Behind the Scenes 03

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Under the slightly cloudy skies, a little light entered a room; it was dark inside, although it wasn’t night yet.

The room had a somewhat gloomy atmosphere and only the sounds of a pen running on paper could be heard throughout the room.

The sounds of a knock resounded in Klaussner’s feudal lord’s office.

When the servant went to the door to find out who it was, a voice replied with, “This is Corinna.”

Upon hearing that voice, the servant looked at the feudal lord, Daniel, who nodded and then he opened the door.

“Sorry for the intrusion,” Corinna entered the room and briefly greeted the feudal lord.

When she looked at Daniel and bowed, she was urged to sit on the sofa in front of his desk.

She had probably arrived at a good time.

Daniel also put down his pen and moved to the sofa from his desk.

They both faced each other without saying a thing.

A while after, a chamberlain brought in a tea set.

After the chamberlain poured tea for both Corinna and Daniel, he was instructed to leave the room.

The chamberlain left without saying anything since Daniel would occasionally clear out the room when Corinna came to visit.

The other people in the room also cleared out.

When everyone left and they were finally alone in the room, Corinna spoke, “Today, I passed 【Pharmacist-sama’s】diary to【Saint-sana】.”

“Did you? And then, was there any progress?”

“No. She didn’t say anything about it, but it seemed that she had some knowledge about it.”

Daniel put his hands on his chin and pondered when he heard Corinna’s report.

Contrary to his expectations, there was no progress, so he was probably thinking about what to do next. Corinna thought, since he was frowning while he was thinking.

Then, she waited patiently for Daniel to speak.

The 【Pharmacist-sama’s】diary that Corinna had shown Sei was something that was kept top secret in Klaussner Fief.

If someone read that diary, then they would find out that the 【Saint’s】ability was useful for things other than subjugating demons.

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In the past, in order to protect the 【Saint】, there was a King who ordered all records of her to be destroyed so that information wouldn’t get passed into the future.

【Pharmacist-sama】was born in a period before that King had passed this order.

If the 【Saint’s】abilities were written in the【Pharmacist-sama’s】diary then it had to be destroyed.

However, the reason why it remained was because the feudal lord of that time had hidden it.

Of course, there had been a lot of records destroyed in accordance to the King’s order.

However, Klaussner fief specialised in herb cultivation so they wanted to preserve the diary, even if they had to go against the King’s orders.

Since blessing was necessary for the cultivation of a certain herbs was written in there.

Other than blessing, the diary also described various ways to cultivate herbs, so it was beneficial for cultivating new medicinal herbs.

The feudal lord at that time decided to preserve the diary for the sake of future generations.

He insisted that it was hard to find descriptions of the 【Saint’s】abilities in this diary compared to the other written materials.

Still if he had made this public, then it would have been discovered that he had disobeyed the King’s order.

So, the existence of this diary was only told to the current feudal lords and the head pharmacist of the distillation room.

This dairy was shown to Sei, who wasn’t even a person of Klaussner fief, because the feudal lord had expectations of her.

It was also very important.

“If she knows something about it, then does that mean 【Saint-sama】can also bless the fields?”

“I apologise, I’m uncertain of that.” Daniel crossed his arms at Corinna’s answer and frowned deeper.

“Then, it’ll be hard to revive the fields……”

As a matter of fact, there were two reasons for Klaussner fief’s poor crop conditions.

One of the reasons was because the increase in demons meant that it was impossible to collect the herbs which grew in the forest and they couldn’t harvest from the fields near the forest.

The other reason was that the harvest from the blessed fields has dropped.

The medicinal herbs that were cultivated in the blessed fields could be divided into two categories.

The first was herbs that needed to be cultivated with blessing and the second was herbs that were easier to cultivate with blessing.

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Among these, an ingredient that was often used in Intermediate HP Potions was one of the herbs that was easier to cultivate with blessing.

This herb grew favourably up until now, but the amount that could be harvested had gradually decreased for several years now, and now they could only harvest about 60% of what they used to in the golden years.

It was already impossible to cultivate herbs that required blessing and they depended on the forest for stock.

These fields have maintained their effects for a long time even though they hadn’t been blessed since 【Pharmacist-sama】blessed it.

After that, it remained blessed even though the miasma increased many times.

And now, the effects of the field seemed to be gradually fading.

When the harvest had first fallen, Corinna and the other pharmacists investigated whether the cause of the harvest drop could have been something else.

However, no matter how many times they conducted their investigation, they couldn’t find any other factors that may have affected the harvest except for blessing.

The investigation continued and the miasma thickened, but they still couldn’t find the 【Saint】who would cleanse the miasma.

Then when the Royal Palace finally decided to conduct the 【Saint Summoning Ceremony】, Daniel and Corinna realised that the effects of the blessing had expired.

Daniel was extremely troubled.

Since he thought that 【Pharmacist-sama】was the only one who could perform blessing from the stories he heard about her and the blessed fields.

It was written in the diary that the magic colour that was seen at the time when【Pharmacist-sama】blessed the field was golden.

Daniel had never seen that magic colour before nor had he heard about it.

He couldn’t find a solution to this, but he’d somehow managed to maintain the harvest amount by making use of mercenaries to harvest from the forest.

However, at this rate the fief would soon become unable to keep up with their business.

Herb cultivation wasn’t something that could be turned into an industry overnight.

Then the rumour at the Royal Capital reached Daniel while he was unable to find hope for the future.

It was the rumour about the 【Saint】participating in the Ghosh Forest subjugation.

He heard a story about the golden magic then.

When he’d heard that story, he’d remembered that 【Pharmacist-sama】had been a【Saint】.

In Klaussner, 【Pharmacist-sama】was a well-known pharmacist just like her name stated.

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Even if there were people who remembered that Klaussner fief had produced a 【Saint】, no one remembered that the 【Saint】and【Pharmacist】were the same person.

Even the feudal lord had forgotten this fact, so he couldn’t blame others for not being able to remember it.

Perhaps, this golden magic was a characteristic of the 【Saint】. Daniel thought and consulted with Corinna and decided that he would call the 【Saint】to this fief.

His formal reason for this was to subjugate demons, but his real purpose was to get the 【Saint】to bless the fields again.

Even if the 【Saint】did come, it didn’t mean that she would bless the fields for them, but it was his last hope.

He didn’t know what kind of a person she was, but his investigations did show that she belonged to the Medicinal Herb Research Institute at the Royal Palace.

Moreover, he’d heard that she started there voluntarily.

If she is a member of the research institute then she might be interested in Klaussner’s herb cultivation methods.

If so, then it would be easier to ask her to bless the fields. He thought and his mind became a little lighter.

Daniel worried over whether or not he should request the 【Saint】be dispatched to Klaussner as well when he was writing the request for the Knight Order.

In the end, he didn’t request for her because he feared that he would be questioned over it and then they would find out that he knew about the 【Saint’s】abilities.

Therefore, he gambled that the 【Saint】would come together with the Knight Order.

A while after he’d sent the dispatch request to the Royal Palace, the reply that he was anxiously waiting for came.

Daniel had won the bet.

The reply from the Royal Palace stated that the 【Saint】would also come to Klaussner.

Now all that was left was to find a way for her to bless the fields.

However, his prediction had been off.

When Corinna had casually confirmed it, the 【Saint】, who had been dispatched from the Royal Palace, didn’t talk about any other abilities she might have except for the one she used to cleanse the miasma.

Daniel didn’t know if the 【Saint】had been forbidden to talk about it by the Royal Palace or if she really didn’t know that she had other abilities except for that.

Daniel, however, thought it was the latter since she didn’t conceal her ability when it came to making potions.

As a result of him worrying, he decided to show the 【Saint】【Pharmacist-sama’s】diary.

He left it up to Corinna to decide when to show the 【Saint】and ordered her to report on the 【Saint’s】reaction and if there was any progress on what they wanted.

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Corinna came to report to him while following that order.

“She seems to have an idea about the golden magic written about in the diary.”


“【Saint-sama】said that she saw golden magic when she used magic during the subjugation mission to the West Forest.”

“I see. When magic is activated, you can see the colour of the magic attributes. As expected, the golden magic is a characteristic of the 【Saint’s】magic.”

“Probably so. I have also seen different coloured attributes, but I’ve never seen a golden one before.”

Daniel’s expression became visibly brighter.

The current 【Saint】had visited Klaussner and she had an idea about the golden magic.

He also heard a rumour from the people in the distillation room that the 【Saint】was once like a 【Pharmacist】and was crazy about medicinal herbs.

Even if she didn’t know about blessing, there was a high possibility that she would be interested in it by reading the 【Pharmacist-sama’s】diary.

If that was the case, then Daniel thought that he would achieve his original purpose.

“We now have a little hope……”

“【Saint-sama】also needs blessing for the herbs she wants to cultivate. So, she’ll probably research about blessing herself.”

“That’s great.”

His worries lessened and a smile appeared on his face. But Daniel didn’t know that the 【Saint】didn’t know how to intentionally activate the technique.

Daniel and Corinna were under the impression that she could activate the technique any time she wanted because they’d heard that she’d activated it during the demon subjugation.

Only some people at the Royal Palace knew that she couldn’t activate the technique.

Even if it spread around as a rumour, it was obvious that the Royal Palace would conceal it because it would only fuel the uneasiness of people who hear it.

But a lucky star was shining above Daniel’s head.

A few days after this conversation, Sei activated the 【Saint】technique again.

It wasn’t certain whether this was a fortune brought about by the blessing of the 【Pharmacist-sama】.

Translator: Blushy
Editor: Sam

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