As soon as he got home, the second son told him about what happened at the snow banquet today.

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Wu Qi thought for a while and took his second son to the back courtyard to find his eldest son.

It happened to be the unshakeable time for the servant to clean the courtyard.

They only saw a ghost-like figure in the courtyard passing by and after a while, all the fallen leaves on the ground were swept out.

This is precisely what an extra clean and tidy courtyard should be.

Second Wu raised his head and glanced at the sky.

With a moment of melancholy feeling in his heart, he couldn’t help thinking of some past events in Pingjiang.

Pingjiang is located in the southeast of Dayu, which is quite a rich land.

However, there is a lot of rain and there are often floods.

His father, Wu Qi, is a clean and honest official. Coupled with his eldest brother who seemed like a bottomless pit that kept swallowing money endlessly.

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Compared with other official’s families, it’s like heaven and earth. Their family is simply too poor.

Second Wu was still young and not very knowledgeable at that time. He often felt inferior because there were only four servants in his family.

It wasn’t until one day, when he went to someone else’s house, that he found out.

Although there are many servants sweeping the floor in that person’s house, they do not sweep as fast or as clean as the one in his house.

Then at another day again, his father was too straightforward in the officialdom and cut off other people’s way to make money.

Someone hired an assassin to kill his entire family.

Only then did Second Wu discover that the servant in charge of sweeping the floor in their house was not only fast in sweeping the floor, but also very good at sweeping people’s head…

From then on, he knew that his family was not simple.

Really, not that simple.

Not to mention the other that does the laundry and the cooking…

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And his eldest brother.


The sage has a saying that Second Wu himself always keeps in mind.

See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil and do no evil.

This is their entire Wu family’s motto.

“Wei’an, what happened at the snow banquet today?” Wu Qi asked.

Wu Wei’an: “Replying to Father. The Third Miss of the Ji family wants me to marry her.”

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Wu Qi actually did not expect that and his pupils widened so roundly: “Ah?”

Second Wu guessed a little bit, so he is not that surprised.

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“This… Then the Ji family…” Wu Qi thought for a while and couldn’t help inhaling the cold air in. “Does the Ji family know your identity?”

“It shouldn’t be.” Wu Wei’an shook his head, “But Third Miss Ji knows me and had seen me before.”

Wu Qi was a little worried: “Is this a very serious thing?”

The less people know what they are planning, the better.

“It’s not that serious.”

Wu Qi nodded and actually seemed to trust his eldest son very much: “Then, did you agree to this marriage? Do we need to prepare anything?”

Wu Wei’an applied the medicine to the waning moon scar on his hand: “No need. I refused it.”

“But, will the Ji family have hatred towards us because of this and trip us?” Wu Qi frowned.

“It shouldn’t be. The Third Miss is a straightforward and smart person.” She won’t make enemies for herself for no reason. She wants to win him over.

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Wu Qi nodded, rubbed the center area between his eyebrows, and showed some fatigue on his face: “I don’t know what the Ji family wants by doing this. We have always been cautious and reasonably, we shouldn’t have attracted the Ji family’s attention. Wei’an, do you know what the Ji family’s purpose is?”

“I have several vague guesses.” Wu Wei’an finished applying the medicine well and closed the pot, “But I haven’t got the whole picture yet. Don’t worry, let’s just wait and see.”

The father and son said a few more things about the affairs of the court.

But it was mainly Wu Qi and Wu Wei’an who were talking, and Second Wu was just listening on the side.

It’s really cold in the room.

Second Wu is so cold that he shivered. He held it for a while, but he couldn’t hold back any longer in the end and said tentatively: “Eldest Brother.”

Wu Wei’an raised his eyes: “Huh?”

Second Wu: “Actually, this marriage is pretty good…”

Wu Weian: “Where is the pretty good point?”

Second Wu glanced at the hand-warmer stove that Wu Wei’an was holding and boldly said: “The Ji family, should have quite a lot of money…”

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