Difficult to Find a Good Man (the second half with the perspective of the Crown Prince of Daxiu)

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The room was quiet except for the occasional sound of Murong Yan turning the pages of a book and Ming Qin’s light snoring as she slept with her head on her lap and hands placed neatly on her stomach.

It was the full moon celebration of the Marquis Changping’s eldest son… who should now be addressed as the Marquis Changping.

The 11th prince had come to congratulate the marquis’ son on behalf of the royal family, skipping his classes at Gouzi Jian. As a result, Ming Qin had the day off too.

I had no idea that Marquis Changping already had children, Murong Yan thought to herself.

Had it not been for her mother’s passing and her leg injury, Murong Yan could have been married to Marquis Changping and have had a child with him by now.

Despite acknowledging the passage of time and the world’s transience, Murong Yan’s inner state remained serene.

She felt no emotional attachment towards the shy young man she had met at the poetry competition many years ago.

Their engagement was dissolved shortly after their second meeting, when Murong Yan had her leg amputated. Thus, she had no chance to develop any significant feelings for him.

While it’s a typical human response, it can also be quite unsettling.

Finding a good partner is the most challenging thing in the world, and Murong Yan didn’t blame anyone for her situation.

When the assassin’s blade struck during the royal hunt, it not only severed her leg but also ended her five-year engagement.

Despite the abrupt end, the situation was clean and unambiguous, leaving nothing to hold onto.

It was probably for the best not to be with someone who could be so heartless.

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As Murong Yan looked down at the woman who was resting her head on her lap, she focused her gaze.

Throughout her life, she had encountered countless people, ranging in the thousands if not tens of thousands. As a princess, there were those who fawned over her and flattered her, while others were humble and subservient.

Yet, Ming Qin was the only one who had treated her with such unreserved kindness.

The person in her embrace suddenly let out a soft moan and turned over, one of her hands hanging off the edge of the bed.

The slightly loosened collar revealed a patch of snow-white skin on her chest, and Murong Yan’s gaze lingered on it for a while before she reached over to adjust her clothing.

Feeling the movement, Ming Qin opened her eyes.

“Did I wake up Ah Qin?” Murong Yan asked with a frown, sounding apologetic.

“No,” replied Ming Qin, yawning as she sat up. “I had a strange dream. It’s good to wake up from it.”

“Oh? What was the dream about?” Murong Yan asked curiously.

“It was about when I was abandoned as a child,” Ming Qin replied, twisting her neck. “I felt the coldness of the lake water and the pain in my lungs.”

Murong Yan reached out and gently touched Ming Qin’s face. “Don’t dwell on it, Ah Qin. I won’t ask.”

Ming Qin had mentioned it briefly before, but Murong Yan hadn’t paid much attention at the time. However, hearing it again today made her feel a bit sad.

“It’s okay. I was young then and don’t remember much about it,” Ming Qin comforted Murong Yan with a pat on her hand. “After my master found me, he sent me to Night Mist Courtyard to train with other young shadow guards. I’ve been there ever since, and the shadow guard camp feels like home to me. I’m happy there.”

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Murong Yan knew how brutal the shadow guard’s work was and had heard about their training, so she couldn’t quite agree with Ming Qin’s view of the camp as home.

“It was during a training session when I discovered I hated the lake water and couldn’t learn to swim no matter how hard I tried. That’s when my master told me how he found me,” Ming Qin continued, but then hesitated and thought of Prince Murong Wan who had recently appeared.

“However, sometimes I wonder what it would feel like to have real parents,” Ming Qin said to Murong Yan, recounting what had happened at Gouzi Jian. “When the eleventh prince’s mother was scolded and cried, I didn’t know how to comfort him.”

Ming Qin then expressed her confusion to Murong Yan, “Many of us in the shadow guard camp don’t have parents, so I don’t know who to ask. If someone scolded your parents, would you cry too?”

Murong Yan observed Ming Qin’s perplexed expression and found herself struggling to respond.

After some contemplation, she spoke candidly, “My father was a general who never lost a battle, but he was a weak father and husband, so if someone scolded him, I would probably feel relieved,” Murong Yan revealed before letting out a bitter laugh.

Murong Yan reflected on her mother’s kindness, “My mother was an incredibly good person. I can still recall her soothing voice lulling me to sleep and playing a beautiful tune on her instrument, even when she was feeling sleepy. Despite being born in the warm south, she willingly relocated to the north for the sake of her children.”

Her voice trailed off, and she whispered, “So, I think I would feel a strong urge to take revenge if someone insulted her.”

Ming Qin nodded, still a bit stunned. “I now understand what kind of person your mother was.”

“In that case, I’ll make sure to teach those who insulted the eleventh prince’s mother a lesson,” she declared with determination.

With a bitter expression, Murong Yan gazed at Ming Qin and spoke, “It’s perhaps better if you don’t comprehend.”

Life is already full of bitterness, and comprehending more would only increase the sorrow, in addition…

“Ah Qin, tell me more about what’s going on in the capital,” Murong Yan redirected the conversation.

Ming Qin didn’t suspect anything and continued to chatter about everything happening in the capital, ranging from minor things like a lost dog to major events such as the recent cases investigated by the Grand Court.

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Watching Ming Qin’s serious face, Murong Yan pondered to herself.

You don’t need to carry too much in your heart.

Neither parents, nor the prince, nor even the emperor are necessary.

As long as you hold me in your heart, it’s enough.

In the Crown Prince’s Eastern Palace, Murong Xiao showed an unusual tenderness.

(The Crown Prince had plans related to the green website that couldn’t be mentioned, and despite rewriting it at least six times, he kept blocking it.)

(Despite not having done anything yet, the woman before him was on the verge of tears. (I myself was also close to tears from repeatedly editing.))

Murong Xiao’s gaze was fierce as he looked at the woman whose face bore a striking resemblance to the beauty in his dreams. “She never shows a hint of cowardice.”

The frightened woman sealed her lips tightly, trying to contain her inner terror.

She was aware that those in the Crown Prince’s inner circle would never reveal such emotions.

The more she resembled them, the greater her chances of survival.

As Murong Xiao watched the woman adjust her expression, he nodded in satisfaction.

“Sister, sister.”

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(As the Crown Prince is already an adult at the age of 25, he did something related to the green website that was forbidden.)

His eyes were full of hostility, and he tried to control himself by taking deep breaths.

(The Crown Prince’s lack of self-control was evident, as he had used too much force and almost choked the lady. (You can even learn English by reading my article! Please don’t block me anymore.))

He had to endure until he obtained his sister.

Murong Xiao’s inner agitation was like being scorched by fire, making him extremely uneasy.

I really want to rush over now and see what expression my gentle sister will show in front of me.

Will it be as cold and ruthless as usual?

Or will it be as gentle and charming as a woman from the south of the Yangtze River?

Or will it be as beautiful and blooming as when we first met?

The more he thought about it, the more excited Murong Xiao became, and he couldn’t help but laugh.

“Sister is mine.”

She can only belong to him.

TL. the crown prince is disgusting…

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