And the way that man carried the sword was very strange, like a young lad who was holding a sword for the first time.

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Then, the man in black brandished his sword and swept the blade directly at a person’s head. It’s just that before sweeping, he paused and moved the sword’s blade down to sweep the person’s face.

He mastered his strength extremely well that when the sword was swept over, the person from the escort team spat out his teeth along with the blood, and then was immediately swept to the ground.

Xuezhu was extremely fast. With just a swish on the ground back and forth, the escort team was already swept away by him.

And still alternating between one on the left and one on the right.

It’s just that the number of people in the escort team is odd. After sweeping the last one, the number of people on the left side is one person more than the number of people on the right side.

Xuezhu squatted in front of the last person and thought carefully for a while, then he put that person in the middle.

Only then did Xuezhu feel satisfied, and clapped his hands and left.

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As for the men in black whom he brought, they were happily moving things.

That’s right. These men in black are not here to attack the escort team. They don’t know martial arts at all and they come here simply to move things.

The reason why they have such strong muscles and sturdy build is because it was the result of them having moved too many things.

In the past few days, the Feng family’s father and son have been in a good mood.

They haven’t been this happy in a long time.

As long as they think that on Wu Wei’an and Ji Yunxi’s wedding night, they still had to be busy at Dechang Gambling House in the middle of the night, they want to laugh.

Did the Ji family and the Wu family really think that their Feng family’s gambling houses are so easy to get?

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They know exactly where the money in the gambling house is placed and what the layout is inside.

Therefore, it is simply the easiest move to find someone to rob the gambling house.

And this matter, Ji Yunxi can only forcibly swallow the losses herself without being able to say anything.

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After all, they didn’t leave any evidence behind, and they didn’t let anyone get killed too. So this major issue can only be reduced into a minor one, then to nothing.

Feng Qishi took a sip of tea and asked his son: “How much is the money stolen from the gambling house?”

Fifth Feng said: “It’s neither too much nor too little. The eight gambling houses add up to about 5,000 taels of gold. After all, they haven’t opened for a long time, and they didn’t put a lot of money in the store either.”

Feng Qishi nodded: “It’s fine. We are doing it not for money anyway. Seeing that the Ji family is unhappy, I really feel comfortable.”

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The father and the son looked at each other with a smile and said a few more words before the Feng family’s Eldest Brother-in-law hurried over.

Fifth Feng got up and saluted: “Uncle.”

The Feng family’s Eldest Brother-in-law, with a fat head and big ears, said with a dark face: “The escort was robbed!”

Feng Qishi: “What?”

Although the escort bureau is the business of his Eldest Brother-in-law’s family, most of the money earned goes into his pocket.

After the gambling houses were gone, the Feng family relied on this escort bureau to live.

After all, the salary of the Imperial Censor is not enough for the whole family to live an extravagant life.

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“The escort was robbed!” The Eldest Brother-in-law’s face trembled with anger. “It was robbed not far from the capital city! The carts belonged to the owner of the rice warehouse. The eighteen carts of good rice he bought from Jiangnan were all robbed! He now wants us to compensate him!”

Feng Qishi hurriedly went down to arrange things, and specially sought out people from the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple.

The hired men who were swept unconscious also woke up, but the incident happened so suddenly that they didn’t even have the time to observe anything and were already stunned by a sword.

People from the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple have asked them over and over, but they have not been able to find anything useful.

Fifth Feng’s face was ashen: “It must be Ji Yunxi who found someone to do it!”

But there is no evidence to indicate that it was the Ji family who did it. Even if they knew that it was the Ji family who was behind it, there was nothing they could do.

The Feng family can only console themselves that the Ji family only robbed one escort, but they robbed eight gambling houses of the Ji family. In the end, it is them who earned it.

As a result, this is only the beginning. In the next few months, the escort teams from Daqing Escort Bureau were robbed one after another, and they could not enter the capital at all.

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