On the way back, I profusely gave my apologies, but Dietrich only shook his head and said nothing. 

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The dark clouds over the sky made me confused about whether it was day or night, and the side of his face half-submerged in the shadow was so unfamiliar. 

It made me confused. 

From a distance, I could hear the end of summer.

────── 〔✿〕──────

Before Dietrich could sense that I had become awkward around him, there was a rush of work to be done. Although the Northern nobles have the discipline to some extent, they didn’t achieve harmony so they remained stagnant. 

‘The main reason why the North imitates the Imperial family and the South is because of food.’ 

Proper cultivation of crops was not possible due to the dry lands and raging weather, and the southern part was the only supplier that could be procured by land without going by sea. 

There were two ways to solve the food problem. 

The first was to find a supplier outside of the South, make a deal, and prevent monopoly, and the second was to find a suitable crop that can grow in the North.

‘If it’s a supplier outside the North–’

There’s no reason not to be able to solve it. 

Since the North was inland, it didn’t own any coast, but there was a wide river. 

I heard that Luzen, a small country near the end, had various crops that grow due to its different seasons all year round. 

‘The problem is that many claim ownership of the river since it’s a channel that runs through different territories.’

Wouldn’t it be a lot of work to solve that?

I was sitting on the sofa with Madame Celine, checking the dress that Veronica was wearing, and shook my head with my chin in one hand. 

Veronica, turned around here and there as if she wasn’t satisfied with my reaction. 

“What’s with that look? Do I not look pretty?”

“What do you mean? Of course, you’re pretty.” 

The dark red dress clung to her body, revealing her voluptuous figure. Because of her tall height and short-bob hair, her baby hair that sticks out a little creates a seductive atmosphere. 

Although it looks great on her, it wasn’t Veronica’s favorite style. She prefered light and comfortable clothes so she could move quickly to deal with the various merchants from each country. 

“Is it comfortable?”

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“Well, all dresses you wear to a ball are like that.” 

Veronica grinned and patted her exposed shoulders. I narrowed my eyes and turned to Madame Celine.


“Please tell me if you have a design you want, Princess.”

“Will you be able to make it possible just by hearing it?”

“With all the reputation I’ve built as a designer, there’s nothing that I can’t make for you, Princess.” 

I wasn’t particularly interested in dressing up, and I wasn’t so good at aesthetics that I could boast an exceptional sense in an area I wasn’t interested in. 

‘Well, that’s exactly why I looked for talented people.’ 

The people who were not properly recognized for their skills seemed to be extremely grateful just for recognizing their true worth. 

“I will make it for you even if I have to stay up all night for a few days.” 

I nodded my head at Madame Celine, who was greatly fond of me that I wondered if it was all right if I dared to receive such. 

“Then, I’ll leave it to you. I am well aware of Celine’s skills.” 

It was natural that things which looked pleasing in the eyes were fashionable, but it was common knowledge that if you were beautiful on the same level, you should choose something that was easy to work with. 

I told her about Veronica’s usual outfit. She began to take notes, nodding her head about wide pants, skirts, and loose-fitting shirts. 

“The dress that Celine designed, I’ll be the one to wear it.”

“The Princess will?” 

She looked at me with puzzled eyes. They were eyes that were asking if the design I asked for was too mature for me. 

I nodded as I glanced at the dress that showed the woman’s curves. 

“Yes. It’s been a while since I appeared, so I think it is necessary to show a different side of me.” 

It was because I thought of a way to take ownership of the river to Lagrange. 

Humans tend to move based on risks and benefits, so it was better to choose the wrapper of the bait carefully. 

“Then, blue would be good. It may not be a pure atmosphere like usual, but it will definitely look great on you.” 

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Madame Celine smiled as she placed the velvet fabric below my chin. Her face looked like an excited child which made me feel good as well. 

“You look like you’re having fun.”

“I enjoy making clothes the most in the world. You don’t know how much I appreciate this opportunity you’ve given me, Princess.”

“Thank you for thinking that way.” 

Before I knew it, Veronica had finished changing. She handed the dress to a maid and then came to us. As if she had heard that I ordered a similar design to the dress she was wearing, she implicitly opened her mouth. 

“You’re going to wear that to an autumn ball?” 


“It would probably be annoying because a lot of young bachelors are going to stick to you though? But most of them can’t even say that I’m scary.” 

“That’s okay.”

“No, I’m not talking about you.” 

Veronica scratched her chin instead of speaking. Soon, she grinned as if she was having fun. 

“It’s nothing. Well, just wear it. I’m curious to see how that will turn out.” 

Was she saying she wanted to see me wearing the dress? 

Celine, who was very excited, held unto me and showed me various designs that I forgot to ask more about it.

────── 〔✿〕──────

Vanessa and Tally, who helped dress me up with Celine, were people who kept complimenting me saying that I was so pretty even if I was just wearing my pajamas with a trace of drool on my cheeks. 

So I set them aside and called Lancel to ask, but he just blinked slowly without a word and hesitated to answer. 

“Does it really not look good on me?”

At sixteen years old, I was already at the age to hold my coming-of-age debut, but my face was rather young looking. 

‘That’s why I chose this dress on purpose.’

I thought it would add a sense of maturity which I didn’t have because it was a design with prominent curves. 

I was a little embarrassed at the revealing body line so I took a glance at the mirror behind me. 

“Is that why you can’t answer?”

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“Not at all. The problem is that it suits you really well.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes. You look pretty. There won’t be any man who will not pay attention to you today, Princess.”

With an awkward expression, Lancel’s forehead creased. His wrinkled lips moved hesitatingly. 

“Today, are you going to look for a husband or something?”

“Yeah. How did you know?” 


Lancel’s jaw dropped at my explicit answer. He gasped in shock. 

“Are you joking, Princess?”

“No, I’m not joking.”

‘However, it doesn’t actually mean I’m looking for a real bridegroom to get married.’ 

For nobles, marriage was a more valuable transaction than territories or jewels. However, even if it was more valuable, the result was no different. 

It was for no reason that the cunning lords brought their daughters to Lagrange,  where rumors of people dying were rife. 

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In the end, that’s the meaning of union between families. 

“Princess, do you already want to get married?”

Lancel looked at me with wide eyes, watching me as I fiddled with the diamond earrings that came down longer below my chin. I wrinkled my nose a little with a smile.

“I’m not sure yet? For now, I’ll go and see if there is any suitable person.” 

We have to show them first what we have in our hands so they would also show their cards. Devonshire’s eldest son or Rosiere’s heir was of Dietrich’s age and unmarried. 

“Is Yuric ready?”

“Madame Celine is directly helping him to get ready. Why are you putting so much effort into young master’s attire?”

“I need to put him on the market, too. Maslow and Riesling are too young and Veronica will probably hate it.” 

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‘Besides, Dietrich has also declared that there won’t be any successor for the time being.’ 

“M-Market? Are you talking about the marriage market?” 

I laughed lightly at the way Lancel stuttered. It was half a joke, but I wanted to tease him more because of his embarrassment. 

“Yeah. Although he is a bit timid, he’s a handsome man who can’t be ashamed of himself anywhere you put him. He’s also a knight’s commander. I bet he’s popular?”

“Well, that’s true….” 

Those carrying the name of Lagrange never had a way to leave Lagrange. That must have played a role in setting the background of taking the power of the Grand Duke and living apart from the rest of the world like an isolated island. 

A power that cannot be shared was just a pie in the sky, and power that couldn’t arouse the desire of others did not serve its role. 

‘I will let them know that it won’t be like that anymore.’ 

“Where’s Dietrich?”

“He had planned not to attend the ball.”

“Well, he does hate these kinds of things. I already knew that.” 

Come to think of it, it’s been a few days since I last saw his face. 

I wasn’t able to find the reason why I felt awkward around him, and he also didn’t look for me. 

I stood up from my seat when I heard the servant announce that Yuric has arrived. Yuric, who boasted an even more dazzling beauty with Madame Celine’s touch, found me at the end of the hallway and his face hardened. 

“What’s wrong with your clothes?”

“What do you mean?”

“No, I mean. It’s a little…Why don’t you cover your shoulders?” 

Yuric puts a finger on my exposed shoulder. I removed his hand and frowned. 

“Madame Celine said it’s the point of this outfit.”

“....Are you sure Dietrich won’t attend?”

“Yeah. There must be a lot of work to take care of today.” 

“I see. Then, that’s good.” 

I didn’t know why Dietrich not going to the ball was good. I tilted my head, not knowing the reason, and he grabbed the hand which I extended. 

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