Chapter 538: Was Once On Good Terms With My Father

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Gu Qingxue looked surprised. “Nanny, are you sure Imperial Physician Qin and my father had a good relationship?”


Nanny Sheng did not know why Gu Qingxue was so excited. She hummed in agreement and continued, “Of course. At that time, Eldest Young Master was the head of the imperial hospital, followed by Imperial Physician Qin. The two of them often discussed all kinds of strange medical matters together and even helped each other to research many strange and difficult to treat illnesses.”

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Gu Qingxue’s expression was grave. She took a deep breath and said, “At that time in Tie Family Village, I was also very curious why grandmother had such a big reaction after seeing Imperial Physician Qin. Later on, I also found a chance to ask Imperial Physician Qin. At that time, according to him, his relationship with my father was very ordinary and could not be considered close.”

“He’s talking nonsense,” Nanny Sheng disagreed. “He was the one who was good friends with Eldest Young Master. Why wouldn’t he admit it? ‘

Gu Qingxue narrowed her eyes as if she was deep in thought. After some thought, she said, “Perhaps it’s because he doesn’t dare to admit it. He’s worried that I’ll target him if he admits it.

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“Do you mean that Imperial Physician Qin is hiding something?” Nanny Sheng asked Gu Qingxue.

“This is just my guess. I can’t be sure that I’m right. Nanny Sheng, how did my father die back then?” Gu Qingxue had never asked such a question before, but Imperial Physician Qin’s concealment made her feel that there was some unspeakable secret hidden within.

“Back then, the Eldest Young Master had given the wrong medicine and killed someone, so he was executed. Because this is a matter of the palace, we don’t know what happened. At that time, the Eldest Young Master entered the palace in the day and when he returned in the evening, only his corpse was left. He was beaten to death by someone.” Nanny Sheng’s face turned pale when she recalled the bloody scene. Her eyes were red as she continued to sob. “I can still remember the scene when the Eldest Young Master was sent home. It’s too bloody and too terrifying…”

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Gu Qingxue saw that tears were streaming down Nanny Sheng’s face as she spoke. She quickly walked up to her and handed her the handkerchief.

Nanny Sheng sobbed and wiped her tears. She took Gu Qingxue’s hand and said, “That year, when the servant who followed the Eldest Young Master was sent back, he was already scared to death. However, even though he had gone mad, the manservant still insisted that the Eldest Young Master was wrongly accused. The Old Madam had lost her beloved son. She had broken down several times because she did not believe that the Eldest Young Master would kill someone because of the wrong medicine he prescribed. She had wanted to help the Eldest Young Master reverse the verdict several times. However, the palace’s attitude was firm, and even the use of the Qi family’s connections was unsuccessful. Helplessly, the Old Madam could only investigate in private.”

Gu Qingxue vaguely felt that there was more to this, so she could not help but ask, “What’s the result? Did you manage to find anything?”

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Nanny Sheng sighed worriedly and shook her head. “We didn’t find any useful clues. Instead, the Old Madam was overworked, and her mind was gradually becoming unclear.”

Gu Qingxue’s gaze was sharp, and her expression was calm as she said, “But, my grandmother’s mind was not unclear because of this. At that time, she was poisoned. In other words, it’s very likely that someone was worried that grandmother would continue to investigate, so they began to poison my grandmother..”

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