Chapter 697: Gu Worms From the Southern Border Are

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Very Rare

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation   Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The thirteenth princess looked at Gu Qingxue’s face seriously and realized that she was more beautiful than any of the concubines in the harem.

No wonder Gu Lin and his two other siblings were so good-looking. It was because their mother was a beauty. However, Lil t Han was not Doctor Gu’s child, so why did he look so much like her?

The thirteenth princess liked Rong Han, and when she realized that Gu

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Qingxue looked similar to Rong Han, the resistance she had toward Gu Qingxue disappeared. “You do look a little like her, but she’s not as good looking as you.”

Gu Qingxue’s face revealed an expression of understanding. She turned to look at Judge Wu and said, “The concubine that Prince Heng brought along is my half-sister, Gu Lingyue. When I saw her at the palace banquet today, she was indeed wearing a orange dress.

“Since no one else left halfway, Gu Lingyue must have been worried that she would be implicated, so she ran away in advance.” Judge Wu t s expression was extremely gloomy. “I’ll report this to His Majesty. Immediately send someone to Prince Hengs residence to capture Gu Lingyue!’

“Thank you for your trouble, Judge Wu. I’ll take the thirteenth princess and leave first.” After watching Judge Wu leave, Nanny Bi Zhu stepped forward and held the thirteenth princess’ hand. She was about to bid Gu Qingxue farewell when she saw Gu Qingxue’s thoughtful expression.

“Is there anything else you don’t understand, Doctor Gu?” Nanny Bi Zhu asked.

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“I’m thinking about where Gu Lingyue got the Gu Worm from.” Gu Qingxue saw Nanny Bi Zhu’s expression gradually turn serious, so she continued, “Prince Heng still hasn’t left. It’s clear that he doesn’t know anything about this matter. Gu Lingyue is just a weak girl. Where did she get the Gu Worm?”

The reason why Gu Lingyue sought refuge with Prince Heng and become his concubine was that she had no other choice. She had been chased out of the Gu family by Gu Qingxue. For herself, for her mother, and her younger brother, she could only seek refuge with Prince Heng.

Furthermore, the Southern Border Gu Worm was extremely rare. Even Prince Heng might not have had the chance to obtain it, so how did Gu Lingyue obtain it?

“Doctor Gu, let’s go to Changming Palace to explain this matter.” Nanny Bi Zhu said with a serious expression.

Gu Qingxue nodded, then headed toward the Changming Palace with Nanny Bi zhu.

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By the time Gu Qingxue arrived at the Changming Palace, Judge Wu had already revealed the truth of their investigation in front of everyone, without missing a single word.

The crowd was in an uproar. No one had expected Gu Lingyue to be so bold as to use the current princess to poison the young prince of the prince regent’s residence. Although Gu Lingyue’s plan had failed, she had still poisoned the prince regent and even implicated Prince Heng!

“During the palace banquet, only Gu Lingyue left. In addition, the lady who gave her the fragrance pouch as described by the thirteenth princess is exactly the same as Gu Lingyue. It’s clear that this matter was really done by Gu

Lingyue”. As Judge Wu spoke, his gaze quickly swept over Prince Heng. “Your

Highness Prince Heng, I wonder if you know of this matter?”

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“Prince Heng, what’s going on?” Rong Xiaotian’s face was cold as he looked in the direction of Prince Heng.

After Gu Qingxue and Nanny Bi Zhu led the thirteenth princess into

Changming Palace, they consciously walked to the side and stood still, quietly waiting for Prince Hengs answer with the others.

“Your Majesty, this subject knew nothing about this matter! Moreover, Yue’er left because she was not feeling well and not because she wanted to escape punishment. Your Majesty, please understand.” Prince Heng kneeled down in front of Rong Xiaotian and said respectfully..

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