Chapter 643: I Must Prove My Innocence

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Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Yeah! That’s why it can prove that Gu Lingbao cheated!” The thirteenth princess said loudly before she could react.

Gu Lin sneered. Even Dumby looked at the thirteenth princess as if she was an idiot. “If my sister was really cheating, why didn’t she just copy all the answers? The teacher didn’t set the score in advance, so my sister couldn’t calculate the score in advance. If she was cheating, she should have filled in all the questions correctly. Otherwise, it would have been a waste of time!” Dumby’s words attracted the agreement of the other little buns.

The thirteenth princess did not think too much about it until she heard what Dumby said. She felt that what he said made sense and hurriedly said, “Then, then why would she have a cheat sheet on her? Even if she didn’t, she shouldn’t have brought this here.”

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“I didn’t bring this. It’s useless even if you accuse me. Sir, the handwriting on this cheat sheet is an adult’s. You can compare it with the handwriting of the servants in the Gu family. This is definitely not written by our family!” Lingbao was so anxious to defend herself that her little face flushed red.

“It’s you, it’s you! Don’t deny it!” The thirteenth princess was exasperated.

She did not understand why things had developed so differently from what she had imagined. Lingbao should not be able to defend herself after being framed!

“Your Highness, do you think that Miss Gu is the owner of these notes?” Zhan Liuye’s lips curled up when he saw that the thirteenth princess was not going to let him off. “In that case, I have a way to distinguish them. However, I will need your cooperation, Your Highness.”

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The thirteenth princess immediately perked up and nodded in agreement.

“Please tell me, Sir. As long as it’s within my means, I’ll definitely help.”

“Then, may the thirteenth princess and Miss Gu please take the test again. The results don’t lie. If Miss Gu really did copy the notes, then there’s no way she’ll be able to pass the test this time.” Zhan Liuye said slowly.

The smile on the thirteenth princess’s face froze. She was dumbfounded and asked in confusion, “Why do I have to take the test with her?”

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“Why would you insist on suspecting me? I want you to be with me!” Lingbao said angrily.

“Princess, are you afraid?” Seeing the thirteenth princess’s frightened look, Dumby raised her eyebrows and asked.

The thirteenth princess’s expression changed,” I’m not!” I just don’t think it’s necessary. Forget it, I believe in Gu Lingbao. Sir, why don’t we just put an end to this matter?”

“No, you’ve already accused me wrongly. Everyone thinks that I cheated. I must prove my innocence,” Lingbao said stubbornly.

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Rong Han knew the thirteenth princess’s true ability. He looked at her coldly. “If princess did so well, why are you afraid of taking the exam again? Don’t tell me that those cheat sheets are yours?”

The thirteenth princess felt as if she had been struck by lightning. She looked at Zhan Liuye, at a loss.

Zhan Liuye did not sympathize with the thirteenth Princess at all. He said indifferently, “It’s too troublesome to retake the test. I’ll give you five questions. If you can complete three of them, you’ll pass.”

“Alright,” she said. Lingbao agreed and obediently followed Zhan Liuye into the room.

Under the curious gazes of the crowd, the thirteenth princess had no choice but to brace herself and follow them. She kept comforting herself in her heart..

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