Wu Wei’an glanced at him. To tell the truth, even if he lived under the same roof, he had not seen this man for more than a month.

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“What’s the matter?”

The man said: “Recently, some people in the capital frequently used a formation, and their target was always towards the Wu family. I destroyed it several times, but the other side came again and again.”

Wu Wei’an frowned.

After lunch, Ji Mingyan took his older and younger brothers and his sister to help him take care of the medicinal garden.

This medicinal garden is in Ji Mingyan’s yard. In his yard, there is a formation laid down by their Fifth Brother himself. Without Ji Mingyan bringing people in, no one else can enter.

Because there are dangers everywhere, just like the saying that the plain grass on the roadside may even kill you when you touch it.

The reason why Ji Mingxi, Ji Mingshuang and Ji Yunxi are all fine.

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It was because from childhood to adulthood, they had been tossed by Ji Mingyan to the point where antibodies appeared in their bodies. After eating all kinds of heaven and earth treasures over and over again, they have long been immune to all kinds of poisons.

In the lush medicinal garden, the Ji siblings are working hard.

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Ji Mingshuang is hoeing the soil for Ji Mingyan, Ji Mingxi is pruning the branches for Ji Mingyan, Ji Yunxi is watering, and Ji Mingyan follows behind Ji Mingshuang to sow the hoed soil.

Ji Mingxi said while cutting: “It’s been one month since Yun Niang‘s wedding, right? Why hasn’t your Fifth Brother arrived yet?”

Ji Mingyan raised his face that was stained with a lot of mud: “That’s what I thought! I have been waiting for Fifth Brother for a long time already! He should have arrived a month ago! Fifth Brother won’t get lost again, right?”

Ji Mingshuang’s face, which is deeply loved by the young ladies in the capital, is also stained with mud: “I am sure that’s the case. When did Fifth Brother not get lost?”

Ji Yunxi, who was pouring water, casually asked: “The longest time that it took Fifth Brother, how long was it?”

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Ji Mingyan took out his fingers and counted: “Three months? Right, Mingshuang?”

Ji Mingshuang nodded: “Yeah.”

Ji Mingxi shook his head. His hands accidentally cut too many branches and leaves.

After a pause, he continued to cut again and said: “Nevermind. Fifth Brother will always find his way home.”

Just like this branch, it will always grow back.

As for whether to send someone to look for him?

The siblings of the Ji family have a tacit understanding. After all, it will be sent in vain too.

Ji Mingyuan is hard to find. Even Ji Mingyan, who has always been able to dig three feet into the ground, can’t find the person, let alone others?

Anyway, after going a circle, he will find a way back himself.

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After planting new medicinal herbs, Ji Mingyan went to the back kitchen to fiddle for a while and produced a new soup.

He was excited to go to Wu’s house with Ji Yunxi to test this medicine on his Brother-in-law.

Ji Mingshuang looked at the black colored soup and felt a little fortunate.

Fortunately, Ji Mingyan now has a brother-in-law to let him toss around with, otherwise he will be the one who suffers.

Ji Yunxi walked back with her Sixth Brother.

She looked at the soup and asked: “Sixth Brother, what is the basis for the medicine you tried for An Lang?”

Ji Mingyan looked puzzled: “Ah? What is what basis?”

Ji Yunxi looked up at the sky and patiently explained: “Since An Lang was poisoned by that poison, don’t you have to study the poison first, and then develop a new medicine for it?”

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Ji Mingyan suddenly realized: “Oh, oh, but that bug poison can’t be studied, because it’s already extinct. I’ve never seen it before and even Sister Poison doesn’t know much either.”

Ji Yunxi raised her eyebrows: “So?”

Ji Mingyan made a ‘hehe’ laugh and said: “So I tried it blindly, thinking that maybe the blind cat will bump into the dead mouse?”

Ji Yunxi’s mouth twitched: “…”


Wu Wei’an’s bedroom is closed.

Inside, Xuezhu, the Poison Lady, the round-faced housekeeper, and the person who has not been seen all year round are all there.

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