Great. If Ji Yunxi doesn’t dare to come to her, then she will go there by herself. As a result, she almost fell as soon as she went out.

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What bad luck. Everything related to the Ji family is bad luck!

Until her eyes saw Xuezhu who was sweeping on the side.

She found that this person swept the snow very cleanly and meticulously, and there was no snow left on the empty ground. The snow blocks that were swept out were stacked around neatly and it made people who saw it feel good about it.

And looking at the way he was working, it was neat enough and sharp enough.

He is a very good servant.

Fourth Feng has been learning how to be a good concubine recently, one of which is to know people and make good use of them.

The servants below her have to work more quickly and cannot have too many thoughts, so as not to be bought by other concubines and hurt her instead .

Fourth Feng thought that the little servant looked very good. She felt that the other party was very reliable at first sight.

It is a good idea to recruit the other party, castrate the other party and bring the other party into the palace to serve her.

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Fourth Feng then said a few words to the Mama by her side, and the fat Mama walked over.

Fourth Feng waited for the Mama to bring the little servant back.

Unexpectedly, the Mama just got there and hadn’t even said a few words, but she became very annoyed and stretched out her hand to pull Xuezhu.

Xuezhu easily avoided it and the fat Mama plunged into the snow pile that Xuezhu had just swept into a ball, which he was going to flatten. She couldn’t get up even after struggling for a long time.

Xuezhu held the broom and watched it with a blank face.

Alright. Will have to sweep it all over again.

Xuezhu thought.

When Fourth Feng saw this scene, she was surprised and took other servants over.

Her personal maid hurriedly pulled the Mama up.

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Fourth Feng frowned and asked: “What’s going on?”

The Mama complained with a sullen face: “Miss, this dog slave does not know what’s good for him! No matter how I talk to him, he just ignores me!”

Fourth Feng then went to see the little servant.

The snow pile swept by the little servant was splashed everywhere by the fat Mama, and he already started to sweep again.

“What’s your name?” Fourth Feng has always been reluctant to talk to these slaves, so her tone is very light and her face is arrogant, with the look as if ‘my attention to you is because your ancestors has accumulated enough virtues’.

But Xuezhu didn’t respond to her at all. He didn’t even give her a look, and kept sweeping the ground.

In his world, except for the Young Master of his family, he doesn’t need to pay attention to others.

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Oh, now there is one more that he needs to pay attention to, which is the Third Miss.

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“My lady is asking you!” The face of the personal maid is full of cunningness.

Fourth Feng looked at it and pursed her red lips lightly: “This slave can’t be deaf and dumb, right?”

Hearing this, Xuezhu replied without raising his head: “I can hear.”

Fourth Feng: “You can hear me but you dare to not answer me?!”

Xuezhu looked up at her in confusion. Although he didn’t say it, the meaning was very clear.

‘Who are you? Why should I be afraid?’

Fourth Feng swears that she is really angry now.

The sun is about to go down, and soon it will be out of light.

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Ji Yunxi and Wu Wei’an walked back.

As soon as they got to the periphery of the camp, Second Wu hurried over: “Brother, something happened to Xuezhu.”

Hearing this, Ji Yunxi and Wu Wei’an looked at each other.

Generally speaking, Xuezhu would only find a corner to sweep the ground silently.

He never got into trouble with other people, and no one would go to find trouble with a hard-working cleaning bee.

So Ji Yunxi and Wu Wei’an are both a little surprised.

And Ji Yunxi immediately understood all of this when she saw Fourth Feng.

Outside Fourth Feng’s camp, the guards she brought surrounded Xuezhu and it seemed that they were going to catch Xuezhu.

Xuezhu has always kept Wu Wei’an’s teachings in mind. He can’t expose his good skills in front of the public, so he doesn’t struggle much. He just dodges to the left for a while, then dodges to the right again for a while.

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