The smile on her face disappeared in an instant.

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Master Zhai then said quietly: “After following Young Master all these years, when did you see him pay us for our work? It’s already good if there is a payment. Seven coins is a lot more than I thought.”

At the other end, Xuezhu adjusted the most standard sleeping posture for the old man and the old woman, then pulled up the quilt and neatly spread it over their bodies until it covered their heads.

Everything is perfect.

Xuezhu got up and the four of them went back home.

The Poison Lady glanced over there and said: “Xuezhu, your way of covering the quilt is the same as that covering the dead. Are you sure they are still alive?”

Xuezhu replied earnestly: “That’s how I slept, and I’m still alive.”

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After the four people left, the manager of the farmhouse hurried into the room and pulled down the quilt a little.

These two people are still useful to Third Miss and it will be bad if they are suffocated.

It was already dark, and the candles were still lit in Ji Yunxi’s and Wu Wei’an’s rooms.

Wan Xiang knocked on the door and hurried in after getting the permission.

Wu Wei’an sat at the table, leaning idly against the back of the chair with his legs crossed.

Holding a topographic map of a certain place in his hand, he lowered his head slightly, thinking about something.

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Ji Yunxi huddled in the beauty couch with a miscellaneous book in her hand, but she didn’t turn a page. She raised her head and looked at Wan Xiang’s expression: “What’s the matter?”

Wan Xiang gave a bow: “Miss, there’s a message from the flying pigeon in Xiangping. It’s been hot and this summer’s weather has been dry recently. The warehouses of our four pawnshops accidentally caught fire.”

Ji Yunxi’s eyes narrowed and she stood up straight from the couch: “How is the fire? Are there any casualties?”

Wan Xiang: “The fire has been put out, but a lot of things were damaged. Some workers have been injured but their lives are safe.”

“That’s good.” In Xiangping, where it is dry and hot, the temperature is high in summer and it is easy to catch fire, which happens every year. Every year, they also take precautions in advance, but in the end, accidents happen every year. Ji Yunxi ordered: “The injured workers must be settled down and the damaged things must be counted. If there is insufficient money in the pawnshops, it should also be made up as soon as possible. By the way, please inform all the shops in various places to pay attention. In summer, it is easy to catch fire. Don’t bring candles in places where it is easy to catch fire. As for the shops around Xiangping, let everyone not light the fire at night and use night pearls instead.”

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“Yes, Miss.” Wan Xiang left after receiving the order.

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Wu Wei’an and the round-faced housekeeper outside the window looked at each other for a while. After Wanxiang had left, he turned his head to her and said: “They have returned. The people have been snatched.”

Ji Yunxi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but she didn’t reveal anything on her face: “That’s good. I’ll be there tomorrow morning.”

After many years of mixing in the business world, she failed to learn such superb acting skills as Wu Wei’an, but to keep a poker face, she is still able to do it.

Wu Wei’an put down the topographic map in his hand, got up and closed the window, and kept out the Poison Lady who stood outside choking with silent fury and looked at him for a long time but dared not speak.

The Poison Lady is also a person who loves money more than her own life. Perhaps she already knows that she can only earn seven coins for this trip.

But, is seven coins still not enough?

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Wu Wei’an stretched out, walked to the bedside and leaned on it comfortably. Then he took a miscellaneous book, and planned to turn over a few pages before falling asleep.

This miscellaneous book belongs to Ji Yunxi and it is really good for relieving boredom.

Ji Yunxi also got down from the beauty couch. She wore the embroidered shoes with the back turned in and walked to the end of the bed.

Wu Wei’an was tall and had long legs. He shrank his feet very consciously.

Ji Yunxi climbed into the bed from the end of the bed and sat on her side on the bed.

This wedding bed is very big, and it’s even no problem for four or five people to sleep on it.

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