she is very intimate with men who have fiancées. It has become a bit of a problem.”


It was an unfamiliar word so it totally slipped my mind. It would normally become problematic if there was a rumour about someone with a fiancée.

Children of aristocrats that attend the Academy have prearrange marriages early on.

You became an adult at 15 years old here and when you become an adult it seems that you can get married as well. If you think about it like that then it’s not that early, is it?

But there’s something that is bothering me.

“Hey, does Hawk-sama have a fiancée?”

“Hawk-sama? He shouldn’t have one.”

“Oh. With the way the conversation was going, I was sure he had one.”

“If Hawk-sama had a fiancée then this would be problematic, even if it the other person is Sei.”

“That’s true.”

“Fufufu, I am sure that Hawk-sama can discern so there should not be any problems.”

I was shocked for a moment thinking that the Captain also had a fiancée but I’m relieved to hear that he doesn’t.

Even in this world, it’s problematic if there’s rumours about an engaged person.

Firstly, even if the Captain doesn’t have a fiancée it would be troublesome for him to have rumours floating around about someone like me being his lover.

Unlike me, the Captain has many people he can choose from.

He simply escorts me back to the research institute out of kindness.

It would be inexcusable if this snatched away his chance at love.

For the Captain’s sake I better deny it properly.

“It’s not a problem or anything. In the first place Hawk-sama and I don’t have that kind of relationship.”

“Ah, is that so?”

“That’s right. Anyway, let’s back up a bit.”

“Yes, right. So at the Academy they were saying that she would go as far as to lay her hands on the Ice Knight-sama too.”

“Ice Knight-sama?”

“Ah, that is Hawk-sama.”

The Captain seems to be called the Ice Knight-sama because he uses ice attribute magic and he’s always expressionless. He doesn’t let his emotions show.


My impression of the Captain is that he’s always smiling.

“Since Hawk-sama is also popular, various people have been saying things like, his followers have increased again.”

“So that means, at the Academy she only gets intimate with popular men, right?”

“That is correct.”

Liz lamented as she put a hand on her cheek and sigh.

In short there’s a misunderstanding stirring about that Liz’s classmate at the Academy, who makes popular guys wait on her, also laid a hand on the Captain.

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But that’s just something the girl said, I don’t think it has anything to do with Liz. So why does she seem so gloomy?

“It sounds really gloomy. Listening to the story, it doesn’t seem like Liz is involved in that classmate’s problem. So is there something wrong?”

“Well the fiancées of the men around her told me to say something about it, so I am very troubled.”

“That’s something they have to say themselves, not Liz, right?”

“They have already warned her but the situation still has not improved.”

“Well then even if Liz says something, isn’t it impossible?”


Seeing Liz looking down and gloomy, I want to help her somehow.

However I’ve never had luck with love so I can’t think of any advice to give her.

While I was thinking about what could be done, Liz speaks.

“A few days ago someone finally stopped coming to the Academy.”

According to Liz, the fiancé of the young lady who stopped coming to the Academy was also one of the followers of the problematic classmate.

Because of her age, the young lady had a lot of acne on her face and she seems to have been troubled by her appearance for a long time.

She’d tried many ways to improve her acne but nothing worked. She had acne all year around, so she couldn’t enjoy being fashionable. She was plain compared to the other young ladies around her.

It seems that one day the young lady heard her own fiancé compliment that classmate.

Liz was also with her at that time so she remembered what the guy had said: the classmate’s skin is smooth so he wanted to touch it, she always looks cute, etc. Well anyway, it seems that he complimented her appearance.

They happen to pass by when only the guy was talking and accidently overheard. Then the young lady and Liz left before they were noticed.

The young lady had never been complimented by her fiancé before. She was probably dissatisfied with her appearance because he never complimented her. She became anxious over it and is now bedridden.

She was shocked by the incident and she was feeling sad over her acne not healing no matter how hard she tried. It became too much for her.

“I thought that she would cheer up if her acne was healed at least……”


I think a little about what Liz said.

I can’t advise her on things relating to love but I can give her advice on acne treatment.

“I can probably help you with acne treatment.”


Liz suddenly smiles upon my words.

I smile while nodding my head. For an hour, I explain about the acne treatment I heard of when I was in Japan, in detail.

After parting with Liz, I return to the laboratory. After finishing work, I begin preparing to make cosmetics.

Of course these cosmetic products are for the young lady who is suffering from acne.

While I was preparing the ingredients Jude passes by.

“You’re making cosmetic products again?”

Jude seemed to have noticed that I wasn’t making potions from the ingredients placed on the work desk.

I nod in return to Jude’s question.

“Yeah, someone requested it.”

To successfully make the cosmetic product, I also checked with Liz about which cosmetic products and treatments the young lady had tried so far. Sure enough, the products use outrageous ingredients. Discussions about those dubious treatments being like sorcery also popped up.

That was this world’s standards and there maybe proper treatments but while she’s trying my treatment, I made her promise not to use those cosmetic products and treatment.

I don’t know what it will affect.

I told Liz important points like: face washing techniques, diet, sleeping time and so on. But just to be safe I decided to get her to use the products I make.

I put the ingredients that would affect acne into a glass container, stir and concentrated magic power into it.

While concentrating my magic power, I didn’t forget to pray —go away acne— and —become pretty—.

I don’t do this when making my own cosmetics but this time it’s a gift.

When I pray really hard, the glass container gently shimmers white.

This has never happened before, it’s strange but I couldn’t find anything odd in the completed product.

I take a little and spread it onto the back of my hand but I didn’t feel any stimulus.

Just to be sure I did a patch test and confirm that there are no problems. Should I pass it onto Liz?

I thought and move onto making the next cosmetic product.

Two weeks after giving the cosmetic products to Liz.

Liz was excitingly waiting for me to come to the library.

“Sei! That cosmetic product is amazing!”

Was the first thing she said. She restrained her voice because we were in the library but I walk closer to her since she couldn’t suppress her excitement.

Anyway, it seems that Liz went to see the young lady on the day I handed her the cosmetic products.

Then she told her about the acne treatment she’d heard from me, gave her the products and returned home.

The young lady had already given up on treatment and she wasn’t interested in it at first. But then it seems that she properly tried the treatment and products properly.

The day after she tried it, the effects appeared and I heard that there was an uproar at her house.

She came to the Academy a week after Liz passed her the products. Her before and after was so dramatic that the other young ladies also caused an uproar when they saw her.

“Then something troublesome happened again.”

“Something troublesome?”

She said it was something troublesome but Liz looks calmer than before.

I tilt my head and she told me the reason.

I regretted it after listening to her.

It was indeed something troublesome.

“There are many girls who want the cosmetic products that I gave to her.”

The young lady whose acne had completely disappeared, leaving behind only smooth skin, ignited the beauty spiritsII) of the other young ladies.

They found out it was Liz who gave it to her when they talked about where the cosmetics were obtained and then everyone rushed to Liz.

Since the products were made by an individual, I heard that Liz hid who the supplier was. But they kept hounding her so it has become troublesome.

“Still I can’t prepare that many.”


Of course the amount is troublesome but it is also impossible for me to keep making cosmetics products to give out.

I told Liz that I want some time to think and return to the laboratory.

However I couldn’t come up with a plan by myself.

In times like this the best thing to do is consult with other people.

Yes, I depend on the Director when I’m in trouble.

“It is like that. So is there a good approach we can use?”

“You’re so abrupt again.”

The Director who is smiling bitterly while thinking of a plan, is such a good person, isn’t he?

Then as a result of thinking together, we decided to hand the cosmetic product recipes over to a shop that the Director is acquainted with and had them sell the products at the shop.

The products made at the shop aren’t the same as mine but it still seems to be effective.

Liz told people that it was going to be sold at the shop. The young ladies who knew about the result of my cosmetic products told their families and the products were so popular that it sold out on the first day of sale.

Of course the Director signed a contract stating that a percentage of the process will go to the research institute. So it goes without saying that the research institute’s budget was abundantIII) once again.

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