Act 04: Ingredients

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I was itchy to make a new dish around the time when I grew accustomed to staying in Klaussner.

The reason for this was the meals that were served.

Feudal Lord-sama and the chefs of this castle were very careful with our food.

Foods that were typical in Slantania Kingdom was served at breakfast, but other than that, they served food that was said to be popular in the Royal Palace.

That’s right, they served food that I was used to eating for most meals.

They probably want me to be comfortable.

I’m extremely thankful that they thought this.

I am, but there’s a little problem, which was the culinary repertoire.

The communication methods in this world were limited, which meant that the information transmitted to each of the regions was also limited.

The only information they heard about the popular dishes in the Royal Palace was that medicinal herbs were used when grilling meat or soup.

The chefs at the castle improved their recipes and garnished them with medicinal herbs from the little amount of information they’d received.

They used more herbs in their cooking than I did, and the dishes were full of flavour.

Nevertheless, the only meals that were improved were the grilled meat and soup.

They could use herbs when simmering meat or cooking fish, so why don’t they?

Were they afraid of failing? I don’t know the reason for this.

However, because of that, they only garnished grilled meat and soup with herbs.

They were chefs who knew a lot about herbs, so it didn’t seem like they were afraid of trying new dishes.

I felt really bad for complaining about the meals they’ve made for me.

I know that it’s rude.

But sometimes I want to eat sandwiches and fish too.

Therefore, I wanted to increase their culinary repertoire a bit more.

I could make it by myself without hesitation at the research institute, but I couldn’t do that here.

If I were to cook, then I would need a place to cook in.

If I use the castle kitchen, then I would need Feudal Lord-sama’s permission.

I could make it outside, but that took a lot more effort than making it in the kitchen.

Furthermore, making food on subjugations was fine, but I would stand out a lot if I were to cook food near the castle, and Feudal Lord-sama would probably hear about it.

Either way, it was possible that they would think that I wasn’t satisfied with their food.

They were being so mindful of me and I would feel extremely bad if they were to think that.

Isn’t there a place where I could hide and cook?


“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing, I was just thinking a little……”

I was at the Knight Order’s stand-by building while waiting for the servants to confirm the potions that I had delivered and my mind just wondered to the food situation.

I worried a passing knight probably because I was frowning.

He is from the 3rd Knight Order, so I felt like I could talk to him about this, but I was afraid that Feudal Lord-sama would inadvertently hear about this.

What should I say?

I was troubled about this and the knight pressed on while worrying, “What is it? What’s on your mind? I’ll lend you an ear if you’re worried about something.”

“It’s not a big deal.”

“If you don’t want to talk about it then that’s fine. But, you’ll feel much better if you talk about it.”

“It’s really nothing. I just wanted to cook for a change of pace.”


The knight became excited as soon as I said that I wanted to cook.

The knights around us must have heard me because they started gathering around and asking if I was going to cook.

There were some who even started talking about what they wanted to eat.

Why did this happen?

I like making potions and I don’t think I would ever get bored of it, but it’s normal to get bored of things that you do over and over again.

I thought that a change of pace would be a good excuse, but I didn’t think they would get this into it.

I found out the reason for this unusual behaviour when I asked them.

The meals provided to the knights was different from the meals provided to me.

Food garnished with herbs was served to Hawk-sama and I, but the knights got normal Slantania food, that is to say, food without herbs.

They said it couldn’t be helped since the food with herbs costed more than those without.

And the knights had no problems with this because they ate normal meals which didn’t use herbs at the Royal Capital.

However, the knights knew what food tasted like when herbs were used because most of them had came with me when we went to subjugate around the Royal Capital.

In addition, people could eat at the research institute’s dining hall, even if they weren’t researchers, if they just paid for the food.

In fact, the 3rd Knight Order often came to eat there.

However, they lost the chance to eat dishes that contained herbs ever since they came to Klaussner.

They endured it since this was for work, but they got all excited because I said I wanted to cook while they were craving it.

“Why’re you making a racket?”

“Oh, Captain.”

Captain-san came down from the second floor while I was listening to the knight’s food situation.

He was curious about the noise and came down to see what it was about.

When I told him that I wanted to cook for a change of mood like I’d told the knights, he guessed why everyone was noisy and smiled as if he was troubled.

“I see.”

“But, I don’t have a place to cook, so I can’t cook. I probably can’t borrow the castle kitchen, well I can probably cook in the distillation room.”

“You can cook in the distillation room?”

“They have a big caldron used for making potions, so I think I can cook if I wanted to. But, they’ll probably get angry if I do.”

The distillation room was for making potions, so they had things that could be used as pots and stoves.

However, it was full of people who were obsessed with potions.

Of course they would get angry if I use the tools for making potions to cook.

And to start with, Corinna-san probably won’t give me permission to do so.

“If only there was a small kitchen here……”

“You don’t even have the equipment to boil water?”

“Yeah. The maids go to the castle kitchens to get us water if we want to have tea.”

“Oh, I see.”

Captain-san was saying that if there was a kitchen here then I could cook for a change of pace.

However, even if I could make two or three portions of a meal, it wouldn’t be enough for all the knights.

I would need a much bigger place, I also recalled the restaurant kitchens in town.

But, there was no way that they would lend me their important kitchens since I wasn’t even acquainted with them.

I dismissed this idea.

In the first place, it wasn’t like I wanted to cook so much that I would borrow a stranger’s kitchen.

“If I come on the subjugation, then I’ll be able to cook. So I’ll just have to endure until then.”

“I see. How unfortunate.”

“What do you mean?”

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“I won’t say this in a loud voice, but I’ve gotten a little tired of eating the same food. The menu doesn’t change, does it?”

When I answered him, he whispered the reply into my ear.

It seemed that Captain-san felt the same about the menu.

I looked up at him as he separated himself from me, and he looked embarrassed so I smiled wryly.

No matter how much you love meat, you’ll get sick of eating it if it’s prepared the same way every day.

Even if they use different meat and herbs.

“I wish they would at least serve some fish dishes.”

“Yeah. But it’s hard to make that kind of request to someone who’s been kind enough to make food for us.”

“It’s hard to say, isn’t it?”

I knew that Captain-san was thinking the same as me, but we couldn’t come up with a good place for me to cook.

In the end, it was decided that I would put up with it until the subjugation. I finished delivering the potions, so I returned to the distillation room.




I finished delivering the potions to the knights in the morning and went to the herb fields with Corinna-san in the afternoon.

My schedule today would be free after I finish studying at the herb fields.

There was a market on our way to the castle from the herb field.

It wasn’t as big as the one in the Royal Capital, but they sold a lot of things, so it was fun to look around.

I might have felt extra happy about this because even though a year has passed since I was summoned, I can still count the number of times I’ve been to the market.

I was talking about cooking with the knights this morning, so my eyes were drawn to the ingredients.

I looked around restlessly, and Corinna-san, who was with me, laughed in amazement.

“You’re the same as always. These things aren’t even that rare.”

“I might find a rare item, you know?”

“It might be rare to you, but I see these things nearly every day, you know. So, I’m used to seeing all this.”

As Corinna-san said, this market was a place where locals did their daily shopping, so the items here weren’t rare.

However, I found other world ingredients that I have never seen before and ingredients that I was used to seeing in Japan, but weren’t sold at the Royal Capital.

I wasn’t going to underestimate the market.

“Oh yes, you do your own cooking, didn’t you?”

“I do. I even cook at the Royal Capital.”

“You’re very eccentric. I couldn’t believe it when you’d first told me.”

I smiled wryly at Corinna-san’s reply.

One day, I blurted out that I cooked my own food and she was extremely surprised.

Well, of course she would be.

It was rare for high ranked people to cook for themselves.

It was awkward to say this myself, but the【Saint】wasn’t a low position.

However, she’d kind of understood when I told her that I was a commoner in my hometown.

“Do you also make dishes from your hometown?”

“Yes. However, I can’t get all the ingredients I need, so there’s a limit to what I can make.”

If I had to vaguely say it, then the food I made in the Royal Capital was the taste of my hometown.

But, strictly speaking, it isn’t the taste of my hometown.

I’ve only been cooking western-style meals since I’ve come here, I haven’t cooked a Japanese-style meal at all.

If you were to ask if Japanese people love rice and miso soup, of course they would say yes.

If I could make it, then I would probably have made it a long time ago.

Why don’t you make it, you say?

I already have a reason for this.

I couldn’t get the ingredients I needed to make a Japanese-style meal.

I might be able to find seasoning such as miso and soy sauce if I searched the whole world, but I haven’t been able to find the dried ingredients for the broth.

I could make miso myself, but I’ve only heard about how to make it, I’ve never made it before so I don’t know how.

It would be fine if they have it in this world, but if they don’t then I might not be able to eat it again for the rest of my life.

I felt a strong urge to eat it when I thought that.

Let’s stop thinking about this now.

That was dangerous.

“So there are things you can’t make? Is that the same for the medicinal cooking you’d mentioned before?”

“Well there’s also the fact that I can’t obtain the ingredients I need, but I also don’t know how to make it.”

“Oh my, is that so?”

“Yes. I know about the concept of medicinal cooking, but I don’t know the proper theory behind it.”

“That’s too bad.”

Corinna-san seemed to have remembered about the medicinal cooking that I told her a little about before.

At that time, the other pharmacists also asked a lot of questions about the medicinal cooking.

I only had vague memories about it, so it was extremely difficult to answer their questions.

I looked a little distant when I remembered this.

It was no use for me to try answer all their questions.

It might be better for me to clearly say that I don’t know the answer to their question next time.

Yup, let’s do that next time.

I pulled myself together and continued walking, then I approached a store that was selling grains.

Various grains were put in jute bags and piled up like mountains in front of the store.

The staple meal in Slantania Kingdom was bread, so they stocked wheat the most.

They didn’t just stock one type of wheat, but many kinds.

I only saw processed things in Japan, but the things piled here are all unprocessed.

There’s so many kinds, I looked around and I heard the storekeeper talking to a customer, “The husk on this wheat is hard.”

Hard husk?

I stopped walking when I heard that feature.

“What’s wrong?”

“Sorry. I was looking at the ingredients because I was curious about it.”

“Which one?”

“That wheat over there.”

Corinna-san noticed that I had stopped and asked me a question, and I pointed at the wheat that the storekeeper was talking about.

Corinna-san seemed to know this wheat and taught me what it was called.

That wheat had the same name as spelt, which was cultivated in Europe since long ago.

“That wheat is commonly used here, but what about it?”

“It was in a book that I read in my hometown……”

I told Corinna-san about spelt because she asked.

Unlike common wheat, this wheat contained a lot of nutrients in the edible parts.

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It was written in a book I bought because the title caught my eye.

It was also written in the book that a woman known as a saint in Europe recommended it as the best wheat.

At that time, I remembered that one of the characteristics of spelt was its hard husk, and stopped when I heard the storekeeper’s words.

I explained a little about what was written in the book and Corinna got excited.

The nutrients in the ingredients caught her interest.

This world didn’t have the concept of nutrition yet.

I also explained about how medicine and one’s daily diet are equally important for a healthy body.

I managed to explain somehow, even though I didn’t have much knowledge of it and my memories were vague.

Medicine and one’s daily diet are equally important for a healthy body meaning that having a balanced diet was important to prevent and treat diseases.

This wasn’t a Japan-specific way of thinking, this was based on an idea obtained from medicinal cooking.

This idea came from various places and the aromatherapy teachers also said the same thing in the past, whenever I found time out of my busy work schedule to go to their lessons.

Eating the right food was the basis for maintaining a good health; the best basis or something like that.

And, eating the right food referred to having a balance of nutrition.

The monastery researched methods for using herbs in cooking.

Their research also included the practical uses of herbs in cooking.

I read in a book that they didn’t just research the aromatic benefits, but also about health benefits as well.  

“I’ve been eating it without thinking much of it, but it’s a great garnish, isn’t it?”

“Yes, it is.”

“We might be able to make something interesting if we use this in a potion.”

“Huh? Using wheat to make potions?”

Can you make potions from wheat?

If it’s in food, then I can make it.

The recipe that the person, who was called saint, came up with was also written in the book that mentioned the wheat.

Now that I think about the recipe, all the ingredients could be in Klaussner.

It seems like I’ll be able to reproduce it.

Should I try to make it?

“If it’s for food, then I think I can make it.”

“Using that wheat?”

“Yes. The recipe was in the book I read before.”

This world had a cooking skill, and the food made by people who have this skill increased physical abilities.

People would notice the effect, even if it was made from ordinary ingredients.

What if they ate food made from spelt, which is said to be good for health?

I’m so curious.

If I could reproduce it, then I could improve the food repertoire in the castle.

This is my chance.

“It isn’t medicinal cooking, but I might be able to make something with a similar effect.”


“I want to make it, so is it alright for me to borrow the castle kitchen?”

Corinna’s eyes shone at the words ‘medicinal cooking’.

It wasn’t officially a type of medicinal cooking, but it was said to be good for your health.

Corinna might be interested in that too.

She looked extremely happy when Feudal Lord-sama gave me permission to use the castle kitchen.




Two days after I talked with Corinna-san about spelt, she told me that I’d received permission to use the kitchen when I went to the distillation room.

She quickly went to get permission from Feudal Lord-sama when I said “It isn’t medicinal cooking, but I might be able to make something with a similar effect.”

Feudal Lord-sama heard what Corinna-san had to say and gladly gave me permission to use the kitchen.

Apparently, he said that he was looking forward to being able to eat a popular dish from the Royal Capital.

The chefs at the castle were the same; they were pleased that they got a good learning opportunity.

I felt a bit bad because I wasn’t making a high quality dish.

And everything was prepared just like that and the day when I could use the kitchen came.

“Thank you for giving us the opportunity to learn about food from the Royal Capital.”

“I should be the one to thank you. Thank you for responding to my sudden request. Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you too.”

“““It’s nice to meet you.”””

I went to with Corinna-san to the kitchen on the day that I was permitted to use the kitchen, and we were greeted by cheerful chefs.

When I greeted the head chef, he thanked me instead.

Even though I should be the one thanking him!

I’m cooking something I haven’t cooked at the Royal Capital before, so I hope I can meet their expectations.

I immediately put on an apron after the greetings and started food prep.

The ingredients that I had asked them to prepare beforehand were placed on the kitchen counter.

Today, I’m making pasta.

First, I mixed the flour made from spelt, oil, egg and salt.

Unfortunately, they didn’t have any olive oil so they had prepared another type of vegetable oil for me.

I vaguely recalled how to make pasta because I had wanted to make it by hand in the past, but I never got around to it.

I did tell them that it was an experiment so they’ll probably forgive me if I fail, right?

Well…… If I do fail then I’ll make another dish to get them to forgive me.

I told the head chef how to make the dish beforehand, so the chefs were making pasta with me.

Actually, this is also part of my experiment.

I wanted to know if food made with spelt had a different effect from food made from other wheat.

Therefore, I needed to make two types of pasta: one containing spelt and the other containing a different type of wheat.

Furthermore, a lot more people wanted to eat the food than I’d expected because they heard that I would be the one cooking; it started with Feudal Lord-sama and Corinna-san, then Feudal Lord-sama’s family and the pharmacists from the distillation room.

It was impossible for me to make that much food by myself, so I decided to get the chefs to help me.

There was another reason why I asked them to help me.

It was because of my accursed 50% increase.

My cooking, like my potions, was affected by my accursed 50% increase.

Therefore, Director-san forbad me from cooking in public.

However, he didn’t say that I couldn’t cook at all.

I could cook if I wasn’t in a public place.

I actually cooked a lot at the Research Institute.

I think he forbade me from cooking because it would be problematic if a lot of people knew of my ability.

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Therefore, I decided that I would give the portion I cooked to Captain-san and Feudal Lord-sama and his family.

It was a small amount of people, and Feudal Lord-sama and his family didn’t exercise a lot, like the knights, so I don’t think they’ll know the difference.

And of course, because it was something I made.

You see, food made from the 【Saint】felt special, didn’t it?

It was extremely awkward for me to say that it was special, but high-profile people liked that kind of thing……

I also went to confirm with Captain-san and he told me that it wasn’t a problem.

Even so, as expected of professionals.

I looked to the side and saw the chefs skilfully kneading the dough.

They could do that just from hearing instructions, it’s so amazing.

And me? I was a step behind them.

Let’s stop thinking about unnecessary things and focus on making pasta.

Then when the dough was kneaded and the surface was smooth, we let it rest in a wet towel.

We prepared vegetables to go with the pasta while it was resting.

Meat sauce would have been fine, but I decided to make basilica from medicinal herbs since I was at it.

I think there was a herb flavoured pasta recipe in that book.

I finely chopped some garlic, onion, basil and dill.

The onions will definitely sting my eyes.

I finished chopping everything and the dough was ready, so we started making the pasta.

We rolled the dough until it was thin, folded the dough and cut it to make flat noodles.

I preferred thinner noodles, but this was all I could manage to make by myself.

Basil might not suit it, so let’s give up on that.

I boiled the noodles, stirred it with the vegetables and adjusted the flavour.

“Was it a success?”

“It’ll be ready soon.”

Corinna-san talked to me while the pasta was boiling.

She stood next to me and looked in the pot with interest.

It was a big pot and it was cute to see her tiptoe to peek inside.

“Was it pasta? Why did you make it with different types of wheat?”

“I wanted to examine if there’s any differences in the cooking effect depending on the type of wheat.”

“Cooking effect?”

“Well, food made by people with the cooking skill increases physical abilities.”

“Is that so? It’s the first time I’ve heard of something like that.”

“It’s been the talk at the Royal Capital for the past year, but it hasn’t reached here, has it?”

“That might be so, but it’s got nothing to do with potions, so I didn’t ask. But, it’s pretty interesting.”

The effects of cooking was widely known at the Royal Capital, but it hadn’t reached Corinna-san’s ears.

It took time to spread information in a world without phones or TVs.

It’s unbelievable, but when my grandmother was younger, she told me that it took years for fashion to spread from the capital to other areas of the country.

Even though phones and TVs existed then.

If my grandmother’s story was true, then I can see how news from the Royal Capital still hasn’t reached Klaussner.

The pasta finished cooking when we were talking, so I cut the heat and quickly sautéed it in the frying pan I had prepared next to it.

I made one portion first.

We would make everyone else’s portions after the chefs had taste tested the pasta.

The head chef was standing on the opposite side of Corinna-san, so that he could see how the pasta was cooked after it was boiled.

The other chefs were also standing close by, and I was extremely nervous because they were so focused on me.

“It’s finished.”

I only seasoned it with salt, but it tasted good.

I served the pasta and it was complete.

The head chef quickly reached for the dish when I put it in front of them and told them it was complete.

He looked satisfied with it, so I was relieved; load was taken off my shoulders.




The pasta was carried out to the dining room when the butler spoke, “This is the basilica that Sei-sama has made.”

It was finally tasting time.

The people in the dining room were Feudal Lord-sama, his family, Captain-san and myself.

“I was looking forward to tasting your food when I heard that you were cooking today.” Feudal Lord-sama and wife said and I smiled ambiguously.

“I hope it suits your tastes……”

The taste is probably fine.

Even though I made it, the head chef was the one who put the finishing touches on it.

I only made the pasta.

I had mixed feelings about being told that I’d made something when the head chef did the important part.

I had no choice but to ask the head chef to add the finishing touches since it was being served to Feudal Lord-sama and his family.

I had to cook, so I’ll eat later.

I tried to tell them this, but the butler dismissed my suggestion.

“Please eat it while it’s still hot.”

Everyone put the pasta into their mouth at once.

The fresh herbs spread throughout my mouth with just a bite.

The herbs gave the pasta flavour and although it was only seasoned with salt, it was still very tasty.

I wouldn’t expect anything less from the head chef.

I could hear them complementing the aroma, and of course how good it tasted as well.

I looked around and saw that everyone was smiling.

I’m relieved, it looks like Feudal Lord-sama and his family like it.

“Was this called pasta? It seems to be made from wheat.”

“Yes, it is.”

“It seems like this is eaten in your kingdom Sei, but I’ve eaten something similar to this before.”

“You have?”

“I didn’t eat it in our kingdom, but it was often eaten by commoners in a kingdom I’ve visited before. I’m sure they were called noodles.”

“Noodles! It might be the same dish. The word pasta means noodles.”

“Ooh! Does it?”

I asked Feudal Lord-sama in detail and it seemed that the food he ate before was pasta.

The pasta he ate had sauce poured on top of it unlike the herbal pasta we were having today.

I’ve never seen noodle dishes since I was summoned so I thought that it didn’t exist in this world.

Although it wasn’t common in this kingdom, it existed in others.  

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Also, I might be able to find the ingredients that I’ve given up on because I thought that it didn’t exist here.

Should I ask the merchants next time they come to the Research Institute?

I thought and conversed with Feudal Lord-sama and Captain-san, who was sitting next to me, called out suspiciously, “Huh?”

I looked towards him and his eyebrows were scrunched up.

“Is something wrong?”


He’s being evasive.

What the heck is wrong?

Captain-san said he didn’t have any likes or dislikes. I started using herbs in my cooking since I’ve started cooking.

Did he not like one of the herbs I used today?

No, but the herbs I used today were all ones I’ve used before while cooking at the Research Institute, so that shouldn’t be it.

Then, is it something else?

I stared at Captain-san and asked him about his complexion. He replied in a troubled tone while smiling wryly, “It’s fine.”

At the same time, I heard someone in Feudal Lord-sama’s family gasp, but it was probably my imagination.

The day after dinner had ended without any mishaps.

I went to deliver the potions to the knights’ standby place and found out why Captain-san was acting so suspiciously.

“HP recovery?”

“Yeah, that’s right. It only had a little effect though.”

The knights from the 3rd Knight Order also ate pasta last night with Feudal Lord-sama’s family at the back of the dining room.

This was so I could find out the difference in effects between the different wheats used.

The knights also helped me research food effects back at the Royal Capital so they were used to it.

They ate a different dish this time so I received two different feedbacks.

Like my investigations at the Royal Capital, the two different types of pasta had different effects.

The pasta made from spelt had the effect of normal wheat pasta as well as HP recovery.

Since the other ingredients were the same as the food I’ve made before, it could be said that HP recovery was the effect of spelt.

Captain-san’s expression changed at dinner probably because he noticed the effect.

“HP recovery…… Did your HP recover instantly?”

“No, it recovered gradually.”

I heard HP recovery, so I wanted to confirm if food could take the place of potions, but the pasta didn’t recover HP instantly like potions did.

The HP recovery effect was gradual just like it was when one left their HP to recover naturally without relying on potions or magic.

The recovery effect was probably greater than normal, so that was why they had noticed the difference.

Another knight was listening to what we were saying and he thought it had a different effect.

He added, “I thought that it just increased our natural recovery rate.”

“Ah, that might be possible too?”

“If it increased your natural recovery rate, then the recovery interval is the same as usual?”

“I didn’t verify that. I need to test it again.”

HP and MP recover at a steady rate over time.

The knight didn’t go as far as to check the interval between HP recoveries when he was eating.

The knights said that they had to investigate this more and looked toward me.

They want seconds, I get it.

If so then I need to go to the kitchen again.

This all depends on if I can use the kitchen or not.

“I have to check if I could use the kitchen……”

“Oh right, this isn’t the Royal Palace.”

“Nothing you can do about it.”

The knights smiled wryly and gave up.

The herbal pasta was more popular than I thought it was.

They were more disappointed that they couldn’t eat it again than not being able to investigate the effects.

I talked with the knights and Captain-san came down from the 2nd floor.

“Sei, you came.”

“Yes. I came to deliver the potions.”

“Thanks, we’ll take it.” Captain-san said and a knight went to the table where the potion box was placed and carried it to the back.

I completely forgot about my goal and just stood around talking in the hall.

I had two goals.

The first was to deliver the potion and the second was to get a progress report about the surrounding areas from Captain-san.

I thought I would talk about the effects of the food after I finished my goals but the knights caught me.

I had to pass the hall in order to get to the office so it was inevitable. However, I should have ignored them and went straight to Captain-san’s office.

I told Captain-san why I came here today, “There was something I wanted to talk to you about in your office, but I got caught up talking about yesterday’s food”.

“Ah, yesterday’s…… Yesterday’s meal was very delicious.”

Captain-san smiled his usual dazzling smile.

I think I’ve gotten used to it, but it’s still hard to look at him directly in the eyes.

I decided to change my approach and talked about something more serious, “Thank you. I’ve heard about it from the knights.”

“About the food? We’ve been talking about it since this morning.”

“You were? Did your expression change yesterday because you noticed the effects of the pasta?”

“Yeah. I was hesitant to say it in that place yesterday, so I kept silent about it.”

Captain-san said that Feudal Lord-sama didn’t notice so he remained silent about it.

He didn’t bring the subject up.

The information was publicly known at the Royal Palace, but the details were kept a secret, so it was difficult to talk about it in public.

Going with the flow, we also talked about the effects of spelt.

The knights were talking about it all morning and Captain-san also knew some of its effects.

“It’s a simple recovery effect, but I’m not sure if it increases natural recovery rate or not. I need to use the kitchen again if I want to verify this.”

“That might be difficult, since people need to work in the kitchen.”

“That’s true. Should we verify the effects when we get back to the Royal Capital?”

“Whatever the effect is, it’ll be great if it improved HP recovery rate.”

As Captain-san said, recovery rate was important for those who subjugated demons.

It was a matter of life and death.

But it was difficult to carry pasta while walking and it didn’t seem very delicious to carry it in a lunch box.

If HP recovery was a special effect of spelt then I could make it into something that’s easy to carry around.

I want to see if other dishes would have the same effect. But I would need the kitchen for that……

Do I have to wait until I return to the Royal Capital to confirm the effects?

I thought and left the building.

Translator: Blushy
Editor: Sam

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