Act 01 – Appraisal

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I was absentmindedly watching the scenery from inside of the carriage that was heading to the Court Mage Magician Division and sighed many times.

The Director, who noticed this, called out to me with a wry smile.

“You look extremely displeased. Well, it’s not like I can’t understand how you feel.”

“That’s right……”

I also replied with a wryly smile and the Director shrugged his shoulders.

I once again looked at the scenery outside and thought about what had happened yesterday.

Yesterday around closing time or something, a message came from the Court Mage Division.

They will be appraising so come to the Court Mage Division tomorrow, or rather today.

What exactly were they appraising?

It seemed that they were appraising me.

People have recently been calling me the 【Saint】here and there because of the incident that took place at the hospital.

Meanwhile the Head Magician of the Court Mage Division, who was comatose by the 【Saint Summoning Ceremony】, had awoken about a week ago.

The Head Magician was the only person in this whole kingdom that could appraise people.

I haven’t had my appraisal yet because he was in a coma.

The Head Magician still wasn’t in top shape but the appraisal of the 【Saint】was the foremost important thing in the kingdom, so he was pushing himself to do the appraisal.

It was inevitable when I thought about what had happened at the hospital.

I thought that the rumour about me possibly being the 【Saint】would spread if I used recovery magic the way I did.

So I prepared myself to some extent but……

It was still depressing.

Appraisal confirmed one’s status but if that happened then I would be busted.

My status clearly showed that I was the 【Saint】.

“You really don’t want to?”

I probably had a naturally perplexed look on my face while pondering.

I turned to face the Director and he looked worried.

“Yes. It’s depressing.”

“I didn’t want to say this but you did put on quite a show.”

“They’re wrong, I didn’t go all out. I only just healed people a little, didn’t I?”

“It’s not a little, okay. Definitely not.”

I tightened my lips at the Director’s words and he looked shocked.

Then we smiled wryly at each other.

The Director has been really concerned about me.

Since the time I had moved into the research institute.

He did it in such a casual manner that I didn’t notice it most the time but sometimes I would notice that he was concerned about me.

It was probably because I’m his subordinate but I’m extremely thankful because of it.

Even by just talking to him like this, I feel my depression fading away a little.

“I don’t think anyone would happen as soon as the appraisal is finished……”

The Director who suddenly became serious, fessed up.

The numbers of demons has been gradually decreasing since the 【Saint Summoning Ceremony】. Which meant that the people at the royal palace could clearly tell that the 【Saint】had been summoned.

The capital, however, were only decreasing around the vicinity of the capital. Places far away from the capital were still overflowing with demons.

The past 【Saints】travelled to the regions that were overflowing with demons together with the Knight Order. They used a special technique that only they can utilise and purified the land.

The people at the palace also expect the 【Saint】to carry on this duty this time as well.

“Demon annihilation…… Does it mean that there’s fighting involved?”

“Yes, but the Mages invoke magic behind the Knights so you won’t face anything as dangerous as them.”

“But what if the demon can use magic? It’ll head towards my way, wouldn’t it?”

“Well yes. I can’t say that you wouldn’t met with any danger at all.”

“Even the child who was summoned with me has never been to combat.”

There were places that were at war in the world.

Japan, however, was peaceful.

Myself, and probably Aira-chan, who was summoned with me, has never had to fight for our lives or taken a life.

Even if someone suddenly told me I had to do subjugations, I don’t think I would be of any use.

I have killed many monsters and demons in games.

“They’ll probably do practice runs first, wouldn’t they? The person who was summoned with you, was her name Aira? She’s learning how to do things like that at the Royal Academy.”

“Is she?”

“The Academy practices by running subjugations at the East Forest. She, too, should have gone by now.”

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Aira-chan’s had already experienced subjugations.

I was a little surprised when I heard that.

I was worried about whether or not she’d be okay but then I remembered that she had Knights as escorts.

I hadn’t heard anything about her being injured so she was probably alright.

The East Forest that she went to is also supposed to be full of weak demons.

“What…… What would you do if the appraisal showed that I wasn’t the 【Saint】?”

I suddenly thought and asked.

The Director’s eyes widened and then he smiled wryly.

“The 【Saint’s】job will probably be done by Aira, but……”


“…… They would probably request that you support her.”


“By using recovery magic.”

I see.

I definitely healed so much at the hospital that the people around me were surprised.

So that might happen.

“If I accept such a request then I would probably have to move into the Court Mage Division, wouldn’t I?”

“I wonder.”

“I don’t want to move if I don’t have to.”

The research institute was an extremely comfortable place.

I was fine with giving support but I didn’t want to transfer workplaces.

I told the Director my feelings and he was going to handle it.

I continued to talk to the Director and we arrived at the Court Mage Division.

A Court Mage came to greet us and we walked into the building behind them.

While we were walking through the hallway, I felt someone gaze at us from beyond the Mage.

It felt the same as when I was walking through the palace recently.

Although I was used to it by now, it still bothered me.

There wasn’t anything I can do about it even if it bothered me.

“I have brought Director Waldeck and Sei-sama from the Medicinal Herb Research Institute.”

The Mage knocked on the door that appeared to lead to the Head Mage’s room and stated his business, a reply came immediately from within.

The Mage urged them to enter and they went inside. Next to Intelligent Glasses-sama was a young man with extremely good features with dark blue hair and eyes. He greeted them while standing.

His well featured face looked as if it was artificially made.


What’s up with this?

Isn’t the beauty level in this room too high?!


The Mage-san left the room as soon as he showed us in.

The only ones in this room are the Director and I, and then Intelligent Glasses-sama and the young man. Just four of us.

“Welcome to the Court Mage Division. I’m the Head Magician, Yuri Dreves.”

“My name is Sei.”

The young man smiled gentle while introducing himself to me.

I was overwhelmed by his beauty and froze, but I still managed to somehow return his greeting.

He’s the Head Magician?

He looked younger than Intelligent Glasses-sama, who was standing next to him.

It must be because of his good looks and gentle aura.

He might even be the same age as Jude.

It would probably be rude so I didn’t let it show on my face and sat down on the sofa while thinking.

“Ah, and he is the Deputy Head Magician, Airhart Hawk. You have met him before, have you not?”

“Ah, yes.”

As soon as I sat on the sofa, the Head Magician introduced Intelligent Glasses-sama as if he had just remembered about him.

I’m sorry.

I didn’t know his name since he had never introduced himself nor was I told by anyone.

So he was the Deputy Head Magician. I had thought that Intelligent Glasses-sama was a big shot from how the surrounding Mages were looking at him.

I got it.

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I, however, care more about his surname.

His surname is Hawk, so does that mean he’s the Captain’s brother?

That question must have shown on my face because the Director, who was sitting next to me, told me the answer, “He’s Al’s brother”.

“Well then, as I’ve told you earlier, I would like to appraise you today.”


After the introductions were out of the way, he talked about the main subject at hand, the appraisal.

It finally came.

He explained appraisal magic in the same way that Jude had earlier.

Appraisal magic could be used on people but if that person didn’t approve then there was a chance that it could repel. If that person was higher level than the person casting the appraisal magic then it would definitely repel.

So, “Please let me be at ease”, the Head Magician said while smiling.

I will endeavor to do so……

“Then let’s begin.”



I didn’t feel like it but I tried my best to think about it not repelling and obediently accepted the appraisal magic.

It was probably because of the appraisal magic but I felt nothing for a second and then in the next moment, I felt something repel. The subtle discomfort was gone.


Did it possibly repel?

I looked around in my surprise and saw that the others, aside from the Head Magician, was also shocked.

When my gaze reached the Director’s, he stared at me with a dubious look.

Wait a minute, I was careful so that it wouldn’t repel!


“I didn’t repel it, I thought real hard about it not repelling.”

The Director looked at me in shock but they were all just false accusations.

I don’t recall repelling it so I firmly returned his gaze.

The Head Magician, who was looking at our exchange, recovered from his shock and smiled while asking:

“You didn’t repel it?”

“I didn’t.”

The Head Magician put a hand to his chin and casted his eyes down when I nodded.

After thinking for a while, he lifted his head up again.

“If you didn’t repel it then that means your level is higher than mine.”


“Excuse me, but what is your basic level?”

He arrived at that conclusion.

I knew it.

There was another reason for the magic repel that had nothing to do with me repelling it myself.

Perhaps, it was correct.

I think that my basic level is higher than the Head Magician’s.

Many of the knights in the 3rd Knight Order were also lower level than me and a lot of them were around level 30.

Taking that into consideration, the Captain and Head Mage classes should be around level 40?

If so then there would be at least a 6 level difference between us because I was level 55.

But that’s only my basic level.

When I asked Jude and the knights earlier, they told me what was considered normal.

If it’s just this much then it would be alright to tell them, right?

I thought and said:

“It’s 55.”

Honestly, the reactions of all three returned.

The Head Magician was smiling while frozen; Intelligent Glasses-sama widened his eyes and the Director had his mouth opened widely.

Director, your face has become weird you know?

“Level…… 55……?”

The first person to start moving again was the Head Magician. He muttered in confirmation.

When I nodded, he laughed, haha.

“It would certainly repel at that level.”

“Your level was that high……?”

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For some reason the Head Magician was laughing happily and the Director was looking at me in shock.

It’s troubling even if you look at me with those eyes.

It was originally like that.

“I see. That’s troublesome.”

The Head Magician didn’t look troubled at all despite saying that.

I tilted my head and he scrunched his eyebrows as if troubled.

“If I can’t do 『Appraisal』on you then we can only use the classic way to confirm your status…..”

“The classic way?”


Intelligent Glasses-sama heard that and got off the sofa.

He went to the desk in front of me, got a pen and paper and placed it in front of the Head Magician.

The Head Magician began explaining to the Director and I.

When a Mage couldn’t perform appraisal on someone then that person would write a self-report of their own status.

Of course, even now, the Head Magician couldn’t appraise everyone and most of them used this method of confirmation.

Basically everyone who worked at the palace had to fill out the report in advance.

Some skills and levels were needed to gain promotions so some people excessively declare too much.

Suspicious people like that have surprise examinations and are checked to see if what they declared was true or false.

For magic skills, they would have to perform the level or attribute they declared in front of several examiners.

The current Head Magician didn’t have to take any exams before becoming the Head because he could use appraisal magic.

“Would my status be available to the public?”

“No. It will be treated as confidential information.”

I was a little worried so I asked.

It was the same as personal information in Japan but seeing Jude and the Knight’s situations, the information doesn’t seem to be kept very confidential.

The information would be treated as confidential according to the Head Magician.

It is, however, easy to get promoted even if you retain your valuable skills because there is no shortage of people who would gossip at the palace.

“Is that so?”

I replied and looked at the paper once again.

Yup, what should I do?

It’s probably better to write it down but……

The other three people didn’t say a word because I was staring at the paper without moving.

The room where conversation had broken, was silent.

I talked about various things with the Director on the way here but I was still wavering.

If I write my status here then I can only act as a 【Saint】.

Then about I write lies?

I’ve heard some things about Jude’s status but I don’t know what the average status in this kingdom is.

If I write the wrong things then someone can point out the faults.

“You don’t feel like doing it?”

The Head Magician talked to me while I was worried over it.

I raised my face and looked at the Head Magician, he was smiling gently.

“It’s fine if you don’t want to.”

Intelligent Glasses-sama, who was sitting next to the Head Magician, widened his eyes in surprise at that single sentence.

I looked next to me and the Director was the same.

“Is it fine?”

“I don’t mind.”

“Head Magician.”

Intelligent Glasses-sama said in a flustered voice but the Head Magician did not withdraw his statement.

According to him, even if they forced me to report my status, they won’t try to confirm my status.

That’s true, but is it really fine?

Both Intelligent Glasses-sama and the Director have the same looks on their faces so it can’t be good.

I thought that it was possible to investigate magic skill to a certain degree, so is it really fine?

I didn’t say it out loud but I looked dubiously at the Head Magician and he smiled a little.

“Instead can you show me what you look like when you use magic?”

Ah, so he was going to confirm my magic skill.

A lot of people at the hospital had already witnessed my magic so if it’s just that much then it was fine.

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I nodded and he said, “Well then……” and explained the procedure.

The magic I was using this time was the same one I used at the hospital, 『Heal』.

No one was injured in this room but works on healthy people too.

But is 『Heal』really fine?

This was the first holy magic that I learned.

The power increases if the level of holy attribute magic increases, you know?

When it was used on a healthy person, it was difficult to determine the effects with either value or result so it was difficult to determine the status level.

“Will you confirm my holy attribute magic level with 『Heal』?”

“No, I wanted to confirm something else.”

It was strange so I asked and the thing he was checking wasn’t my level.

Did he want to see the differences when someone summoned from another world used magic and when someone from this world used magic?

Was there even any difference?

I’ve seen Jude use his magic before but the difference in water magic and holy magic was just too great.

Unfortunately, I’ve never seen anyone using holy magic.

I wanted to ask if I could see other people of this kingdom using it, but I couldn’t say it myself because they would guess what I was up to.

Even without it, I was still reluctant to write my status down.

I thought about various things but no answer came to me.

Well, in the worst case scenario where there’s a remarkable difference, I could just smooth it over by saying I’m from another world or that my level is high.

I thought and obediently used magic.

I concentrated on casting magic.

They didn’t specify a target so I casted it on myself.

Then I activated 『Heal』and my whole body was covered in a thin white haze.


I heard a small muttered, looked up and saw that Intelligent Glasses-sama had his eyes wide open in surprise.

Ah, there really is something different, isn’t there?

I looked at the other two and the Head Magician’s eyes were shining, the Director…… Was the same as he always was.

There wasn’t anything to be worried about it so I thought that the Head Magician and Intelligent Glasses=sama’s reactions were strange and stared at them.

“Is there a difference?”


I asked and the Head Magician nodded in excitement.

“Look here.”

He said, and casted 『Heal』.

He casted it on himself, like I had, and his body glowed white.

He asked me after the lights had faded, “Do you understand?” But I couldn’t see what was different.

I tilted my head and he once again casted 『Heal』.

The Head Magician’s body glowed white again but…… Huh?

Something suddenly bothered me and I also casted 『Heal』on myself.

It shone white in the same way but mine had golden particles mixed in.

“Do you see it now?”


According the Head Magician, a rumour spread about my magic being different from others while I was treating the 2nd and 3rd Knight Orders.

When other mages casted heal it only glowed white like it did with the Head Magician’s. No one’s light was intertwined with lame.

It seemed that the magic power of an attribute was visible once activated.

This white light was the magic power of holy magic, other attribute had other colours representing it.

Usually one could not see magic power without training their perception.

The Head Magician said that it was unknown how I can see it. It could be because I’m from another world or the reason could be something else altogether.

Since I’m hearing about this, has Aira’s status not been confirmed yet?

I thought and asked, “Not yet”, came the reply.

If so, I wanted to know the results of her appraisal once they were over, but it was confidential information so they won’t tell me.

The cause of the lame, however, came from me so they told me as soon as they discovered it.

Therefore I found out that my magic was different from the magic of those in this kingdom.

It was probably because I was summoned and then there was this and that.

I finally understood the cause of my accursed 50% increase.

Come to think of it, the curse mostly affected things that had to do with my magic……

I sighed inside my mind when I realised that.

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