Act 05: Regrowth

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After I purified the black swamp, we went to the closest village to the slime forest.

The sun was already setting by the time we reached the village since we had gone all the way to the black swamp.

We will be staying here for two nights, and will be returning to the fief capital once our preparations are done.

The black swamp had already disappeared, so not many demons showed up.

The way back was a bit lively since we had completed our task.

During the break, everyone would quarrel about Head Magician-sama’s AOE magic and my 【Saint】technique.

The knights from the 2nd Knight Order were especially hyper since it was their first time seeing the technique up close.

How do I say this…? They started preaching about the 【Saint】cult, and it felt like people were going to start worshipping me.

Stop worshipping me!

Our journey was peaceful, but I felt somewhat depressed.

The scene I saw after the black swamp had disappeared was stuck in my mind.

The deeper we went in the forest, the more dead trees there were, but there were barely any dead trees around the swamp.

After the black swamp was purified, only those few trees and the bare ground remained. It was a terrible and lonely sight.

I heard that a lot of medicinal herbs grew deep in the forest and it was greener in the past.

My heart broke because the scenery was different from what I had imagined.

The black swamp was gone so a large amount of slimes won’t spawn.

The forest would probably return to its former glory after some time passes.

This is wishful thinking, but one day, rare herbs might grow there again.

I think but…

“What’s wrong?” A voice called out to me, and I snapped out of my thoughts.

I looked towards the voice and saw Captain-san looking at me worriedly.

“Nothing… I was just thinking.”

“I see. If you’re tired, then you can retire to your room.”

“Thank you very much.”

Captain-san relaxed when I shook my head as if nothing was wrong.

I can’t make him worry about me.

I should enjoy the party in front of me for now.

We will have a big feast once we reach the fief capital, but they decided to have a party here as well, to celebrate our success.

It was only a village, so there weren’t any big inns or dining rooms, so it was a simple party where everyone gathered around the bonfire outside.

They also prepared alcohol and food.

But, I also ended up cooking with them, so the food is a bit luxurious.

It was great that the mercenaries supplied us with meat on the way back.

My efforts paid off, and my food had an excellent reputation.


“Ah… Sorry.”

I tried my best to focus on the party after Captain-san spoke to me, but I was worried about the forest after all.

I carelessly blanked out, and Captain-san spoke to me twice.

The reason why I was so deep in thought was probably because of the alcohol as well.

I’m also full, so let’s call it a night here.

“Excuse me, I’ll take you up on your kind offer and return to my room first.”

“Okay. I’ll walk you there.”

“Thank you.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

Even if I want to call it a night, the mercenaries and knights are all strong, so it doesn’t seem like they’ve drunk enough.

I would feel terrible if they have to end early because of me, so I decided to go back to my room first.

Captain-san wanted to walk me to my room when I told him that I would be retiring for the night.

Is it because he’s a knight?

It was a short walk to the room I was staying in.

Unlike Japan, night here was dark and scary, so although I felt bad, I accepted his proposal.

We didn’t speak as we walked to my room.

It might be because I was thinking.

However, it wasn’t an awkward silence.

When we reached the entrance of the room, Captain-san stopped and looked back.

I looked up at him and saw that he was looking at me softly.

“Thank you for walking me here.”

“It’s fine. Rest well tonight.”

“I will… Mm.”

I stopped Captain-san as we bid our farewells.

He was about to turn to leave but stopped.

“Hmm? What’s wrong?”

“Erm… I have a favour to ask you…”

I wasn’t sure if I should say it even though I had stopped him from leaving.

But, I felt extremely uncomfortable leaving things as they are.

So, I told Captain-san about what I was thinking about at the party.



Next Day.

We returned to the slime forest with fewer people than the previous day.

I talked to Captain-san about what I was worried about last night, and he let me revisit the slime forest.

However, there were many conditions.

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And one of those conditions was the number of people who would be accompanying us.

It was well-known that the 【Saint】technique could purify demons.

But hardly anyone else knew about the other effects.

The upper echelons of the Royal Palace wanted to keep it a secret, so they issued a gag decree.

And the purpose of today’s visit was to use the 【Saint】technique for something other than purification.

To tell the truth, I don’t know if it will be useful or not.

Therefore, I didn’t tell Captain-san my real goal and just told him that I wanted to try the【Saint】technique.

Nevertheless, he seemed to understand that I wanted to use it for something other than purification.

We arrived at our destination quite quickly despite the small number of people.

We arrived at the edge of an area with trees and weeds.

If we walk a little further, then the ground will become bare.

It’s that place.

“What are you doing?”

“Ermm… Well…”

Head Magician-sama was looking at me in excitement.

The ones who accompanied me today were all elites, so of course, Head Magician-sama would be here.

I probably didn’t imagine it when I felt that he would come along no matter what the conditions were.

This is inevitable since it’s about the【Saint】technique.

I felt a heated gaze from Head Magician-sama as I concentrated on activating the technique.

It felt like his gaze was fixated on my face, but I need to concentrate. Concentrate…




“What’s wrong?”

“Um… It bothers me that you’re staring so much…”

I couldn’t concentrate because his gaze was bothering me.

I know that he’s obsessed with the【Saint】technique, but it bothersome that he’s staring at me so much.

I feel like he’s staring at me more than he does when we practice magic at the Court Mage Division’s training grounds.

“My bad. I’m really curious to see what the activation conditions are.”


“I thought if I observe you while you cast it… then I would understand something from watching you. When I research things, I discover a lot just by looking.”

He said he was observing me, didn’t he? 

You’re smiling but aren’t you just lying to me?

Before you said I didn’t have to force myself to answer and I was so relieved. But I can’t believe you’re doing this now! 

No, I sort of knew this was coming. 

I’m sure the shivers I got at that time was because I unconsciously knew that this would happen.

It was just wishful thinking, but I hadn’t dodged his question at all.

“Well, I don’t mind if you tell me the activation conditions…”

“… No, please continue observing me.”


I gave in.

I gave in to him.

I couldn’t tell him when it was just the two of us, so it’s impossible for me to tell him in front of Captain-san. 

I tried to ignore his piercing gaze.

I took a deep breath to change my mood and concentrated on activating the technique again.

I probably imagined it when I felt my face go a little red.

Slowly, I started recalling all my memories with Captain-san.

I thought about all the most recent events first before recalling past events as if I was tracing back time and when I remembered our first encounter, magic flowed from my chest.

The golden magic that flowed out from within me rushed towards the depths of the forest like a wave.

More, more…

In normal situations, I would typically activate the technique with this amount of MP, but I kept pouring more out.

As far as possible…

And, revive the forest somehow.

My head gradually got heavier, and I activated the technique when I was falling forward.


“This is…!”

The entire area was filled with golden light.

And with it, a green carpet gradually spread into the distance.

New buds sprouted up from where the dead trees were and grew. 

It was magical to see plants rapidly grow.

It was impossible to sprout plants from nothing, but I could grow plants that were already there and extend them as far as possible.

I’m glad it worked…

This was all I remembered.

I’m getting really sleepy, I thought as my body leaned forward and my conscious faded into darkness.



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After I’d fainted in the slime forest, the people around me apparently started panicking. 

Fortunately, Head Magician-sama was there when I fainted, so he was able to identify why I had fainted. 

According to him, I had exhausted all my MP which had caused me to faint.

So, I woke up when my MP recovered a bit. 

I was really flustered because Captain-san had been holding me when I woke up.

I was carried like a princess when I woke up you know?!

Of course, I would be flustered!

I asked him to put me down straight away, but he wouldn’t, so I was really embarrassed.

Even Head Magician-sama said with a beautiful smile, “This is your punishment for making us worry,” so I couldn’t insist on being put down.

In the end, Captain-san carried me in princess-style for a sufficient amount of time, before he finally put me down after I desperately begged him to, because my heart couldn’t take it anymore.

In exchange, I wasn’t allowed to do anything once we get back to the village. 

Meaning, I had to rest.

When I woke up in the morning, they had already finished preparing for our trip back to the fief capital.

I felt terrible for not helping out because of my selfishness, so I did my best when preparing their food on our way back.

When we got back to the fief capital, Captain-san, Head Magician-sama, Leo-san and I reported that we had successfully purified the black swamp.

Feudal Lord-sama was a little depressed when he heard about the area around the swamp from Leo-san.

It might be a little better now compared to when Leo-san saw it before I used the 【Saint】technique.

But, I couldn’t tell Feudal Lord-sama this, so I stayed quiet.

Corinna-san, who was also here, was also a little depressed.

However, the remarkable demons which appeared at the forest have decreased significantly because the black swamp was gone. 

I realised this when I visited the forest again.

Perhaps, Corinna-san would go to the forest herself to check the situation after this.

At that time, I want her to confirm how much the forest has recovered.

All that was left to do after we’d finished our report to Feudal Lord-sama was to return to the Royal Capital.

And as expected, Feudal Lord-sama prepared a banquet for us as a reward for participating in the subjugation.

It was completely different from the party we had at the village near the slime forest.

If it’s this big, then there must be a lot of work to do, right? 

“Excuse me, can I help with the banquet?”

“Help with the banquet?”

“Yes. Won’t you let me help with the cooking?”

Feudal Lord-sama’s eyes widened a little when I told him that I wanted to help with the banquet. 

Well, of course he would react like that.

According to the logic of this work, it was outrageous for a 【Saint】to cook.

But this is a good way for me to relax.

“I don’t mind…”

Feudal Lord-sama has also tasted my cooking, which is popular in the Royal Capital.

I cooked him food once before and him and his family liked it.

Additionally, he was excited about the fact that he might get to eat it again.

But, he had stopped mid-sentence and looked at Captain-san, who was also in the room with us.

Probably because Captain-san was in charge of the Royal Capital people.

Feudal Lord-sama had let me cook here once before, so I would appreciate it if he would let me do it again.

The effects of my cooking skill probably won’t show up much if I just cut vegetables. 

Please, I won’t do everything.

I looked at Captain-san with that feeling.

Captain looked troubled, but he looked at me and sighed, “I don’t mind.”

“Thank you very much.”

I received his approval, even though he was smiling wryly, I did a victory pose in my mind.

After we’d finished our report and I had received permission to cook, I quickly rushed to the kitchen to not waste any more time.

Apparently, Feudal Lord-sama had told the chefs about me and the Head Chef greeted me when I got to the kitchen.

“What will you make today?”

“I thought I would just cut vegetables today.”

“Oh really?”

“You’ve already decided on which dishes you’ll make, right?”

The Head Chef looked disappointed when I told him that I was only helping out with prep work. 

But, I’m sure that they’ve already decided on what to cook for tonight’s banquet. 

The vegetables on top of the bench are going to be used in tonight’s banquet right?

I would feel bad for making them change the menu when they’ve already decided on what food they would serve.

I thought, but the Head Chef was disappointed that he’d lost the chance to learn a new recipe. 

The Head Chef told everyone, “Unfortunately, she’s only doing prep work”, and I couldn’t do anything as the other chefs looked at me in expectation.

I heard what they were going to serve today, and wondered if there was anything I could change.

Luckily, they had extra ingredients, and it seemed like I could adjust the recipe.

I told the chefs the adjustments and asked them to add it in. They smiled and happily accepted the new recipe.

They were making a lamb and lentil stew.

An unexpected person visited the kitchen while we were chopping up the carrots and onions for the stew.


“I heard you were here so I came. Please let me help.”

Apparently she heard I was here from Captain-san since he was with me when we reported to Feudal Lord-sama.

Aira-chan received permission from the Head Chef and stationed herself next to me.

She told me that she cooked sometimes when she’d lived in Japan.

She lived with her parents back in Japan, but they both worked a lot, so she would make bentos for herself.

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“Bentos? That brings back memories. What did you put in your bentos?”

“Just simple things. Like scrambled eggs or cooked sausages.”

“They may be simple dishes, but I think that it’s amazing that you made your own bento.”

The chefs were cooking for a banquet, so there were a lot of vegetables that needed to be cut. 

We talked noisily about other foods from Japan while moving our hands. 

It was just Aira-chan and I talking, the other chefs didn’t join in.

Is it because they’ve never heard of these dishes before?

The chefs, who were also chopping up vegetables, seemed very interested in our conversation, but they just listened silently.

When the prep work was done, it was time to move onto the next stage.

From here on out, the chefs will be the only ones doing their best.

It would have been fine for Aira-chan to help out too, but I didn’t want to risk the chance of something happening. 

I haven’t heard it from her, but if her cooking skills were to show the same results as mine… then it would be bad. 

Following the recipe, a chef began cooking the seasoned meat in a frying pan.

At the same time, another chef stirred the chopped vegetables in a large pot.

When the meat was cooked, the chefs added the lentils, meat and bouillon into the pot.

They also added spices like galangal and hyssop, which are rare in Japan.

This truly was a sacred place for pharmacists.

I saw these herbs at the distillation room. 

I saw the herbs which could be turned to spices while I was making potions and asked Corinna-san if she could send some to the Royal Capital later. 

“It’s been a long time since I’ve cooked, but it’s fun.”

“It is. If you want, do you want to cook together sometimes when we return to the Royal Capital?”

“Really? Okay!”

I invited her to cook with me when we got back to the Royal Capital and she agreed immediately, while grinning. 

Apparently, Aira-chan didn’t like the food of this world.

She told me that she was glad that they started serving delicious food a while after she was summoned. 

Apparently, she was living a perfect life at the palace, so she didn’t want to complain about the food and just put up with it. 

While I was talking to Aira-chan, the chef told me that the food was cooked.

Afterwards, we tasted the stew. The taste was perfect, and the stew was done.

The plating was left to the chefs, so Aira-chan and I left the kitchen. 



I returned to my room and noticed Marie-san and a maid waiting for me. 

Apparently, I had to dress like a 【Saint】because it was a big banquet.

People with high status always dress for the occasion, and since I’m the 【Saint】, I have to change my clothes to suit the occasion. 

And before I change, they need to groom me.

I completely forgot about this annoying thing. 

I was exhausted when Marie-san told me to change, but I saw the maid smile and decided to change like I was told to. 

Her smile’s really nice, you know?

Apparently, the maids were having fun dressing me up. 

While they were grooming me, they asked me to dress up more. 

I usually dress myself, so the maids don’t have much to do. 

I’m sorry. I’ll reflect on that. 

After I was groomed, a new robe was prepared for me. 

The spring onion green robe with herbs embroidered on it in dark green thread reminded me of the foliage growing in the slime forest after I’d cast the 【Saint】technique. 

The maids were being considerate towards me because they hadn’t prepared a dress.

Sorry that I’m bad with corsets.


“You look beautiful.”

“You really do.”

“Thank you very much.”

The maids complimented me after they’d finished dressing me up.

It was really embarrassing since I wasn’t used to being complimented.

However, if I deny it, then I would be denying the maids’ skills, so I thanked them.  

I was told that someone would come to get me, so I talked with the maids in my room after I’d finished getting ready.

A while later, there was a knock on the door.

I was expecting him, but the person who’d came to pick me up was Captain-san.

“You look beautiful today too…” I couldn’t look him in the face when he narrowed his eyes and complimented me, and I looked down at the floor.

“No… Mm…” I ended up acting humble because I was too flustered.

Ah, dammit, I thought and looked at the maids. I got even more upset when I noticed that they were looking at us if they were looking at a heart-warming scene. 

“Then, shall we go?”

“Eh! Yes!”

“Have fun.”

“I will.”

Captain-san laughed at my flustered self and offered me his arm. 

What’s he trying to do? I thought for a second, before I realised that he was escorting me and hooked my arm around his. 

After that, Marie-san sent us off with a beautiful bow and we left the room.


We arrived at the hall and the knights, court mages and mercenaries were already there.

There were long tables in the hall and a large amount of food and liquor were displayed on those tables. 

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Of course, the stew that I made with Aira-chan is also there.

I followed Captain-san to the back of the hall.

A long table set up for Feudal Lord-sama’s family was placed at the back of the room and they were seated in the centre, on the left.

The centre right of the table were vacant, so those were probably our seats.

Head Magician-sama was seated on the far right. He noticed that we had entered the hall and raised his hand.

We sat down in our seats and the banquet started after Feudal Lord-sama’s speech.

“Sei-sama, thank you very much for helping out our fief,” Feudal Lord-sama thanked me again when I took a sip of my wine from the silver goblet.

“I’m glad I could be of help. I also learnt a lot of things here, thank you”

Although I came here to support the subjugation, this place is called the sacred place for pharmacists and I learnt a lot about medicinal herbs and potions, so I was genuinely thankful.

Also, the shipments of herbs won’t resume immediately, but it seems like they’ll give the research institute purchase priorities. 

I feel like I’m the only one getting a good deal here. I feel kind of bad. 

Captain-san was also thankful for Feudal Lord-sama’s request because he purchased potions for the research institute, and said his thanks.

While we were talking in the seat of honour, the other people were enjoying their food.

I felt relieved when I heard them compliment the food because I’d helped out. 

The mercenaries were cheering louder than everyone. 

“So this is the dish that’s popular in the Royal Capital?”

“This is really good.”

“Ah, boss! Don’t hog it!”

“Shut up. It’s your fault for not eating fast enough.”

When I turned around to look towards the lively voice, I saw that Leo-san was hogging the stew all to himself. 

I couldn’t help but laugh. 

I wasn’t the only one who laughed at their exchange. 

The court mages were seated near them, and Aira-chan was also laughing. 

I’d added a unique spice to the stew, but I’m glad they didn’t avoid it because of how it looked.

I chatted with Feudal Lord-sama and everyone else while eating and when we finished, we quickly returned to our rooms, because I thought people wouldn’t be able to enjoy themselves with big shots around. 

I don’t know about the people from the Royal Capital, but the mercenaries didn’t seem to mind. 

I was the only one who thought that. 

Actually, the knights from the 3rd Knight Order had told me that the banquet got livelier when we left.

We were returning to the Royal Capital two days later. The mercenaries were reluctant to say goodbye because we became friends.

“Thanks for everything.”

“No, I should be the one thanking you. You taught me a lot about medicines.”

Two days passed in the blink of an eye and it was already time to leave. 

Captain-san and Feudal Lord-sama exchanged greetings before we left and Corinna-san also came to see us off.

It wasn’t just Corinna-san.

A lot of people came to see me off from early in the morning.

“It’ll be hard to make potions when you’re gone.”


“Of course it would be. You’re the only one who could make such a ridiculous amount of potions. How many pharmacists do you think we’d need to make the same amount?”


Corinna-san acted the same until the last minute. 

I smiled wryly, and she beckoned me as if she wanted me to lend her an ear.

What is it? I thought as she put her mouth next to my ear. She whispered quietly so that others couldn’t hear what she was saying, “I’m also thankful for what you did on the fields. We can grow a lot of medicinal herbs now.”

“Actually, I would also like to cultivate that herb in the research institute at the Royal Capital.”

“Fine. I’ll send you some seeds later.”

“Thank you very much!”

Yay! I can grow herbs that need blessing now.

And I’m really grateful that she’ll send me the seeds.

I did a victory pose in my mind while thanking Corinna-san, and she smiled while looking amazed.

Leo-san approached us while we were whispering to each other.

As usual, he raised one of his hands and said, “Yo,” and I lightly nodded.

“You’re going back?”


“Be careful on your way home.”

“Thank you. Leo-san, take care.”

“Yeah. Well, if you get tired of the Royal Capital then come back. We’ll welcome you with open arms.”

“What’re you saying? We’ll take her if she’s coming back to work for you.”

I don’t intend to quit the research institute, but if a time comes when I have no choice but to quit, I wonder if I should go work at the distillation room?

I had this thought because I had a lot of fun here.

I felt a little lonely because this might be the last time we talk while I listened to Corinna-san and Leo-san banter.

I wasn’t here for long, but I got really close to these two.

“Sei, it’s nearly time.”


When I was overwhelmed by my strong emotions, Captain-san urged me to get into the carriage.

I said my final goodbyes to Corinna-san and Leo-san and headed towards the carriage. 

A short while after I boarded the carriage, I heard someone shout that it was time and the carriage started to move slowly. 

I looked out the window and saw Corrina-san, Leo-san and the mercenaries waving their hands.

They continued to wave until I was out of sight, and we finally left Klaussner.

Translator: Blushy
Editor: Sam

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