At Dietrich’s firm words, Charlotte hesitated and crammed her lips together. After a while, she finally opened her mouth. 

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“Huu. All right. Please don’t stare at me so terrifyingly, Your Grace.”


Just by smiling softly, Charlotte instantly pacified the intense atmosphere.


“It’s probably my fault that people have misunderstood Anissa. I apologize.”


She came up to me and stroked the back of my hand with an apologetic expression on her face. Her aura was genuinely sad that I impulsively nodded my head. 


“I’m not good with words and so this must have arisen from that.” 


Standing next to Dietrich, she placed her hand on his forearm and spoke calmly. It was a gentle movement like an iris swaying in the spring breeze. 


“It’s as His Grace said, everyone.”


“What–what did you say?”


“Lady Anissa only extended her help to me. There was a conflict between me, who was trying to restore the honor of the sun god, and the merchant, who unlawfully acquired the holy relic.”


“Oh my goodness! To privately own a holy relic, I can’t believe such senseless merchants still exist?”


She had a strange power to completely hold influence over the crowd. Like an audience riveted on the theatre stage, people began to listen to her beautiful voice. 




I tilted my head to the side at their display of strangely extraordinary attention.


‘I don’t think Charlotte has the charisma to conquer the audience.’


“Yes. And as you all know, Lady Anissa paid the merchant for the holy relic.”


“Just as expected! The Northerners have corrupted the holy relic!”


“However, I hope everybody understands that it was done purely to help me without any ill intentions.”




‘There must have been a law which stipulates that it should have not been done.’


Judging by the roaring remarks that it was illegal, that must have indeed been a crime.


I shrugged my shoulders as I recalled the purple amulet left neglected in the corner of the room. 


‘I didn’t know it was such a precious thing.’




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Even with her explaining the situation, the people’s eyes which were trained on me did not turn away, so Charlotte took a step forward and looked at the crowd.


The people who caught her gaze trembled and bowed their heads.


“Hera is a benevolent goddess. I can’t believe that people who believe in such a goddess would put such a strict standard on Lady Anissa who’s still young.”


“N-no, it’s not like that, Lady Charlotte. We are just doing it for your honor!”


“What honor does a humble priestess like me possess? I am just a lowly servant of Hera.”


At Charlotte’s admonishing tone, only then did the people shut their mouths.

The people were showing signs of remorse in an instant that I wasn’t able to hide my surprise.


‘This could be done without using any drugs?’


It wasn’t that the people who had approached me to vent their anger had settled down. 


I looked at Charlotte and let out a forced smile.


‘You’re manipulating people’s aura right now.’


Charlotte was definitely moving people’s aura right now. She was doing it in a way that would be favorable to her, and forcefully at that. 


‘I knew there was an ability like this but…’ 


I didn’t expect it to be this powerful.


Because she certainly didn’t possess Eredia’s ability. 


However, whatever she did, people’s auras which were dyed red were gradually turning murky as if they were being scorched.


‘I didn’t know it was possible to demonstrate such an ability towards a large number of people.’


Manipulating other people’s minds and feelings was something I’m considerably uncomfortable doing. 


But Charlotte was smiling brightly without an ounce of guilt.


“Lady Anissa, I guess I got a little excited.”


The very first one who bowed her head to me was Dorothea. I could see her chew her lips behind her fan as if her pride had been greatly hurt.


I accepted her apology with a serene smile. 


“It’s all right, Countess Hilbert. It’s because I don’t know the rules of high society.”


“Well, that is true. If you want, I can recommend a tutor for you.”


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Dorothea raised her eyebrows as if she hadn’t expected my admittance. However, there was no need to be proud of it. 


It was the truth that I didn’t know how to walk gracefully or laugh quietly in a picturesque manner as Charlotte did. 


“Will you do that? I don’t know anyone from the capital.”


“Of course. In acknowledgment of my apology, I will send to you a madam who is dear to me.”


I grinned as I saw Dorothea’s aura change subtly in a favorable direction. 


As the saying went, ‘When in Rome, do as Romans do.’ Having entered high society, I had to follow their ways to some extent. 


‘Since I am an outsider, it might have seemed to them that I was disregarding their ways.’


My preparations were severely lacking.


Dorothea and others approached as if they wanted to speak with me, but I didn’t want to socialize anymore so I stepped back. Then, Dietrich pulled me and started marching away. 


“Your Grace, are you leaving already?”


A man who had taken a neutral stance stepped forward and stopped him. 


Dietrich didn’t stop walking and took a glance at the man. 


“That’s right.”


“What about the dance? There are so many young ladies waiting for you to ask them to dance.”


They had cursed a lot with words such as ‘northerners’ and ‘barbarians’ but when Dietrich appeared they seemed to have been filled with avarice. 


‘I guess that’s to be expected. He’s a distinguished person after all.’


I silently glanced at the women gathering behind the man like a swarm of bees, whispering to themselves. 


Charlotte, who was watching Dietrich leave, looked anxious as if she was about to cry.


‘When did they get together like that?’


“I won’t dance. Move.” 


He flung open the door to the banquet hall without greeting anyone, looking like a protagonist of the imperial ball. 


The servant, who was waiting to open the door, uttered a cry. 


“Oh goodness! Your Grace! It is etiquette for me to open the door!”


“Etiquette, you say.”

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Damn etiquette.


Even I felt that it was starting to get old. The bewildered servant nodded his head industriously and replied. 


“Ye-yes! I will hold the door open so if you could move aside for a bit–”


“Shall I tell you an etiquette from the North?”




Dietrich seized the door and muttered to the servant who stood like an idiot. 


“In the North, it is customary not to talk to me. Shall I tell you what happens if you don’t obey?”


The servant nodded his head with a face that clearly didn’t want to know.


“You die.”


“...I a-apologize. Have a safe trip, Your Grace.”


Only then did the servant quickly remove himself from blocking Dietrich’s path. 


The hand holding mine had such a tight grip that I couldn’t even talk to him until we got on the carriage.


‘Did he get in trouble because of me?’


If I hadn’t helped Charlotte in the first place, this problem wouldn’t have occurred. 

Dietrich, reclining on the black sofa, looked extremely tired. I could only swallow my words and moisten my lips at the exhaustion weighing down on his face.


“Why are you being timid?”


“It’s n-nothing like that.”


“Northern etiquette tells you not to lie to your family.”


“There’s no etiquette like that. Don’t make things up.” 


In the first place, Lagrange did not teach such extravagant virtues which were of no use when it came to survival.


‘In order to survive, they had learned assassination, detoxification, and self-defense to protect themselves.’


“I was wondering if I ruined things by coming. In any case, right now we have to look good in front of the emperor and the people of high society.” 


“There’s no need for that. I’ll just establish a kingdom.” 


I burst into laughter when the talk about establishing a kingdom came out of Dietrich’s mouth again.

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“Is that easy? Then we could all die for treason.”


“Anyway, there is no need for you to be timid in front of those amaurotic people.” 


“That’s not it. It’s just that Charlotte and I are so different.”


It wasn’t until I let those words out that I realized I was projecting my sister through her. 


An older sister, who had always been more exceptional and elegant than me – a beautiful and perfect woman that my mother and everyone liked.


“What about it?”




“Of course, you and that woman are different people. What are you trying to say?” 


“Wouldn’t it be better to act a little like Charlotte if I am going to play the role of a princess?” 


Although not as vigorous as in the capital, high society circles also existed in the North.

Dietrich, who had already completed his succession, would have to rule in earnest in an aristocratic society. 


I didn’t want to spend the time floating uselessly by his side.


“You’re a princess. The Princess of Lagrange.”


I narrowed my eyes trying to guess what Dietrich meant and he clicked his tongue then said, “There is no need for you to humor others to prove your existence.”


I couldn’t help but laugh at Dietrich’s cold words. 


It must be a skill to utter such sweet words with a blunt face and make them drip with coldness.


“Why are you laughing?”


“All right. I won’t humor anyone. But I think it would be better to learn etiquette.” 


There was no reason to refuse the instruction that Dorothea offered to pay for. 


If it’s a tutor, that person would be proficient in high society, so they would know the current status of societal affairs. 


I naively looked forward to seeing who would come as a tutor.


‘Since she’s called a madam, then she must be a woman?’ 

────── 〔✿〕──────


Amaurotic - Amaurotic is a disease that causes a partial or total loss of sight. 

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