As for Wu Wei’an, when his facial features are taken out alone, they can’t be said to be superior, and they are all only mediocre. The eyes are neither big nor small, the eyelashes are neither long nor short, and everything is just stuck on the standard line.

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No one will say he is handsome, but absolutely no one will say he is ugly either.

Coupled with his height, thin and fleshy figure in clothes, and fair skin with no flaws, in modern times, he can actually be favored by many girls.

Of course, these are under his normal circumstances.

If it is in his acting circumstances, no girl will like his coy and shy appearance that looks like a little wife.

Wu Wei’an, who looked in the mirror, sighed. He said to Ji Yunxi: “I go to bed late and get up early every day for more than a month. I sleep for three or four hours at most.”

Ji Yunxi didn’t know what medicine he sold in the gourd. She looked at him quietly and said five words flatly: “Oh, you’ve really worked hard.”

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“Yeah. I’ve really worked hard.” Wu Wei’an has always been impolite. “Say, I worked so hard but how come I still look good and there is no dark circle at all at this moment?”

After finishing speaking, he still felt a little distressed.

Ji Yunxi picked up the cup and sipped: “Sixth Brother runs to you every day.”

It means that, her Sixth Brother has smashed Wu Wei’an with all the nourishing medicinal materials which made him only eat and drink delicious food and drinks every day. So, isn’t it just normal if his face looks healthy?

For example, most of the Danzhi went into Wu Wei’an’s stomach.

Danzhi is the best treasured rare plant and it’s not a problem at all for it to eliminate dark circles under the eyes.

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Hearing Ji Yunxi mention Ji Mingyan, Wu Wei’an’s movement of stretching out his hand to get a cup of tea paused subconsciously.

The food and drink sent by her Sixth Brother are indeed replenishing and expensive, but they are not something that ordinary people can afford either.

Wu Wei’an now doesn’t quite know what normal food looks like and what it tastes like anymore.

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He sighed: “Yun Niang, let me borrow your powder. Thank you.”

Ji Yunxi glanced at him and without asking what he wanted to do, she bent down and took a brand new box of powder and handed it over.

Wu Wei’an took it, opened the powder box’s cover, dipped it with his fingertips, and then tried it on the back of his hand. Then he shook his head slightly: “The color is not quite right. Are there any other colors?”

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Ji Yunxi was annoyed. She never likes to serve others. It was her limit to hand him things twice, so she moved directly to the side: “Take it yourself.”

Wu Wei’an responded and got up following the order, then moved steadily to the opposite side before finally sitting directly on the place in front of the hidden compartment.

Ji Yunxi just sat next to him. As long as she went out, she would definitely dress herself up.

Without it, it can already be said that she is already all dressed up too, just because her clothes and skirts are already the most expensive one, so whatever she wears, she is already all dressed up.

The intricate dark golden skirt fell to the floor inside the carriage.

Ji Yunxi lowered her head, looked at the person who was picking and choosing things in the hidden compartment, and reminded coldly: “You sat on my skirt.”

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“Sorry.” Wu Wei’an moved a little, pulled her skirt out and piled it at her feet.

Ji Yunxi was too lazy to pay attention to him. She just leaned back and flipped through the map of the capital’s suburbs in her hand.

She recently wants to buy a new farmhouse and she is choosing a suitable place.

It is quiet inside the carriage, and the three of them are doing their own thing.

This top Ferghana horse walked briskly on the street in the early morning.

Ji Yunxi’s carriage was designed by her, and there are a lot of small hidden compartments in it. Coupled with the best furniture accessories, the whole carriage was quite heavy. It will be difficult for an ordinary horse to pull it, and only this Ferghana horse can do it.

Of course, the reason why this Ferghana horse can pull it, is certainly because it also eats the best forage.

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