Episode 4

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“Let’s just let her go. Hilde must have used the swordsmanship competition as an excuse to get around the capital because she wanted to. I’m sure.”

Redith tried to say something, but he shut up again.

In fact, it was the same with Redith, who was not comfortable.

He would have stopped off his sister from wandering in the capital. It’s because the family is poor.

“This may be the last chance for Hilde.”

“Last chance?”

“Looking around the capital city. If this continues, our family may really go bankrupt.”


“Hilde won’t even be able to make her debut. In the first place, our family is not the same as it used to be.”

“That’s why you can’t send her! What are you going to do with the money?”

Redith raised his eyebrows.

Mikhail, who was staring at his younger brother, stroked his head with pity.

“…I’m sorry, Redith.”

“Why are you apologizing?”

“Just. I’m sorry. I made you worry like this.”

“Stop. Who told you to apologize?”

When Redith got angry, Mikhail raised his hand.

“Will you please listen to me this time?”


“Let’s send Hilde to the capital. I want to do that.”


Redith seemed to be boiling. He spoke in an angry voice long after.

“Do whatever you want.”

“Thank you.”

Mikhail smiled lightly, but Redith couldn’t smile.

What if they laugh at her for being a poor duke in the capital?

‘It’s better not to go than to come back after getting hurt.’

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The situation in the duke’s family was not so bad from the beginning.

At one time, the Acaraxia was the wealthiest of the Five Dukes.

It was an area where forestry and mining industries were developed, and taxes were collected enough not to overflow or lack.

There were 20 mines, skilled jewelry craftsmen and weapon craftsmen naturally flocked.

It is said that when the princess, who was the owner of the Tower at the time, took care of the village and streets safely, more supplies were gathered and commerce developed.

However, the situation completely changed when the princess died.

“It’s all because of our grandfather.”


“I am right. What Acaraxia of the Rainbow? What rainbow is in such a gloomy estate.”

“But you can’t say it like that.”

“Okay! I’m jealous that you’re good at saying nice things”.

Redith burst into anger as if frustrated.

“Aren’t you frustrated? My brother and I are alive and well, so why don’t we have any authority over the duchy?”

“We only have to wait one year more. I will be an adult next year.”

The eldest son, Mikhail, is 16 years old.

The second son, Redith, was 14.

It was five years ago that Count Solver’s wife, a distant relative, took the family seal ring, saying she could not leave the full authority of the duchy in a house where only minors were present.

They were young and could not even stamp the seal of the head of the household, so they had no choice but to watch the duchy becoming more and more difficult.

“I’m seventeen next year, so Aunt Solver will return the ring.”

“There’s no way she’ll give it to you. Don’t you remember how the Countess tried to change the subject last time?”

“You should call her Auntie”.

“Let’s say you’re going to find the ring and become the householder. What’s the point of inheriting a ruined house?”

“I know.”

Mikhail glared at him in a tired voice.

“I know… I’ll do anything.”


Redith was frustrated and tried to get angry again, but quit.

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“Hyung, you’re the most hopeless one.”’

If I become an adult and help you, will the house be better?

“I can’t wait to become an adult.”

“I know.”

Mikhail once again stroked his head as if he were sorry.

“Me too.”

The next morning. Hildegard was lightly desperate.

“Ha… I’m still alive.”

Even after one night, both her arms and legs are fine.

I couldn’t open my eyes as I fell asleep crying, it would have ended with a surprise revival show or a return happening at the moment of my ancestors.

“Ugh… Done. What’s the point of saying the same thing? I’d rather die than suffer.”

It was too much of a grievous lament for a twelve-year-old.

However, I hated wasting time floundering in depression.


It was also briefly that Leonhard’s face came to mind and disappeared.

Hildegard said as if he was tired of despair.

“It’s better than being dead and falling apart. Let’s call it that.”

She accepted reality.

“Why did I open my eyes in this body?”

Hildegaard recalled the magic staff she had seen in the tomb.

“That was definitely black magic.”

Black magic meant bad magic that hurt others with malice.

Curses and other ominous and evil magics were the majority, so they were never welcomed.

One of the representatives of black magic was controlling the body or using the soul of the dead at will.

Hildegard, the first Tower magician, stood at the dark magic and the Red Spot for the rest of his life.

However, even from the perspective of an experienced woman, the magicians seemed to be new to her.

“After I died, black magic developed further… I shouldn’t have done that?”

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The Empire and temples strictly prohibit black magic.

The trend could not have changed.

‘Anyway, they’ve been alive for a long time.’

The Black Star Church was a religious body, and it was a fanatic religion that deceived people with black magic by shouting salvation.

They approached a person whose child was dying or in desperate need, embraced him with black magic, and made him follow the church.

As a result, the Black Star Church, where the Black Wizard is active, was also a gem that made the wizard’s perception bad.

A group of fanatics that encourages the oppression of wizards.

But it wasn’t usually difficult to pull their roots out.

It was similar to cursing and hating people that did not go away.


The imperial family and the temple have already been fighting the Black Star Church for a long time.

In particular, the Knights Templar used to attack with bubbles just hearing the name of the Black Star Church.

And there was one more person who was running with bubbles,

That was Hildegard.

“Can you reincarnate me without going crazy?”

Hildegard was born from her mother, who was a wizard and descended from an elf.

She also said that she has never forgiven the Black Star Cult, as she was the owner of the first Magic Tower, which encouraged the oppression of wizards.

Hildegard Acaraxia.

A noble princess who devoted her whole life to the Black Star Church herself.

The owner of the Holy Sword died after preventing the resurrection of the demon god and succeeding in sealing.

If the church revives me, who is the iron supporter?

“It doesn’t make sense.”

Hildegard shook her head softly.

‘But if it’s not the church, who the hell? Why?’

Is it just a coincidence?

Hildegard sat in bed and was lost in thought.

However, after more than 10 minutes of thinking, there was no proper answer.

‘Let’s bury it for now.’

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She lifted the white flag.

Thinking for a long time didn’t suit her.

In addition, if it is true that this reincarnation is intertwined with the Black Star Church, the situation becomes complicated.

If it turns out that there is some kind of contact between the Dukes of Acaraxia and the Black Star Church…

“No, I can’t, I’m on the verge of collapse.”

If it turns out that there is some kind of contact between the Duchy of Acaraxia and the Black Star Church…

“It could be really ruined.”

Hildegard could easily imagine how the Paladins would attack and destroy the duke’s mansion.

“How hard it was for me to seal the demonic spirit. Now, I got entangled with those things and my family is ruined, now I will not be able to live even if it is unfair!”

Even though I was curious, it was useless to think about it right away.

“I can go to the tower and find out later…”

Oh, but the tower is ruined, right?

“Oooh! Really!”

There’s no answer. There’s no answer!

Hildegard cried as she tore off her hair.

“Why is it shaped like this?!”

The Sky Tower, which was supposed to be outside the window, collapsed, and she was no longer the master of the tower.

Although she did not lose her status as a princess, the family could not even move and collapsed, leaving her breathless.

“If you’re going to ruin it, ruin the world. Why is our house ruined and in chaos?”

It was then that she heard a voice calling her with amazing timing.

“Hilde! When you wake up, come down and eat!”


A sigh escaped from Hildegard’s mouth.

Far from being picked up by the butler, the second Confucius called me like a puppy running around the street.

“First of all, I’ll find out who messed this up.”

Until then, Hildegard had no idea.

That the person who reincarnated her and the person who destroyed the family are people who are entangled with her with a terrible bond.

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